Dissertation Announcements
To request a dissertation announcement, please fill the out Dissertation Announcement Request Form.
To request an invitation to attend a dissertation presentation via teleconference, please contact the presenter and/or their committee chairperson.
Upcoming Presentations
Kassidy E. Wagner
Dissertation Defense Presentation to Doctoral Committee
Title: Resonating with Teachers' Realities: An Exploration of Emotional Support in Secondary Mathematics Coaching Relationships
Date: February 14th
Time and Location: 8:00 a.m. via Zoom
Committee: Dr. Shirley Matteson (chair); Dr. Weverton Ataide Pinheiro; Dr. Holly Ferguson; Dr. Lacy Brice
Jesus Esquibel
Dissertation Proposal Presentation to Doctoral Committee
Title: Computational Thinking Unplugged: An Exploratory Case Study
Date: February 14th
Time and Location: 1:00 p.m. via Zoom
Committee: Dr. Rebecca Hite (chair); Dr. Gina Childers; Dr. Vance Kite
Melissa Hedges
Dissertation Defense Presentation to Doctoral Committee
Title: Social and Cultural Capital Factors Contributing to Emirati Womens Perceived Self-Efficacy to Lead in Higher Education
Date: February 20th
Time and Location: 10:00 a.m. via Zoom
Committee: Dr. Alexander Wiseman (chair); Dr. Jessica Gottlieb; Dr. Hugo Garcia
Michael Scott Tatum
Dissertation Defense Presentation to Doctoral Committee
Title: Selecting Students for College and Career Persistence at Member High Schools in the Arts Schools Network: A Comparative Case Study
Date: February 27th
Time and Location: 2:00 p.m. via Zoom
Committee: Alexander W. Wiseman, Ph.D. (chair); Jessica Gottlieb, Ph.D.; Rosa Chávez, Ph.D.
Tressia V. Thompson
Dissertation Defense Presentation to Doctoral Committee
Title: Emergent Literacy Development in the Absence of Parent Involvement: How Teachers Recognize the Literacies of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Students
Date: March 3rd
Time and Location: 1:00 p.m. via Zoom
Committee: Dr. Faith Maina (chair); Dr. Rene Saldana; Dr. Aretha Marbley
Matiana Wiley
Dissertation Defense Presentation to Doctoral Committee
Title: A Design Development Study of Integrating an Instructional Coaching Literacy Program to Promote Reading Achievement Among Low-Socioeconomic and English Language Learners in an Urban High School
Date: March 7th
Time and Location: 9:00 a.m. via Zoom
Committee: Dr. Joseph Claudet (chair); Dr. Irma Almager; Dr. Vanessa Deleon
Josh Howard
Dissertation Defense Presentation to Doctoral Committee
Title: The Effects of Middle School Mathematics Acceleration Methods on Algebra I Student Achievement: A New Framework for Middle School Mathematics Acceleration Policies in Texas
Date: March 7th
Time and Location: 10:00am via Zoom
Committee: Dr. Alexander Wiseman (Chair); Dr. Jessica Gottlieb; Dr. Jaehoon Lee
Angela Spoto
Dissertation Defense Presentation to Doctoral Committee
Title: Perceptions of Adult Student Learners in Media Arts Online Learning Environments
Date: March 28th
Time and Location: 10 a.m. via Zoom
Committee: Dr. Valerie Paton (chair); Dr. Grant Jackson; Dr. Adam Watkins
College of Education
Texas Tech University, College of Education, 3002 18th Street Lubbock, TX 79409 -
(806) 742-2377 -