Texas Tech University

Kate Peaslee

Lecturer, Global Art and Visual Culture
M.A. in Art History, University of Colorado at Boulder

B. A. in Art History, University of Iowa

Email: kate.peaslee@ttu.edu

Kate Peaslee

Kate Peaslee received her M.A. in Art History in 2005 from the University of Colorado at Boulder, specializing in critical, historical analyses of public art and memorials.  Before coming to Lubbock and Texas Tech University in 2008, she lived in Iowa, Washington, and Colorado and has extensive experience teaching at various colleges and working in museum education at public institutions including the Seattle Art Museum and the Denver Art Museum.

In addition to teaching, her professional development centers around pedagogy, diversity, and equity in Higher Education.  Since 2019, she has been the recipient of the Lawrence Schovanec Teaching Development Scholarship, a graduate of the Institute of Inclusive Excellence (IIE) at TTU, and a selected mentee in the Teaching without Borders program through the Center for Global Communications.