Internet Resources
Compiled by our law librarians, this page contains hundreds of special-interest resources found on the Internet. Resources are grouped by subject, then by category. Expand a category by clicking on the plus ( + ) sign to the left of the category name.
If you would like to suggest an Internet Resource or add to this list, please send suggestions to
ABA Administrative Procedure Database Archive Subcategory: (ABA Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice & Florida State University College of Law). Includes a bibliography of papers funded and sponsored by the Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS). In addition, recommendations made by the ACUS are available. |
ABA Section of Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice Subcategory: Homepage of the ABA section dedicated to administrative law. This site contains the full-text of the publication, Administrative and Regulatory Law News. |
Administrative Code & Registers Subcategory: (National Association of Secretaries of State) Access administrative codes, registers, and related documents for federal, state & U.S. territorial governments. |
Agency Index Subcategory: (WashLaw - Washburn University School of Law) Table with links to cabinet-level department and individual agency homepages, publications, forms, charts, and decisions. No longer updated as of June 1, 2019. |
CIS Congressional Universe Subcategory: Full-text of the Federal Register, 1980 to present. This link works only from computers in the law school. |
Code of Federal Regulations Subcategory: Full-text of the most recent general and permanent rules published by executive departments and agencies. Past versions are available beginning with 1996. |
Federal Administrative Decisions and Other Actions Subcategory: (University of Virginia) Provides links to administrative actions outside the scope of the Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations. |
Federal Administrative Law: A Brief Overview Subcategory: This website contains links and information about Federal Administrative Law and is part of LLSDC's Legislative Source Book, By Richard J. McKinney of the Federal Reserve Board Law Library |
Federal Agency Administrative Decisions - By Subject Matter Subcategory: (University of Virginia) Web site of administrative actions and decisions organized topically. |
Federal Agency Forms - USAGov Subcategory: Provides a searchable catalog containing federal agency forms. |
Federal Register Subcategory: (FDsys) Contains the full-text of the current version of the Federal Register and previous versions starting with 1994. |
List of CFR Sections Affected: 1997-Present Subcategory: (FDsys) Features access to regulations by date. |
List of CFR Sections Affected: 1986-2000 Subcategory: (GPO Access) Features access to regulations via volumes: Volume I (Titles 1-16); Volume II (Titles 17-27); Volume III (Titles 28-41); and Volume IV (Titles 42-50). |
National Archives' Access to Archival Databases Subcategory: (National Archives and Records Administration) Contains documents, reports, and other information on topics ranging from Japanese-American internees during World War II to special prosecutors and independent counsels. |
National Association of Attorneys General - NAAG Subcategory: Homepage of NAAG, which contains a directory of all attorneys general in the 50 states and U.S. territories. |
National Association of Secretaries of State Subcategory: Homepage of NASS which includes links to individual secretary of state offices as well as information on elections, business services, and electronic government. |
Office of Administrative Law Judges Subcategory: (U.S. Department of Labor) Allows a user to search the docket of the OALJ. Collections of information on whistleblowing, Black Lung, ERISA, and immigration are also available. | Subcategory: Features announcements of proposed rule changes, full-text of the changes, and a link to the information on making comments. (Note: Not all agencies allow emailed comments.) |
Texas Tech Administrative Law Journal Subcategory: Former homepage of the now defunct Texas Tech Administrative Law Journal, a student publication that was produced in conjunction with the State Bar of Texas until it was dissolved . |
The National Association of Administrative Law Judiciary - NAALJ Subcategory: Homepage of the NAALJ which contains information on central and non-central panel states. The NAALJ also publishes a newsletter, NAALJ News, that is available electronically. |
The White House Subcategory: Includes Presidential radio addresses, information on important political issues, news, executive orders, press briefings, and proclamations. |
Title 5 U.S.C., Chapter 5 - Administrative Procedure Subcategory: (Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School) Full-text, searchable version Administrative Procedure, Chapter 5 of Title 5 U.S.C. |
U.S. Department of Justice - DOJ Subcategory: Contains the history and organizational structure of the DOJ, as well as information regarding task forces, terrorism, trafficking in persons, community safety, victim assistance, and fraud. |
USAGov Subcategory: Provides answers to questions regarding federal programs, benefits, and services. This site also contains a directory of federal telephone numbers. |
Federal Court Locator Subcategory: (Villanova University School of Law) Provides links to the federal courts, including district courts organized by state. |
Supreme Court of the United States Subcategory: Contains the latest slip opinions, court opinions, docket, case handling guides, court rules, and information regarding bar admissions. |
U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals Subcategory: Contains published and unpublished opinions from 1992, court costs and fees, docket information, pattern jury instructions, and biographies of the judges. |
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces Subcategory: Includes information regarding the history of the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces and appellate review of courts-martial. Audio files for select hearings and full-text opinions beginning in 1997 are also available. |
U.S. Courts Subcategory: Information about and links to federal courts. |
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas Subcategory: The homepage of the District Court for the Eastern District of Texas includes e-filing information, forms, biographical information of the judges, a report of technology available in the courtrooms, and local rules. |
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas Subcategory: This site provides the local rules adopted by the Northern District, filing information, directories of courts and legal resources, forms, court publications, and opinions organized by judge. |
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas Subcategory: Homepage of the District and Bankruptcy Courts in the Southern District. This website contains procedures and rules adopted by individual judges and magistrates, select orders and opinions, information on alternative dispute resolution and attorney admissions, and notable cases. |
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas Subcategory: Provides the rules used by the courts, forms, a pro se manual, jury information, and notable cases. |
U.S. Supreme Court Collection Subcategory: (Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School) Collection of Supreme Court decisions, including an archive of decisions by topic, author, and party. A preview of cases argued during the current term is also provided. |
Understanding the Federal Courts Subcategory: (Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts) Provides an introduction to the federal judicial system, its organization and administration, and its relationship to the legislative and executive branches of the government. |
Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress Subcategory: Search for representatives and senators by last name, first name, position, state, party, year, and Congress. |
CIS Congressional Universe Subcategory: Indexing and full-text of Congressional publications, 1970 to present, plus the full-text of the Federal Register, 1980 to present. This link works only from computers in the law school. |
CONGRESS.GOV Subcategory: This site from the Library of Congress has the full-text of legislation and the Congressional Record. |
Congressional Budget Office - CBO Subcategory: Includes cost estimates for potential legislation, studies conducted by the CBO, briefs, and other publications. A new document notification feature is also available. |
Congressional Research Service Reports Subcategory: (University of Michigan Library, Government Documents Department) Provides links to selected reports from the nonpartisan, analytical, research and reference arm for Congress. This page contains links organized by subject. |
C-SPAN Congressional Chronicle Subcategory: An index to the C-SPAN video recordings of the House and Senate floor proceedings. |
Federal Digital System Subcategory: (FDsys) Information on GPO Access is being migrated to FDsys. Congressional Record, Congressional Reported, and Federal Register are just some of the information currently available on FDsys. |
GPO Access - Congressional Committee Materials Subcategory: (Government Printing Office) Provides access to hearings and prints of Senate and House standing committees. |
How Our Laws Are Made Subcategory: (CONGRESS.GOV, formerly THOMAS) Provides a detailed explanation of the lawmaking process. |
Law Librarians' Society of Washington, D.C. Subcategory: Designed for educational, informational and scientific purposes, to develop and increase the effectiveness of law librarians |
Law Library of Congress Subcategory: Homepage of the Law Library of Congress, which provides research and legal information to Congress, the federal courts, and executive agencies. This site contains many links to information regarding international events and foreign countries. |
Office of Law Revision Counsel Subcategory: Provides information about the office which publishes the U.S. Code, as well as downloadable copies of the current Code, prior versions, and classification tables. |
Office of the Legislative Counsel - U.S. House of Representatives Subcategory: Homepage of the legislative drafting service for the U.S. House of Representatives. This site contains information on drafting federal statutes and links to state and foreign drafting organizations. |
U.S. Government Accountability Office - GAO Subcategory: Homepage of the office that studies the programs and expenditures of the federal government. Full-text of GAO reports are available and can be accessed by date, topic, and agency. |
U.S. House of Representatives Subcategory: Contains links to roll call votes, the full-text of bills and the U.S. Code, and an online form to write your representative. |
U.S. Senate Subcategory: Includes links to senators' webpages, information on committees, records and full-text of active legislation, and a virtual reference desk. |
Camara de Diputados Subcategory: Homepage of the Mexican Congress. |
Canadian Legal Information Institute Subcategory: Site is managed by a non-profit organization in order to allow free access to Canadian law on the Internet. Federal law as well as the laws of the provinces and territories are included. |
