Texas Tech University

Dusty L. Palmer, Ed.D.

Assistant Professor
Educational Psychology, Leadership, & Counseling

Email: dusty.palmer@ttu.edu

Office: Education 304


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Dr. Dusty L. Palmer is an Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership at Texas Tech University. He has a demonstrated history of working over 20 years in public education. His research agenda includes university-district partnerships, the effectiveness of job-embedded principal preparation residency programs, content analysis of school policies, and mental health preparation for school leaders.  His research is a unified effort of research, teaching, and service.  His vision is to conduct research that strongly aligns with Texas Tech University’s (TTU) Strategic Priority 2 – Enable innovative research and creative activities, the College of Education’s (COE) strategic goals, and the TTU COE mission statement. He is committed to deeply engaging with local, regional, state, national, and international partners in creating and implementing innovative practices that will impact education in a positive way. 

Dr. Palmer has coached aspiring principals that are assigned to elementary, middle, and high schools. This K12 engagement provides the reciprocity to bring current and real-world problems of practice into his teaching in both master's and Doctoral courses. He has developed and sustained strong, supportive community engaged partnerships that have positively impacted not only the Principal Fellows as TTU graduates but supported their assigned campus as well. He continues to seek personal and professional growth opportunities to enhance his teaching at the university level. He has maintained his teacher and principal certification and the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) certification, the Texas Principal Evaluation and Support System (T- PESS) certification, Advancing Educational Leadership (AEL)certification, and the T-TESS Field Certification for University Faculty to supervise and certify aspiring principal interns in Texas. He has presented at local, state, national, and international conferences while being the lead author on multiple manuscripts.  As Assistant Professor, he has assisted school districts in writing TEA principal grants, approximately $2 million (funded). Specifically, He has been a PI for the sub-award on the TEA grants for Grand Prairie ISD and funded $135,000.  
Area of Expertise

Dr. Dusty Palmer, Ed.D.


  • Ed.D. (2014) Educational Leadership, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
  • M.Ed. (2007) Educational Leadership, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
  • B.M. (2001) Music, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
    • Goin’ Band from Raiderland 97’ – 01’

Areas of Expertise

  • Instructional Coaching
  • Instructional Leadership
  • Advancing Educational Leadership (AEL) Trainer

Selected Publications

Palmer, D., Valle, F., Almager, I., de Leon, V., & Gabro, C. (2021). Mentoring job-embedded principal residents. International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Science, 2(4), 14-20. 

Palmer, D. (2021). Signature pedagogy: Using equity audits to identify complex problems of practice. International Journal of Social Policy and Education, 11(1).                                                                                              

Palmer, D., Noble, N., & Witanapatirana, K (2021). STOP the threat: A school’s mission for mental health promotion.  Educator’s Perspective., 1(1). 15-22                                                                                              

Palmer, D., Almager, I., Valle, F., Gabro, M.C., de Leon, V. (2020). I’m ready to lead: An assistant principal’s perspective through an authentic application of a 15th month job-embedded principal preparation residency. International Journal of Social Policy and Education, 2(8). p. 1-15

Palmer, D., & Witanapatirana, K. (2020). Exposing bias through a deficit thinking lens using content analysis of macro-level policies. Research in Educational Policy and Management, 2(1), p. 23-39.                 

Palmer, D., Almager, I., Valle, F., Gabro, M.C., de Leon, V. (2019). Using equity audits to create a support system for marginalized students. School Leadership Review, 14(2). Article 9

Palmer, D., Almager, I., & Valle, F. (2019). Designing our principal pipeline from a job-embedded residency. School Leadership Review, 14(2). Article 8.