Texas Tech University

Donald Kluemper

Donald Kluemper

John B. Walker Endowed Professor of Business; Area Coordinator


Room Number: E333


Research Expertise

  • Personality in Organizations
  • Workplace Mistreatment
  • Leadership


  • PhD, Organizational Behavior, Oklahoma State University
  • MS, Criminology, Indiana State University
  • BS, Management, Indiana State University


Don Kluemper is professor and area coordinator for the Area of Management at the Rawls College of Business at Texas Tech University. Don has previously been a faculty member at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where he was the director of the Institute for Leadership Excellence and Development (iLEAD); Northern Illinois University; and Louisiana State University. He received his PhD in management from Oklahoma State University in 2006 after a career as the director of human resources of a 250+ employee non-profit organization.

Don's research interests center around personality in organizations, workplace mistreatment, leadership and research methods. Don has been published in outlets such as the Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Leadership Quarterly, among others. In addition, some of Don's research has been featured in media outlets such as the Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine and National Public Radio. Regarding teaching, Don has taught courses at the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral levels and has won various teaching awards.