Constitutions of the World Online Subcategory: Access to constitutional documents from around the world. Coverage includes constitutions written between the years 1776 to 1849. |
Department of State Background Notes Subcategory: ARCHIVED WEBSITE. Contains information up to the year 2009. Site has background notes on foreign countries compiled by the U.S. Department of State. The background notes include information on each country's government, history, economy, foreign relations, and many other facts. |
Electronic Guide to Mexican Law Subcategory: (Compiled by Francisco Avalos and Elisa Donnadieu, University of Arizona College of Law Library) Contains an overview of the Mexican Legal System with links to relevant internet sites. |
Europa Subcategory: The gateway to the European Union, which includes information on topics such as external relations, customers, human rights, food safety, foreign and security policy, development, and others. |
Eye on the U.N. Subcategory: Homepage of an organization dedicated to making sure the U.N. identifies and protects against human right violations. This site contains human rights news and a list of U.N. shortfalls by category. |
Foreign & International Law on the Internet Subcategory: (Cornell University Law Library) Comprehensive list of internet resources divided by location, topic, and organization. |
Foreign, Comparative, and International Law Resources Subcategory: (University of Iowa College of Law) Provides links to general international, international organizations, treaties, international human rights, and law journal sites. |
Governments on the WWW Subcategory: Comprehensive database of governmental institutions online. |
Guide to Electronic Resources for Mexican Law Subcategory: Compilation of electronic sources on Mexican law organized by country of publication and organization. |
Institute of Global Law - French and German Law Subcategory: (University College London & University of Texas at Austin) Contains a collection of translated materials, primarily French and German cases, statutes, and news. |
Instituto de Investigaciones Juridicas Subcategory: Contains information regarding the Mexican constitution and federal legislation. A website translator will be necessary for non-Spanish speakers. |
InterAm Database Subcategory: (National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade) A collection of laws, regulations, case law, and other materials for countries in the Americas. A fee is required to access some materials. |
International Constitutional Law Subcategory: Provides English translations of international constitutional documents. |
International Justice Resource Center Subcategory: The International Justice Resource Center is making available online resource to assist activists, victims, attorneys, and law students researching or practicing international human rights law. |
International Law Commission Subcategory: Contains a research guide to help locate documents and history produced by the Commission. Documents are also accessible by session and are available in a variety of languages. |
International Money Laundering Information Network Subcategory: Contains model laws and treaties from the United Nations and other sources. |
International Relations & Security Network Subcategory: Created by the Center for Security Studies & Conflict Research, ETH, Zurich. |
NAFTA Full-Text Subcategory: (SICE - Foreign Trade Information System) Contains the full-text of the North American Free Trade Agreement. |
NAFTA Research Guide Subcategory: NAFTA research guide by Duke Law Library. |
NAFTA Secretariat Subcategory: Includes Secretariat decisions and rules of procedure. |
Treaties in Force Subcategory: (U.S. State Department) A list of treaties and other international agreements of the United States as of January 1, 2000. |
Treaty Actions Subcategory: (U.S. State Department) Treaty actions from 1997 to 2008. |
Treaty Documents Subcategory: Includes U.S. Senate treaty documents from the 81st Congress to present. |
United Nations - International Law Subcategory: Provides information and research guides on topics including human rights, peace and security, economic and social development, humanitarian affairs, and international law. |
United Nations Documentation - A Research Guide Subcategory: An excellent guide to UN publications and agencies. |
WhiteCase Jessup Subcategory: (Sponsored by the White & Case Law firm) a partner in the Jessup competitions. Focuses on competitions in Australia, Georgia, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. |
World Legal Information Institute Subcategory: Provides free access to laws worldwide including databases on the laws of foreign countries, international decisions, law journals, treaties, and much more. |
Council of State Governments - CSG Subcategory: Homepage of the organization that provides information on trends to officials in all state government branches. This site includes policy materials on aging, education, health, immigration, and more. |
National Association of Attorneys General - NAAG Subcategory: Homepage of NAAG, which contains a directory of all attorneys general in the 50 states and U.S. territories. |
National Association of Counties Subcategory: This website contains the resources that the National Association of Counties collects, researches, and publishes on a variety of topics for, on and about counties. |
National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws - NCCUSL Subcategory: Contains full-text versions of the uniform acts written by NCCUSL's Uniform Law Commissioners and legislative tracking for all states. |
National Conference of State Legislatures - NCSL Subcategory: Bipartisan organization which serves state legislatures by providing research and technical assistance. This site is full of information on issues facing states. |
State Constitutions Project Subcategory: Searchable access to the texts of state constitutions of the United States and amendments with coverage through the year 2000. Provided by the University of Maryland and the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). |
Uniform Laws & Model Acts Subcategory: (ALSO!) Provides an extensive list of uniform laws and model acts drafted by NCCUSL with links to state-enacted versions. |
Uniform Laws Subcategory: (Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School) Includes the full-text of the UCC, links to the adopted versions of the UCC, the Uniform Probate Code, the Uniform Code of Evidence, as well as uniform laws concerning marriage, family, health, business, and finance. |
State Bar of Texas CLE Online Library Subcategory: Law Students and faculty have access to the Texas Bar CLE library by creating a login and certifying their status on the registration page. |
Office of the Governor Subcategory: Contains a biography of the governor and his priorities, as well as news and links to the governor's administrative divisions. |
Texas Administrative Code Subcategory: Contains the full-text of the Texas Administrative Code, a compilation of all state agency rules in Texas. |
Texas Attorney General Opinions Subcategory: Provides full-text of Attorney General Opinions. Opinions may be accessed through a search or through an index categorized by attorney general or by subject. |
Texas Attorney General Subcategory: Homepage of the Texas Attorney General that includes information on child support, crime victim services, cyber crimes, open government, and the Texas-Mexico border. |
Texas Department of Criminal Justice - TDCJ Subcategory: The TDCJ homepage contains an online offender search function as well as information on victim services and individual TDCJ units. |
Texas Department of Insurance - TDI Subcategory: Homepage of the department that regulates Texas's insurance industry. This website contains insurance-related news, research on insurance agents and companies for a variety of coverages, and directions on how to file a complaint. |
Texas Department of Public Safety - DPS Subcategory: Allows a user to search for criminal history (for a fee) and for sex offenders (no charge). In addition, information on victim services, driving, ID theft, and the Amber Alert Network is available. |
Texas Department of State Health Services - DSHS Subcategory: DSHS provides health, medical care, mental health, and substance abuse services. Users can browse services by topic or search all services that DSHS provides. In addition, vital statistic records may be ordered directly through this website. |
Texas Ethics Commission - TEC Subcategory: TEC is responsible for administering and enforcing laws related to campaign finance, lobbying, and financial disclosures made by state officers and employees. This website provides the full-text of campaign finance and lobby reports as well as advisory opinions. |
Texas General Land Office - GLO Subcategory: Homepage of the agency charged with managing state lands and mineral-right properties. |
Texas Health & Human Services Commission - HHSC Subcategory: HHSC oversees the operations of the health and human services system. Because HHSC directly administers the Texas Medicaid Program, Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), some family services programs, Texas Works, and Disaster Assistance, detailed information on these programs is available. |
Texas Online Subcategory: Provides online services, such as driver licenses renewals, vehicle registration, and eFile of court documents, as well as helpful links to other governmental units. |
Texas Records and Information Locator - TRAIL Subcategory: TRAIL searches and locates information collected in an archive of more than 180 Texas state agency web servers. |
Texas Register Subcategory: The Texas Register contains changes and additions to rules made by Texas administrative agencies. The full-text of the current issue is available with a link to the archived issues. |
Texas Secretary of State Subcategory: Provides information on elections and voting; state rules and open meetings; business and public filings; and Texas border and Mexican affairs. A collection of business forms can be accessed under SOSDirect. |
Municipal Code Corporation Subcategory: Provides many municipal codes adopted by cities throughout the United States with a user-friendly table of contents. |
Municipal Codes Online Subcategory: (Public Library) Provides a limited number of U.S. city and county codes organized by state. |
National Association of Counties Subcategory: This website contains the resources that the National Association of Counties collects, researches, and publishes on a variety of topics for, on and about counties. |
Judicial Advisory Council - JAC Subcategory: JAC advises the Community Justice Assistance Division and the Texas Board of Criminal Justice on matters of interest to the judiciary. This website contains information regarding terms and current membership. |
Office of Court Administration - OCA Subcategory: Homepage of OCA, an organization that provides training, technical assistance, and research on court administration. |
