Graduate Student Research Symposium
Theme: Human Rights and Freedom of Expression
Monday, Feb. 27, 2023 | 16:00 GMT/UTC | 11:00 AM, Washington DC| 10:00 AM, Lubbock, Texas| 18:00 PM, Ukraine.
During the Symposium, the Dean of the College of Media and Communication, Dr. David D. Perlmutter will present the College's Excellence in International Journalism and Human Rights Award to:
Masih Alinejad, investigative journalist, Voice of America Persian Service
[Read Full Bio for Masih Alinejad]
Katerina Sergatskova & Zaborona Media, Ukraine
[Read Full Bio for Katerina Sergatskova]
This virtual Zoom event is free and open to everyone.
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Event Schedule
(Listed times are Central Standard Time).
1. 10:00 AM: Welcome and General Introduction (Lyombe Eko, Professor, Journalism and Creative Media Industries, TTU RaiderReady Teaching Fellow).
2. 10:15 AM: Introduction of Special Guest and Award Winner, Masih Alinejad, Investigative journalist, Voice of America Persian Service (Prof. Rob Peaslee, Chair, Department of Journalism and Creative Media Industries).
Video of Masih Alinejad
Alinejad talk
3. 10:45 AM: Introduction of Katerina Sergatskova & Zaborona Media, Ukraine (Prof. Kent Wilkinson, Director, Harris Institute for Hispanic and International Communication)
Video of Katerina Sergatskova
Sergtatskova talk
11:15 PM: Remarks and Presentation of “Excellence in International Journalism and Human Rights Award” to:
Masih Alinejad, VOA
Katerina Sergatskova & Zabarona Media, Ukraine
(Dean David Perlmutter, College of Media and Communication).
11:20 PM: Question and Answer session with Masih Alinejad and Katerina Sergatskova.
12:00 PM: Lunch Break
1:00 PM: Graduate Student Presentations (Introduction: Lyombe Eko)
Graduate Student Sessions
Session 1: International Female Journalists & Human Rights
(Respondent: Oluwabusayo Okunloye, Nigeria & TTU).
Mekala Conway
The Exceptional First Amendment and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Fabiola Carrión
Social Media as Alternative Source of Counter Information on Police Brutality in Latin America: The Case of Chile, Peru, and Colombia
Saleha Soadat
Taliban Regime Erasure of Female Journalists in Afghanistan.
Carolina Perez
Resisting Authoritarian Internet Censorship in Cuba: The Case of Yaoni Sanchez
Session 2: Journalism and Human Rights: Case Studies
(Respondent Marina Petric, Brazil & TTU)
Hamid Amini
Woman, Life, Freedom: The Struggle for Human Rights in Iran
Md Ashraful
Hate speech as a tool of oppression against homosexuals: A study on Bangladeshi Islamic Preacher's YouTube Videos
Mahedi Hasan
Associated Press Erasure of Ugandan Climate Activist, Venessa Nakate: A Textual and Visual Analysis
2:15 PM: Responses: Oluwabusayo Okunloye & Marina Petric
Q & A Session with presenters
2:45 PM: Concluding Remarks: Prof. Coy Callison, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies.
-End of Symposium-
Co-sponsored by: The Thomas Jay Harris Institute for Hispanic and International Communication (HIHIC) and Department of Journalism & Creative Media Industries (JCMI)
Sponsors: Office of the Dean, College of Media and Communication
Harris Institute for Hispanic and International Communication (HIHC)
Department of Journalism and Creative Media Industries (JCMI)
Office of the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies
Communication and Logistics:
Lyombe Eko, Department of Journalism & Creative Media Industries
Lucinda Holt, Assistant Director - Harris Institute for Hispanic and International
Communication (HIHIC)
Ashlyn Brosh, Dean's Office, College of Media and Communication.
College of Media & Communication
Texas Tech University, Box 43082, Lubbock, TX 79409 -