Texas Tech University

Muhammad Algarhy

Muhammad Algarhy

Assistant Professor of Practice


Room Number: E358-B


Research Expertise

  • Emancipatory Entrepreneurship
  • Necessity Entrepreneurship
  • Social Entrepreneurship


  • PhD, Business Administration, Texas Tech University.
  • MBA, ESLSCA Group.
  • BSc, Civil Engineering, Fayoum University.


Muhammad is an assistant professor of practice within the Area of Management at the Rawls College of Business Administration, Texas Tech University. With over 25 years of combined professional and academic experience spanning four countries and three continents, his journey has been both diverse and impactful.

In academia, Muhammad holds a bachelor's degree in civil engineering and a PhD in business administration from Texas Tech University. His research concentrates on entrepreneurship within resource-constrained environments, seeking to uncover strategies that empower the less fortunate individuals and communities facing various forms of challenges. Muhammad's research encompasses various avenues, including emancipatory entrepreneurship, necessity entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship, all of which align with his keen scholarly interests.

In the entrepreneurial realm, Muhammad co-founded two successful start-ups, won a national business plan competition and secured a significant government grant of $200,000. These achievements showcase his exceptional ability to not only conceive innovative business ideas but also bring them to fruition. Muhammad's dedication extends to mentoring TTU students embarking on entrepreneurial adventures. His rich background equips him to offer practical advice and guidance, a valuable resource for those navigating similar paths.