Task Force on Indigent Defense - TFID Subcategory: Contains model policies, forms, and standards concerning indigent defense in Texas. In addition, TFID provides the local procedures implemented by counties to fulfill the requirements of the Texas Fair Defense Act. |
Texas Center for the Judiciary Subcategory: The Texas Center for the Judiciary provides specialized judicial education and training opportunities for Texas judges. This website contains links to ethics opinions, court rules, rules of judicial education, and copies of their official publication, In Chambers. |
Texas College of Probate Judges - TCPJ Subcategory: Homepage of the TCPJ with helpful links to probate law and Texas law. |
Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Subcategory: Includes rules and procedures, issues, oral argument instructions, as well as the option to search and track cases and opinions of the Court of Criminal Appeals. |
Texas Courts of Appeal Subcategory: Homepage of all 14 Courts of Appeals with links to the individual courts. The websites of the specific courts contain local rules, cases, and opinions. |
Texas Courts Online Subcategory: Contains a helpful diagram of Texas's judicial structure with links to the homepages of the individual courts, where specific cases and opinions can be viewed. |
Texas Judicial Branch Subcategory: The TJB homepage contains resources and standards designed to integrate technology into Texas courts. |
Texas Judicial Council Subcategory: The Texas Judicial Council studies methods to simplify judicial procedures, expedite court business, and better administer justice. Reports included on this website cover topics such as public access to court records, jury service, judicial workload, and state funding. |
Texas Reports (1846-1881) Subcategory: The portal to Texas History at University of North Texas Libraries has Texas Reports from 1846-1881. |
Texas State Commission on Judicial Conduct Subcategory: Homepage of the agency responsible for investigating and disciplining judicial misconduct and disability. This website includes an overview of the complaint process; complaint forms; and summaries of past and private public sanctions, resignations, and suspensions. |
Texas State Law Library Subcategory: Provides research guides and links to legislative information, as well as an online catalog. |
Legislative Archive System Subcategory: (Texas Legislative Reference Library) provides scanned copies of bills and analysis from the 54th Session (1955) through the 80th Session (2007) of the Texas Legislature. |
Revised Civil and Criminal Statutes of Texas (Historical) Subcategory: The Texas State Law Library has digital versions of the Texas Statutes from 1879 through 1925. |
Texas Constitution and Statutes Subcategory: Homepage for the Texas Constitution and Statutes online. Sponsored by the Texas Legislature Online. |
Texas Constitution Subcategory: Contains the full-text of the latest version of the Texas Constitution. The Constitution may be downloaded in its entirety or viewed by Article. |
Texas Constitutions Digitization Project Subcategory: A project of the Jamail Center for Legal Research at the University of Texas School of Law, this website contains historic versions of the Texas Constitution. |
Texas House of Representatives Subcategory: Contains news, schedules, profiles of representatives, and bill research. |
Texas House Research Organization - HRO Subcategory: The website of the independent administrative department of the Texas House of Representatives that publishes non-partisan information on legislation and issues considered by the Texas legislature. |
Texas Legislative Council - TLC Subcategory: Provides information about the legislative process and how a bill is drafted in Texas. |
Texas Legislative Reference Library Subcategory: Provides a guide to compiling legislative intent, bill/chapter number cross-references, and an index to code sections affected. |
Texas Legislature Subcategory: Prime source for Texas bills, bill analysis, and statutes. |
Texas Senate Subcategory: Includes information on senators and committees, as well as live and archived webcasts. |
Baylor University Law Library Subcategory: Homepage of the Baylor University Law Library. The online catalog may be searched for law library holdings only by limiting the collection. |
Justices of the Peace & Constables Association of Texas Subcategory: Homepage of the JPCA, an association that protects the joint relationship existing between Justices of the Peace and Constables. |
South Texas College of Law Library Subcategory: Homepage of the Fred Parks Law Library at South Texas College of Law, which contains a comprehensive list of law-related links. The online catalog is also available. |
Southern Methodist University Law Library Subcategory: SMU's Underwood Law Library Web site contains the online catalog for all SMU libraries, a list of internet resources, and numerous legal research guides. |
St. Mary's University School of Law Library Subcategory: Homepage of St. Mary's Sarita Kenedy East Law Library. The online catalog may be searched for volumes contained in the law library by limiting the collection to "Kennedy East Law Library." |
State Bar of Texas - Administrative and Public Law Section Subcategory: Contains links to Texas state agencies; the State Capitol telephone directory; the Texas Register; and Texas rules, procedures, and statutes. |
State Bar of Texas Subcategory: Contains information on filing a grievance against a lawyer, law practice management, the Texas Rules of Disciplinary Procedure, the Texas Rules of Professional Conduct, attorney profiles, the Texas Lawyers' Assistance Program, and the Lawyer Referral Information Service. Law students may access CLE materials free of charge by registering and following the "Subscribe Now!" link on the CLE webpage under "Your Own Library." |
Texas A&M University Law Library Subcategory: Homepage of the Dee J. Kelly Law Library with a link to the online catalog. |
Texas Association of Defense Counsel Subcategory: Homepage of the organization of Texas civil trial attorneys in private practice who devote a substantial amount of time to representation other than plaintiffs' personal injury cases. |
Texas Board of Law Examiners Subcategory: Contains information on the requirements of becoming an attorney in Texas as well as the full-text of past bar examinations. |
Texas Board of Legal Specialization Subcategory: Includes information on becoming certified in one of 20 areas and a directory of certified attorneys and legal assistants. |
Texas Center for Legal Ethics & Professionalism Subcategory: Includes citations for print materials and links to online sources related to legal ethics and professionalism. |
Texas Civil Justice League Subcategory: Homepage of the Texas Civil Justice League, a legal reform coalition in Texas. This site contains news, information on tort reform, and the Texas Civil Justice League Journal. |
Texas Comptroller, Window on Texas Government Subcategory: View state expenditures, unclaimed property auctions, and sales and franchise tax information. |
Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association - TCDLA Subcategory: Homepage of TCDLA, which provides assistance, support, and continuing education for Texas criminal defense attorneys. |
Texas District & County Attorneys Association Subcategory: TDCAA is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving Texas prosecutors and attorneys in government representation. This website contains sample jury charges, forms, briefs, news, and a job bank for government attorneys. |
Texas Ethics Reporter Subcategory: (University of Houston Law Center) Includes the full-text of the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct, the Texas Rules of Disciplinary Procedure, Ethical Considerations, Canons, and Ethics Opinions. |
Texas Lawyer Subcategory: Online edition of the Texas Lawyer which provides information on the latest legal news and case law. |
Texas Municipal Courts Education Center - TMCEC Subcategory: Homepage of the organization that provides educational training, assistance, and resource materials to municipal courts. This site contains TMCEC publications, case law, and seminar materials covering municipal court issues. |
Texas Publications Depository Program Subcategory: Contains indexes of Texas state publications and resources for depository libraries. |
Texas Southern University Thurgood Marshall School of Law Library Subcategory: TSU's Law Library site contains many links to Texas legal sites, other Internet sources, and the online catalog. |
Texas Tech University Law Library Subcategory: The TTU Law Library site includes information regarding hours of operation, the Certificate of Excellence in Legal Research, as well as career and research guides, lists of databases, library presentations, and the online catalog. |
Texas Trial Lawyers Association - TTLA Subcategory: Homepage of TTLA, an association of plaintiffs' attorneys, who seek to protect the rights of Texas families. |
Texas Young Lawyers Association Subcategory: Homepage of the State Bar of Texas department aimed at new attorneys. This site contains a survival guide, resources for solo practitioners, and 10-minute video practice tips. |
University of Houston Law Library Subcategory: The Web site of the O'Quinn Law Library at the University of Houston includes online collections covering the Anglo-American Legal Tradition, Foreign & International Law, and Admiralty & Maritime Law; legal information Web sites categorized by jurisdiction; research guides on topics such as federal tax law and Texas legal ethics; and an online catalog which can be limited to volumes within the Law Library by selecting UH-Law. |
University of Texas at Austin - Tarlton Law Library Subcategory: The Tarlton Law Library provides a law in popular culture collection; legal research outlines on foreign and international law; subject guides; lists of current literature related to domestic violence, capital punishment, and copyrights; and an online catalog. |
Work in Texas Subcategory: Allows employers to search for potential employees and job seekers to search job listings. |
Admiralty & Maritime Law Guide Subcategory: Contains over 1,500 links to codes, opinions, guides, courts, and associations related to admiralty law. |
Forwarder Law Subcategory: Resource for legal issues in freight forwarding and global logistics. |
Oceans and the Law of the Sea Subcategory: (United Nations - Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea) Homepage of the division responsible for providing assistance in implementing the UN Convention on Law of the Sea. This site contains the full-text of the convention and related agreements, reports of the Secretary-General, plus links to international courts hearing disputes. |
Tetley's Maritime & Admiralty Law Subcategory: A comprehensive collection of full-text maritime-related articles authored primarily by Prof. William Tetley. |
Agriculture & the Law Subcategory: (LawMoose) Contains links to general agriculture sites, as well as relevant statutes and court cases. |
Agriculture Law Materials Subcategory: (Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School) Provides an overview of agricultural law with links to federal and state statutes and judicial decisions. |
American Agricultural Law Association - AALA Subcategory: National organization focusing on legal problems of the agricultural community. This site contains links to government, commercial, and educational resources. |
Animal Laws & Regulations Subcategory: (Michigan State University College of Law) The Animal Legal & Historical Center provides access to state and international animal laws and regulations. It also contains news, cases, and links to the Journal of Animal Law. |
Animal Legal & Historical Web Center Subcategory: (Michigan State University College of Law) Provides laws and cases regarding animals accessible by state, topic, and species. This site also contains some international resources. |
Animal Rights: The Abolitionist Approach Subcategory: Website of an organization dedicated to a nonviolent approach to animal rights and veganism. | Subcategory: (EnviroLink Network) Provides environmental and animal rights/welfare links divided by topic. |
Farmer's Legal Action Group Subcategory: Nonprofit center that provides legal help to farmers and rural communities. This site contains research links to agricultural resources and farm law research. |
Guide to Agriculture Law Subcategory: (Hieros Gamos) Includes links to international resources, federal laws and agencies, state information, and publications related to agriculture law. |
Legal Treatment of Animals Subcategory: (LawMoose) Contains links to state statutes and agencies, foreign laws, international conventions, and general resources related to the treatment of animals. |
National Agricultural Law Center Subcategory: (University of Arkansas School of Law) Comprehensive site containing links to statutes, regulations, case law, publications, and reference resources on 33 topics including biotechnology, food safety, packers & stockyards, and pesticides. |
Texas Agriculture & Natural Resources Law Subcategory: Addresses primarily agricultural production contracts and farm bankruptcies. |
Texas Department of Agriculture Subcategory: Provides information on all Texas Department of Agriculture services and programs, child nutrition, compliance, livestock export pens, and marketing news. |
U.S. Department of Agriculture - USDA Subcategory: Homepage of the USDA containing information on agricultural laws and regulations, food and nutrition, conservation, marketing and trade, and travel. |
American Arbitration Association Subcategory: Includes the rules and procedures used by the AAA; online case-filing services; a collection of ADR guides, articles, and news; and international, national, and state laws. |
Arbitration & Mediation (ADR) Subcategory: (FindLaw) Links to attorneys and firms, articles, FAQ and more. | Subcategory: Contains a mediator locator as well as an expansive collection of articles organized by topics such as commercial, divorce & family, ethics, school, and workplace. |
Texas State Bar ADR Section Subcategory: Contains a list of articles, ethical guidelines, both federal and Texas statutes, and a compilation of academic, research, and professional links. |
ABA Antitrust Law Section Subcategory: Under "Resources," the Antitrust Law Section provides a searchable antitrust library and a list of online resources. |
Antitrust & Monopoly Law Subcategory: (LawMoose) Contains a list of internet resources pertaining to antitrust and monopoly law, including links to organizations, court decisions, and statutes. |
Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of Justice Subcategory: Contains Division documents filed in cases since 1994 and other public documents. Information on making an antitrust complaint is also provided. |
ABA Center for Professional Responsibility Subcategory:Ethics & Professional Responsibility Includes the Model Rules of Professional Conduct, ABA ethics opinions, contact information for state disciplinary agencies, as well as links to other ethics resources. |
ABA Law Student Division Subcategory:Legal Education - Associations & Organizations Contains membership and scholarship information, career resources, and writing and advocacy competition details. |
ABA Lawyer Referral Services Subcategory:Directories - Lawyers, Law Firms, & Lawyer Referrals Includes a directory of lawyer referral services for all 50 states. |
ABA Section of Legal Education & Admissions to the Bar Subcategory:Bar Admissions & Examination Information Includes the full-text of the ABA publication, Comprehensive Guide to Bar Admission Requirements. |
ABA Section of the Legal Education and Admission to the Bar Subcategory:Legal Education - Associations & Organizations Contains resources on accreditation, bar admissions, distance education, pre law, pro bono, and legal education statistics. |
ABA-CLE Subcategory:Continuing Legal Education - CLE Includes information on CLE programs offered by ABA, career articles and resources, and a listing of jobs for law students and attorneys. |
ABA-LSAC Official Guide to ABA-Approved Law Schools Subcategory:Legal Education - News, Directories, Rankings, & Admissions This searchable edition allows you to locate law schools based on bar passage rate, geographic location, and post-graduation employment. The guide also provides basic information about the admissions process and preparing for law school. |
ALI-ABA Subcategory:Continuing Legal Education - CLE ALI-ABA is a national CLE provider. This site contains course descriptions and registration materials for live, webcast, telephone, and online programs. |
American Bar Association - ABA Subcategory:Bar Associations - U.S., Foreign, & International Provides practice resources and tools as well as information regarding professional development, CLE, and legal education. |
American Legal Ethics Library (Archive) Subcategory:Ethics & Professional Responsibility (Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School) "This digital library contains both the codes or rules setting standards for the professional conduct of lawyers and commentary on the law governing lawyers, organized on a state by state basis." Links to state PR codes & opinions, comparisons with ABA Model Rules and Code, and more. |
Association of American Law Schools - AALS Subcategory:Legal Education - Associations & Organizations The AALS site contains statistics on the characteristics of law school faculty, a world directory of law schools, plus links to other legal education organizations and standards of good practices for recruiting and hiring faculty. |
Austin Bar Association Subcategory:Bar Associations - Texas The Austin Bar Association is composed of attorneys practicing in Travis County. This site contains a list of Austin-area legal resources, including referral, dispute resolution, and population-specific services. |
Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction - CALI Subcategory:Legal Education - Associations & Organizations Provides online lessons on a variety of topics. The lessons are organized by subject, by casebook, and by course outline. CALI also has a directory of law schools with links to the individual homepages. |
Code of Conduct for Judicial Employees Subcategory:Ethics & Professional Responsibility (Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts) Provides the full-text of all five canons of the Code of Judicial Conduct for Judicial Employees with references to the United States Code. |
Code of Conduct for United States Judges Subcategory:Ethics & Professional Responsibility (Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts) Includes the full-text of all seven canons plus checklists for financial and other conflicts. |
Code of Ethics Online Project Subcategory:Ethics & Professional Responsibility (Center for the Study of Ethics in the Profession, Illinois Institute of Technology) Includes over 2500 codes of ethics of professional societies, corporations, government, and academic institutions. |
College of the State Bar of Texas Subcategory:Bar Associations - Texas Honor society formed to promote voluntary attendance at CLE programs. Membership requires eighty CLE hours in the past three calendar years or forty-five hours during the current calendar year. |
Council on Legal Education Opportunity - CLEO Subcategory:Legal Education - Associations & Organizations Non-profit organization seeking to increase law school opportunities for minorities and low-income individuals. |
Dallas Asian American Bar Association - DAABA Subcategory:Bar Associations - Texas Contains Dallas-area job listings and links to other bar associations. |
Dallas Association of Young Lawyers - DAYL Subcategory:Bar Associations - Texas DAYL is composed of 2,000 lawyers and seeks to improve the quality of life for these lawyers while completing a variety of community service projects. |
Dallas Bar Association Subcategory:Bar Associations - Texas Homepage for the Dallas-area bar that consists of approximately 9,000 attorneys. |
Dallas Hispanic Bar Association - DHBA Subcategory:Bar Associations - Texas Site contains membership information and an archive of DHBA's newsletter. |
Denton County Bar Association Subcategory:Bar Associations - Texas Denton County bar of approximately 230 lawyers. |
Departmental Ethics Office Subcategory:Ethics & Professional Responsibility (Justice Management Division, U.S. Department of Justice) The Departmental Ethics Office Web site contains references to ethics statutes for the executive branch and information on travel, conflicts, entertainment, and political activities. |
Directory of ABA-Approved Law Schools Subcategory:Legal Education - News, Directories, Rankings, & Admissions (ABA Section of Legal Education & Admissions to the Bar) Includes a listing of all law schools. Separate lists for public and private schools are available. In addition, those schools who have been provisionally approved or have been placed on probation are also listed. |
Directory of U.S. Law Schools - By State Subcategory:Legal Education - News, Directories, Rankings, & Admissions (Justia) A listing of U.S. law schools organized by state. | Subcategory:Ethics & Professional Responsibility (Dr. Chris MacDonald, Philosophy Dept., St. Mary's Univ. Halifax, Canada) A collection of ethics-related Web sites, many with a Canadian perspective. |
FindLaw Legal Directory Subcategory:Directories - Lawyers, Law Firms, & Lawyer Referrals (FindLaw) Find lawyers by state and by legal issue. |
House Committee on Standards of Official Conduct Subcategory:Ethics & Professional Responsibility (U.S. House of Representatives) Contains forms, ethics rule changes, financial disclosure details, and advisory memorandum. |
Houston Bar Association - HBA Subcategory:Bar Associations - Texas A 12,000 member bar association for Harris County attorneys. This site contains the full-text of current and past issues of The Houston Lawyer. |
Houston Northwest Bar Association - HNBA Subcategory:Bar Associations - Texas Contains a directory of attorneys practicing in the northwest Houston area. |
J.L. Turner Legal Association - JLTLA Subcategory:Bar Associations - Texas African-American bar association in Dallas. JLTLA's site contains job postings and an attorney directory. |
Jefferson County Bar Association Subcategory:Bar Associations - Texas Contains lawyer referral information for individuals in Jefferson County. |
Judging the Law School Subcategory:Legal Education - News, Directories, Rankings, & Admissions Evaluation and rankings in various categories by Thomas E. Brennan, Sr., President of the Thomas M. Cooley Law School. |
JURIST - Law Professors Subcategory:Law Professors A directory of U.S. law school faculty pages with biographies, contact information, and personal homepages. |
Law School News Subcategory:Legal Education - News, Directories, Rankings, & Admissions Contains news, rankings, bar classes, bar passage rates, and information on law reviews and competitions. |
Lawyer Referral Information Service Subcategory:Directories - Lawyers, Law Firms, & Lawyer Referrals (State Bar of Texas) Provides attorney referrals for individuals in counties that do not have their own referral service. |
Legal Association Internet Sites Subcategory:Bar Associations - U.S., Foreign, & International (ABA Legal Technology Resource Center) Contains a variety of links to national legal organizations. | Subcategory:Ethics & Professional Responsibility Focuses on legal ethical issues raised by the Internet and Internet technology. Includes links to articles, rules, and other information. |
LSAC - Law School Admission Council Subcategory:Legal Education - News, Directories, Rankings, & Admissions Information on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) and the Law School Data Assembly Service (LSDAS). Includes test preparation materials, information on choosing a law school and law school recruitment forums, financial aid and downloadable forms. |
Martindale-Hubbell Lawyer Locator Subcategory:Directories - Lawyers, Law Firms, & Lawyer Referrals (LexisNexis) International directory of attorneys. Search by location, name, law school, and practice area. |
Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam - MPRE Subcategory:Bar Admissions & Exam Information (National Conference of Bar Examiners) Provides MPRE information and online registration. |
National Association for Law Placement - NALP Subcategory:Career Placement Resources Contains directories of law schools and legal employers plus information on job searches and public service opportunities. |
National Conference of Bar Examiners Subcategory:Bar Admissions & Exam Information Includes information and study aid information for the following exams: Multistate Bar Exam (MBE), Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE), Multistate Performance Test (MPT) and the Multistate Essay Examination (MEE).Includes an online registration form for the MPRE. |
Post-J.D. Programs Subcategory:Legal Education - News, Directories, Rankings, & Admissions (ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar) Directory by schools and categories. Includes a list of programs for foreign lawyers and definitions of graduate law degrees. |
Practising Law Institute Subcategory:Continuing Legal Education - CLE Continuing legal education programs offered nationally and via the Web, course handbooks and other publications. |
Rockwall County Bar Association Subcategory:Bar Associations - Texas One hundred sixty member bar consisting of Rockwall area attorneys. |
San Antonio Bar Association - SABA Subcategory:Bar Associations - Texas The SABA site contains a San Antonio lawyer referral service, a number of publications for the public, information on the pro bono Community Justice Program, and e-filing resources. |
Senate Select Committee on Ethics Subcategory:Ethics & Professional Responsibility (U.S. Senate) Contains an overview of the Senate Code of Conduct, the Senate Ethics Manual, and final disclosure information and forms. |
State Bar of Texas Subcategory:Bar Associations - Texas Contains information on filing a grievance against a lawyer, law practice management, the Texas Rules of Disciplinary Procedure, the Texas Rules of Professional Conduct, attorney profiles, the Texas Lawyers' Assistance Program, and the Lawyer Referral Information Service. Law students may access CLE materials free of charge by registering and following the "Subscribe Now!" link on the CLE webpage under "Your Own Library." |
Tarrant County Bar Association Subcategory:Bar Associations - Texas Bar association of Tarrant County/Fort Worth area attorneys. |
Texas Aggie Bar Association Subcategory:Bar Associations - Texas Bar association whose membership is comprised of Aggie lawyers. This site also contains a directory of members. |
Texas Bar CLE Subcategory:Continuing Legal Education - CLE (State Bar of Texas) Find Texas Bar CLE schedules and materials. Law students can access all the materials free of charge by registering. |
Texas Bar Foundation Subcategory:Bar Associations - Texas (State Bar of Texas) Philanthropic organization that awards grant funds to organizations dedicated to advancing the justice system. |
Texas Board of Law Examiners Subcategory:Bar Admissions & Exam Information Includes bar admission information, rules, application forms, instructions, and bar exam results. |
Texas Board of Legal Specialization Subcategory:Bar Associations - Texas Includes information on becoming certified in one of 20 areas and a directory of certified attorneys and legal assistants. |
Texas Center for Legal Ethics & Professionalism Subcategory:Ethics & Professional Responsibility Includes citations for print materials and links to online sources related to legal ethics and professionalism. |
Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association - TCDLA Subcategory:Bar Associations - Texas Homepage of TCDLA, which provides assistance, support, and continuing education for Texas criminal defense attorneys. |
Texas Ethics - Filing a Grievance Subcategory:Ethics & Professional Responsibility (State Bar of Texas) Includes the full-text of the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct and the Texas Rules of Disciplinary Procedure as well as information for the public regarding when and how to file a grievance. |
Texas Ethics Commission - TEC Subcategory:Ethics & Professional Responsibility TEC is responsible for administering and enforcing laws related to campaign finance, lobbying, and financial disclosures made by state officers and employees. This website provides the full-text of campaign finance and lobby reports as well as advisory opinions. |
Texas Ethics Reporter Subcategory:Ethics & Professional Responsibility (University of Houston Law Center) Includes the full-text of the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct, the Texas Rules of Disciplinary Procedure, Ethical Considerations, Canons, and Ethics Opinions. |
Texas Independent Bar Association - TIBA Subcategory:Bar Associations - Texas Bar association that provides weekly seminars covering criminal law topics and developments. |
Texas Institute of Continuing Legal Education Subcategory:Continuing Legal Education - CLE This site contains information on upcoming conferences and links to online CLE courses. |
Texas Tech School of Law - Career Services Subcategory:Career Placement Resources Contains an overview of job placement services provided by Career Services and contact information. |
Texas Trial Lawyers Association -TTLA Subcategory:Bar Associations - Texas Homepage of TTLA, an association of plaintiffs' attorneys, who seek to protect the rights of Texas families. |
Texas Women Lawyers - TWL Subcategory:Bar Associations - Texas Organization of women lawyers practicing in Texas for networking, educating, and promoting women's issues. |
The Bar Subcategory:Bar Admissions & Exam Information (FindLaw) Bar exams results and information published by state, links to state bar home pages, bar review courses, sample bar exams, a related Web sites. |
Travis County Women Lawyers' Association - TCWLA Subcategory:Bar Associations - Texas An association of women attorneys in the Austin area. |
U.S. Attorneys Offices Contact Information Subcategory:Directories - Lawyers, Law Firms, & Lawyer Referrals (U.S. Department of Justice) Provides phone numbers, fax numbers, and addresses for U.S. attorneys by state. |
U.S. News & World Report - Law School Rankings Subcategory:Legal Education - News, Directories, Rankings, & Admissions Contains the U.S. News & World Report law school rankings by tier as well as information on specialties. |
U.S. Office of Government Ethics - OGE Subcategory:Ethics & Professional Responsibility The OGE is an executive branch agency responsible that deals with conflicts of interest issues on the part of government employees within the executive branch. |
West LegalEdcenter Subcategory:Continuing Legal Education - CLE (Thompson/West) West LegalEdcenter provides online CLE programs from local, state and national providers. |
Worldwide Bar Associations Subcategory:Bar Associations - U.S., Foreign, & International A listing of bar associations by continent. |
ABA Section on Business Law - Banking Law Committee Subcategory: Contains the full-text version of the Banking Law Committee Journal, a list of sites of interest, and a calendar of committee events. |
Banking Law Subcategory: (LawMoose) Contains links to general banking law information, state statutes, constitutional provisions, and foreign laws. |
Banking Subcategory: (Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School) An overview of banking law with links to the full-text of relevant federal and state statutes and judicial decisions. |
Conference of State Bank Supervisors - CSBS Subcategory: Homepage of the national organization dedicated to the advancement of the state banking system. |
Federal Deposit Insurance Company - FDIC Subcategory: The FDIC website contains a calculator to determine if deposits are insured, guidelines on deposit insurance, industry analysis, an institution directory, and loan sale announcements. |
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Subcategory: Provides economic research and data for the region and the nation, information on filing a complaint against a bank, and a list of publications. |
Federal Reserve Board Subcategory: The Federal Reserve homepage contains economic research and data, statistics, reporting forms, monetary policy, consumer information, and speeches and testimony of officials and board members. |
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Administrator of National Banks - OCC Subcategory: (U.S. Department of the Treasury) Office charged with chartering and supervising national banks. This site contains a list of pending and recently enacted relevant legislation, as well as information on filing a complaint against a national bank and electronic banking. | Subcategory: Federal Government site that tracks the funds provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. |
Texas Department of Banking Subcategory: Contains a large amount of information and resources regarding banks & holding companies, foreign banks, trust companies, money services businesses, prepaid funeral contracts, perpetual care cemeteries, and private child support enforcement agencies, as well as a Law & Guidance Manual that provides the relevant statutes for the above topics. |
U.S. Federal Trade Commission - FTC Subcategory: The FTC homepage contains information on competition, consumer protection, and identity theft, as well as a consumer complaint form, economic reports, and statutes enforced by the FTC. |
U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission - SEC Subcategory: The SEC website contains forms, relevant acts with links to corresponding rules and regulations, a variety of investment calculators, and commission opinions. |
American Bankruptcy Institute - ABI Subcategory: Provides an overview of bankruptcy, filing information, and full-text of ABI published journals and newsletters. |
Bankruptcy & Debt Collection Law Subcategory: (LawMoose) Contains a list of general internet resources, federal bankruptcy statutes, foreign laws, and relevant cases. |
National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys - NACBA Subcategory: Website for the national organization for consumer bankruptcy attorneys that contains an attorney finder as well as a list of links and articles. |
The Bankruptcy Law Trove Subcategory: (Law Offices of Swiggart & Agin) Includes Frequently Asked Questions and links to general bankruptcy sites, statutes and court cases, government resources, and vendors (office software and auctions). |
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Subcategory: (Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School) Contains the full-text of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure accessible by an easy-to-use table of contents. |
Texas Civil Practice & Remedies Code Subcategory: Contains the full-text of the Texas Civil Practice & Remedies Code divided by title and chapter. |
Texas Rules of Civil Procedure Subcategory: Contains the full-text of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure. The entire document or individual sections may be viewed or downloaded. |
American Civil Liberties Union - ACLU Subcategory: Contains summaries and previews of Supreme Court terms as well as a function that allows a user to browse cases by issue. |
Civil Liberties, Civil Rights: General Subcategory: (LawMoose) A collection of constitutions, statutes, cases, and other resources on the topic of civil rights. |
Civil Rights Subcategory: (FindLaw) List of civil rights resources including newsletters, attorneys, witnesses, job openings, documents, briefs, articles, and internet sites. |
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Subcategory: Contains a complaint referral service to assist individuals in filing a civil rights complaint as well as commission reports, state advisory committee reports, and other resources which can be accessed by type of resource or topic. |
U.S. Department of Justice - Civil Rights Division Subcategory: Site of the DOJ division responsible for enforcing numerous civil rights laws, including those related to race, sex, disability, religion, and national origin. The pages of the Division's sections contain great overviews of the relevant statutes. |
Uniform Commercial Code - UCC Subcategory: (Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School) Includes the full-text of Articles 1-9 with a table of contents and a feature that searches the individual articles or the entire UCC. |
Communications Law Subcategory: (LawMoose) Contains a list of links to general communications law websites, as well as federal, state, and foreign statutes and case law. |
Federal Communications Commission - FCC Subcategory: In addition to information on major initiatives, the FCC website contains information regarding media regulations and wireless communications. Consumers may also make a complaint online. |
National Telecommunications & Information Administration - NTIA Subcategory: Homepage of the organization that advises the executive branch regarding telecommunications and information policy issues. |
ABA Legal Technology Resource Center Subcategory: Provides a wealth of resources on law office and courtroom technology, communications, online researching, mobile lawyering, and metadata. |
Berkman Center for Internet & Society Subcategory: (Harvard Law School) The Berkman Center is a research program that examines the relationship between democracy, the internet, and society. The Center's publications and current projects can be accessed. |
Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section - CCIPS Subcategory: (U.S. Department of Justice) Contains news and information on reporting computer and IP crimes, as well as cases and legal resources concerning electronic evidence, computer crimes, and intellectual property. |
Computers & the Law Subcategory: (LawMoose) Contains a list of internet resources pertaining to computer law, including links to organizations, court decisions, and statutes. |
Cyb3rcrim3 Subcategory: (University of Dayton School of Law) This site contains model cybercrime laws, a number of articles written by Prof. Susan Brenner on cybercrime issues, and cybercrime news. |
Internet Crime Complaint Center Subcategory: (Federal Bureau of Investigations & the National White Collar Crime Center) Includes an online complaint form, annual reports about widespread abuses and information on how to avoid being scammed. |
Center for Constitutional Rights - CCR Subcategory: Includes news, information on Guantanamo, and synopses of lawsuits filed by the CCR alleging government misconduct; racial, social, or economic discrimination; violations of international human rights; and corporate accountability. |
Constitution Finder Subcategory: (University of Richmond, T.C. Williams School of Law) This index offers constitutions, charters, amendments, and other related documents. Nations of the world and states are listed alphabetically. |
Constitutions of the World Subcategory: (FindLaw) Links to constitutions of countries worldwide and related resources. |
First Amendment Center Subcategory: (Vanderbilt Institute for Public Policy Studies) Contains research materials, articles, and news concerning First Amendment freedoms to speech, press, religion, assembly and petition. |
The American Constitution: A Documentary Record Subcategory: (Yale Law School - Avalon Project) Documents related to the U.S. Constitution from pre-colonial, e.g., Magna Carta (1215 to constitutional ratification documents. |
The Charters of Freedom: The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights Subcategory: (National Archives and Records Administration) An online exhibit of "some of the most highly detailed photographs... of these documents."Includes the text of the Eleventh through Twenty-Seventh Amendments and biographies of the 55 delegates to the Constitutional Convention. |
The Founders' Constitution Subcategory: Web edition of the five volume set, edited by Profs.Kurland and Lerner of the Univ. of Chicago, containing an anthology of documents from the early seventeenth century to the 1830s arranged under "Major Themes" of the U.S. Constitution and then arranged by article, section and clause of the Constitution from Preamble through the Twelfth Amendment. |
U.S. State Constitutions Subcategory: Links to the constitutions of all 50 states as well as the official state websites. | Subcategory: A site all about the U.S. Constitution with many links to other constitution sites and an extensive FAQ section. |
Consumer Issues Subcategory: (FindLaw) Contains information to help consumers, including how to get a passport, avoid identity theft, and resolve marketplace disputes. |
Consumer Protection Information Subcategory: (Texas Attorney General) Provides an online complaint form, a list of major lawsuits and settlements, and information regarding consumer protection. |
Federal Trade Commission - FTC Subcategory: Includes the Bureau of Consumer Protection, online consumer complaint and identity theft complaint forms as well as consumer information publications in English and Spanish. |
Internet Crime Complaint Center Subcategory: (Federal Bureau of Investigation & National White Collar Crime Center) Includes an online complaint form, annual reports about widespread abuses, and information on how to avoid being scammed. |
National Consumer Law Center Subcategory: Advocacy organization for low-income consumer justice issues and leading publisher of practical, practice oriented consumer law publications. |
Texas Consumer Protection Statutes Subcategory: A collection of links to Texas consumer protection statutes, including the Deceptive Trade Practices Act. |
Texas Department of Transportation - Lemon Law Information Subcategory: Provides an overview of the state's lemon laws. Has not been updated since 2004. |
Texas State Bar - Consumer & Commercial Law Section Subcategory: Includes back issues of the Journal of Texas Consumer Law and information on consumer laws, identity theft, Check 21, small claims court, lemon law, three day right to cancel, landlord lockouts, and security deposits. |
Corporations, Partnerships, & Business Associations Subcategory: (LawMoose) Contains a list of internet resources on corporations, partnerships, and businesses, including links to state constitutional provisions, court decisions, and organizations. |
State Corporation & Business Forms Subcategory: A compilation of business form links divided by jurisdiction. |
Texas Secretary of State - Corporations Section Subcategory: Contains Business Organizations Code forms, links to corporation related Texas laws, filing information, and information on starting a business. |
ABA Judicial Division Subcategory:Associations Homepage of the ABA division seeking to address the needs of the judiciary. |
American Judges Association Subcategory:Associations Homepage of the ABA organization of judges. |
American Political Science Association (APSA) - Law and Courts Section Subcategory:Associations Contains a list of data and statistical resources on a variety of legal topics. |
CNN Crime + Justice Section Subcategory:Trials A great source for information on high-profile trials. |
Code of Conduct for Judicial Employees Subcategory:Courts (Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts) Provides the full-text of all five canons of the Code of Judicial Conduct for Judicial Employees with references to the United States Code. |
Code of Conduct for United States Judges Subcategory:Courts (Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts) Includes the full-text of all seven canons plus checklists for financial and other conflicts. |
Commission on Structural Alternatives for the Federal Courts of Appeals Subcategory:Associations Archive of the Commission's hearings, testimony, and reports. The Commission completed its duties March 19,1999. |
Conference of Chief Justices Subcategory:Associations Association composed of the highest judicial officers of each state. |
Conference of State Court Administrators - COSCA Subcategory:Associations Organization composed of the state court administrator of each state. COSCA's site contains policy statements, a list of related organizations, and state contact information. |
Court Forms Subcategory:Court Rules, Forms, & Dockets (FindLaw) Court forms for federal, state and bankruptcy courts. |
Court Rules, Forms, & Dockets Subcategory:Court Rules, Forms, & Dockets ( Includes links to over 700 sources for state and federal court rules, forms and dockets. |
Daubert Expert Subcategory:Evidence Contains background information on the case, as well as Recent Daubter Matters and how to apply the case to commercial litigation. |
Electronic Discovery Law Subcategory:Electronic Discovery Law (K&L Gates) Blog covering electronic discovery news and information written by K&L Gates's e-Discovery Analysis & Technology Group |
Famous Trials Subcategory:Trials (University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law, Douglas O. Linder) Contains photographs, summaries, procedural information, and other resources on famous trials from Socrates in 399 B.C. to Zacarias Moussaoui in 2006. |
Federal Court Clerks Association - FCCA Subcategory:Associations FCCA is an organization composed of clerks of federal courts. This site contains the full-text of FCCA's journal as well as links to job openings and other court administration sites. |
Federal Judicial Center - FJC Subcategory:Associations FJC's site contains an extensive list of their publications and videos; a biographical directory of federal judges; and historical, administrative, and judicial legislation information. |
Federal Rules of Evidence Subcategory:Evidence (Legal Information Institute, Cornell Law School) Full-text of the Federal Rules of Evidence with notes. Accessible through a table of contents. | Subcategory:Electronic Discovery Law (Ken Withers, Senior Judicial Education Attorney for the Federal Judicial Center) Contains articles and resources on computer disclosure and discovery. |
National Association for Court Management - NACM Subcategory:Associations Contains a code of conduct for court administrators and a glossary of common legal terms. |
National Association for State Judicial Educators - NASJE Subcategory:Associations Provides links to other judicial education sites and DUI resources. |
National Association of Women Judges - NAWJ Subcategory:Associations Organization seeking gender equality in American courts. |
National Center for State Courts - NCSC Subcategory:Associations Organization that conducts research and provides education for state courts. This site contains the full-text of NSCS studies and and research publications on topics such as Access & Fairness, ADR, Courthouse Facilities, Juries, Court Administration, and Technology. |
National College of Probate Judges Subcategory:Associations Organization of probate judges. The National College's site contains information on elder abuse as well as links to various probate courts. |
National Conference of Appellate Court Clerks - NCACC Subcategory:Associations Contains a Code of Professional Conduct for appellate court clerks as well as a full listing of state and federal appellate courts. |
National Council of Juvenile & Family Court Judges - NCJFCJ Subcategory:Associations Contains numerous publications concerning child abuse and neglect, delinquency, family violence, juvenile justice, and substance abuse. |
National Judicial College - NJC Subcategory:Associations NJC is a national judicial education provider that is also responsible for the Tribal Judicial Center and the National Center for Courts and Media. |
Nuremberg Trials Project - A Digital Document Collection Subcategory:Trials (Harvard Law School Library) Trial transcripts, briefs, document books, evidence files, and other papers from the library's extensive collection of documents relating to the trial of military and political leaders of Nazi Germany. |
Researching Jury Verdicts & Awards Subcategory:Verdicts, Awards, & Settlements (University of Minnesota Law School) Contains a list of resources for locating jury verdict and settlement information. |
Supreme Court of the United States Subcategory:Courts Contains the latest slip opinions, court opinions, the docket, case handling guides, court rules, and information regarding bar admissions. |
Texas Courts Online Subcategory:Courts Contains a helpful diagram of Texas's judicial structure with links to the homepages of the individual courts, where specific cases and opinions can be viewed. |
The Recovered Memory Project Subcategory:Evidence (Prof. Ross E. Cheit, Taubman Center for Public Policy, Brown University) Cases and academic research studies regarding forgotten and later remembered traumatic events. |
U.S. Courts Subcategory:Courts Information about and links to federal courts. |
Uniform Rules of Evidence Act Subcategory:Evidence (National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws - NCCUSL) |
ABA Criminal Justice Section Subcategory:Federal/General Contains a collection of links on topics such as prosecution, defense, corrections, military justice, and victim services. |
Buffalo Criminal Law Center Subcategory:Federal/General Contains past issues of the Buffalo Criminal Law Review and many criminal law internet resources, particularly international and victim information links. |
Bureau of Justice Assistance - BJA Subcategory:Federal/General (Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice) Homepage of the organization that provides grant assistance and criminal justice policy development. |
Bureau of Justice Statistics - BJS Subcategory:Federal/General (Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice) Statistics on crime, victims, offenders, drugs, deaths in custody, trends, international comparisons, law enforcement, prosecution, sentencing, and corrections. |
Crime, Law Enforcement, and Prisons - Sentencing & Parole Subcategory:Sentencing (LawMoose) Contains links to general sentencing and parole sites, as well as relevant statutes and court cases. |
Crime, Law Enforcement, and Prisons: General Subcategory:Federal/General (LawMoose) Contains links to state statutes and agencies, foreign laws, international conventions, and general resources related to the criminal law and criminal justice. |
Federal Bureau of Investigation - FBI Subcategory:Federal/General Provides information on investigative priorities, wanted fugitives, safety, and the history of the bureau. Also available is Crime in the United States (CIUS), an annual publication containing crime and enforcement statistics. |
Federal Bureau of Prisons - BOP Subcategory:Federal/General (U.S. Department of Justice) Includes an inmate and facility locator, BOP annual reports, and information on inmate matters such as work, healthcare, education, temporary release, and substance abuse. |
Federal Public Defenders Subcategory:Federal/General (Defender Services Division Training Branch, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts) Includes publications, materials and links to federal criminal law resources. |
Justice Research and Statistics Association - JRSA Subcategory:Federal/General National organization of state Statistical Analysis Centers (SACs) personnel. This site contains an electronic clearinghouse of SAC research; however, most results will be only be abstracts-you will have to contact the SAC for full-text. |
National Archive of Criminal Justice Data - NACJD Subcategory:Federal/General Contains data collected by NACJD grantees, which users can manipulate and run statistical analyses with. In addition, users may search an online bibliography of data-related literature. Each entry provides a link to the data analyzed by the article's author(s). See also the NACJD list of related sites for more criminal justice resources. |
National Criminal Justice Reference Service - NCJRS Subcategory:Federal/General (Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice) Provides information concerning substance abuse and justice. Topics include corrections, courts, crime, crime prevention, drugs, justice system, juveniles, law enforcement, and victims. |
National Institute of Justice - NIJ Subcategory:Federal/General (Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice) Provides numerous full-text NIJ publications and research reports on a wide-range of crime-related topics. See the index of topics for more information. |
Office for Victims of Crime - OVC Subcategory:Federal/General (Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice) Contains resources and information on topics such as campus crime, death notification, domestic and family violence, drunk driving, hate and bias crimes, homicide survivors and co-victims, impact statements, mental health, restorative justice, and victim's rights and services. OVC's Web site also includes statistics on crime victims and resources for international victims. |
Office of Justice Programs - OJP Subcategory:Federal/General (U.S. Department of Justice) Information on corrections, courts, identity theft, the Prison Rape Elimination Act, prosecutions, safer schools, substance abuse & crime, technology to fight crime, terrorism & domestic preparedness, victim services, and youth violence prevention. |
Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention - OJJDP Subcategory:Federal/General (Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice) Office that provides juvenile delinquency and victimization resources. OJJDP's Web site contains information on their programs, plus publications, state contact information, and statistical materials. |
Office of National Drug Control Policy - ONDCP Subcategory:Federal/General ONDCP provides many resources and publications concerning drugs, including drug facts, policy, news, prevention, treatment, and enforcement. |
Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics Subcategory:Federal/General (Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice) Provides raw opinion data on criminal justice characteristics; public opinion; crime and victims; arrest and seizures; courts, prosecution, and sentencing; and parole, jails, prisons, and the death penalty. |
Texas Attorney General - Criminal Justice Resources Subcategory:Texas Resources for law enforcement regarding fugitive sex offenders, gangs, nuisance abatement, cyber crimes, detained foreign nationals, and training. |
Texas Criminal Justice Coalition - TCJC Subcategory:Texas Organization looking to solve problems faced by Texas's criminal justice system. TCJC promotes ending racial profiling, ensuring the right to an attorney, stopping over-incarceration, and educating the public. |
Texas Department of Criminal Justice - TDCJ Subcategory:Texas The TDCJ homepage contains an online offender search function as well as information on victim services and individual TDCJ units. |
The Sentencing Project Subcategory:Sentencing Organization promoting sentencing reforms. This site contains statistics; information on sentencing policy, incarceration, racial disparity, felony disenfranchisement, drug policy, women in the justice system, and collateral consequences; Sentencing Project publications; and a collection of true stories. |
U.S. Department of Justice - DOJ Subcategory:Federal/General The DOJ's Resource page contains publications as well as cases and documents relevant to each division, including antitrust; alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives; civil rights; Enron; environment; immigration; and terrorism. |
U.S. Sentencing Commission Subcategory:Sentencing Homepage of a judicial branch agency responsible for establishing and researching federal sentencing policies. This site contains sentencing statistics; the sentencing guideline manual with commentary; information on Booker, Fanfan, and other Supreme Court cases regarding the guidelines; and state sentencing information from the National Association of State Sentencing Commissions. |
Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law Subcategory: Provides information and resources on mental health legal topics including insurance, commitment, managed care, criminalization, supplemental security income, restraint and seclusion in hospitals and residential treatment centers, and voting. |
Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities Subcategory: Contains research and publications done by a group of national disability organizations on topics such as communications, education, housing, and many others. |
HIV/AIDS Workplace Education HIV.GOV Subcategory: (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) Contains a list of federal laws and legal issues related to HIV/AIDS as well as workplace training materials. |
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997 Subcategory: (U.S. Department of Education) Contains archived information (last updated 8/26/02). Text of the act, legislative history, regulations and other documents and information. |
Job Accommodation Network Subcategory: (Office of Disability Employment Policy, U.S. Dept. of Labor) Provides information and resources designed to increase the employability of persons with disabilities. Includes portals for private employers, government employers, individuals with disabilities, educational settings and ADA information. |
National Council on Disability - NCD Subcategory: Includes links to other federal entities, state agencies, resources for locating healthcare, and information on rights under various federal disability laws. |
U.S. Department of Justice - ADA Homepage Subcategory: Contains new and proposed ADA regulations, settlement information, design standards, and information regarding the mediation program. |
Elder Options of Texas Subcategory: Online resource for locating assisted living and nursing home facilities, hospice, caregiver support, and transportation. Also contains a library of articles on elder law topics. |
National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys - NAELA Subcategory: NAELA is an association of lawyers and organizations who work with older clients. This site contains an elder law attorney locator. |
National Senior Citizens Law Center - NSCLC Subcategory: Provides resources regarding federal rights, long-term care, Medicaid, Medicare Part D, income security, and assisted living. |
Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Resource Center Subcategory: This site contains information on assessing nursing homes, financing care, abuse, medical issues, relevant laws and regulations, and how to make a complaint. |
Center for International Environmental Law - CIEL Subcategory: Contains a collection of CIEL publications on subjects such as biodiversity and wildlife, chemicals, climate change, trade and sustainable development, and international financial institutions. |
Environment & Natural Resources Division - U.S. Department of Justice Subcategory: DOJ division responsible primarily for prosecuting violations of pollution-control laws. |
European Environmental Law Subcategory: Contains cases, legislation, in-depth views on specific issues, and other documents on European environmental law. This site also contains a news service which delivers case updates every two weeks. |
Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law Subcategory: (American Society of International Law) A thorough guide to primary and secondary online sources and discussion lists related to international environmental law. |
Journal of Water Resource and Protection Subcategory: (Scientific Research) JWARP is an international refereed journal dedicated to the latest advancements in water resources and protection. |
State Bar of Texas - Environmental & Natural Resources Law Section Subcategory: Homepage of the State Bar of Texas section of environmental lawyers. This site contains a long list of environmental and natural resources sites, organizations, and associations. |
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - EPA Subcategory: Contains federal environmental laws and regulations, a wealth of information on an extensive list of environmental topics organized by subject, and with a zip code, several tools to find specific information about your community. |
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service - FWS Subcategory: Includes FWS administrative information as well as bird, fishing, hunting, wildlife refuge, and endangered species resources. |
U.S.D.A. Forest Service Subcategory: Contains research and development publications accessible through Treesearch, maps and brochures of national forests and grasslands, and the projects and policies of the Forest Service. |
U.S.D.A. National Resources Conservation Service - NRCS Subcategory: NRCS is the organization dedicated to helping private landowners conserve natural resources. This site contains many technical resources on environmental quality and compliance. |
United Nations Environment Programme Subcategory: Contains information on the Billion Tree Campaign. Technical information on topics such as agriculture, air quality, biodiversity, climate change, freshwater, and waste management can be found in the UNEP Resource Kit. |
ABA Section of Family Law - Military Committee Subcategory:General Provides information on pre-deployment and reemployment as well as a collection of handouts which give general overviews of specific areas of military family law. |
ABA Section of Family Law Subcategory:General Includes a FAQ section geared towards answering general marriage, divorce, and custody questions and a list of additional online family law resources. |
Adoption Law Subcategory:Adoption (Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School) Provides an overview of adoption law with links to federal and state statutes and judicial decisions. |
Adoption Resources Subcategory:Adoption (Adoption Ring) Resources for adoptive parents, adult adoptees, and birth parents. | Subcategory:Adoption Search over 400,000 adoption sites. |
Center on Children & the Law Subcategory:Children's Rights (ABA Young Lawyers Division) Contains standards of practice for attorneys representing children, parents, and child welfare agencies; child welfare laws; and ABA policies relating to children. |
Children's Advocacy--Free Electronic Newsletters Subcategory: (Center for Children's Advocacy) Provides links to free e-newsletters dealing with children's advocates. | Subcategory:General Find local divorce attorneys and mediators as well as child support, alimony, visitation, property division, and military divorce resources. |
Family Law Resources Subcategory:General (FindLaw) Contains listings for family law jobs and attorneys and online family law documents and articles. |
Lambda Legal Defense Fund - Marriage, Relationships, & Family Law Subcategory:General Contains information regarding same-sex marriage, relationships, adoption and parenting, and reproductive rights and sexual health. |
Law Server Subcategory:Abortion Provides information on state criminal laws regarding partial-birth abortions. |
Medline Plus Medical Encyclopedia Subcategory:Abortion (National Institutes of Health - NIH) Provides information on the medical procedure and possible health risks of abortion. |
North American Surrogacy Center Subcategory: Provides information about surrogacy, as well as applications and affiliates with the organization. |
Random History Subcategory:Abortion Contains a collection of fact about abortion including historic attitudes and origins of US policy. |
Texas Adoption Resource Exchange - TARE Subcategory:Adoption TARE's site allows users to view and search for children awaiting adoption, research disabilities, and learn about the requirements of becoming a foster or adoptive family. |
Texas Family Code Subcategory:General Full-text of the Texas Family Code accessible by chapter. |
Texas State Bar - Family Law Section Subcategory:General Contains information on proposed legislation and links to valuation resources and family law sites. |
Texas State Bar - Juvenile Law Section Subcategory:Children's Rights The Juvenile Law Section website contains numerous forms on topics such as certification, lack of responsibility, determinate sentencing, sealing files and records, and sex offenders. |
United Nations Population Division Subcategory:Abortion UN site provides the abortion policy and background information of many different countries. Click on Country Profiles to access information about individual countries. |
Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Pursue Database Subcategory: (Stanford Law School, Robert Crown Law Library) A database of legislation, regulations, proceeding materials, and policy documents on sexual orientation policy in the military beginning with World War I. |
Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund Subcategory: National civil rights organization for GLBT and HIV issues. |
Legal Issues of Sexual Orientation Subcategory: Contains links to national organizations and an extensive bibliography. |
OUTRIGHT ACTION INTERNATIONAL Subcategory: A U.S.-based international human rights organization for GLBT and AIDS issues. This site contains research tips and general links for researchers. |
The Williams Institute Subcategory: UCLA School of Law Institute focusing on sexual orientation law and public policy. |
Attorney's Toolbox Subcategory: Links to information on finding people, companies, publishers, and jobs. Also includes links to form sites and other legal research. |
beSpacific Subcategory: (Sabrina Pacifici, creator and editor of LLRX) Provides law and technology news with links to sources on topics including e-government, cybercrime, the Patriot Act, FOIA, and RSS. |
CrimeLynx Subcategory: A legal resource center for criminal defense practitioners with links to court opinions, statistics, statutes, blogs, and other criminal justice resources. |
FindLaw Subcategory: One of the most popular and useful legal research Web sites. Rich in content and features. |
Hieros Gamos Subcategory: Huge database with international, career, and legal practice resources. |
Jurist - Legal News & Research Subcategory: Collection of legal news and commentary, primary source documents, and an index of hot topics. |
Law Library Resource Exchange - Subcategory: Provides articles on legal research, technology, and other items of interest to law librarians. |
Law Scout Subcategory: (University of Akron School of Law) A comprehensive list of links to numerous law-related pathfinder clearinghouses maintained by academic law libraries. |
Law.Com Subcategory: Legal News presented by ALM. |
Laws Online Subcategory: Contains an extensive collection of legal directories, including directories for witnesses, mediators, investigators, process servers, and trial consultants. |
Lectric Law Library Subcategory: Quirky site that offers links arranged by topic rather than jurisdiction. |
Legal Engine Subcategory: Links to cases, government sites, law schools and libraries, plus a subject guide to legal materials on the net. |
Legal Information Institute (LII) Subcategory: (Cornell University Law School) A wonderful collection of full-text statutes which can be searched, overviews of legal topics, court opinions, and legal directories. |
LexisNexis Legal Newsroom Subcategory: Selected cases, forms, a statutory guide, and legal links from LexisNexis. |
Municode Subcategory: (Municipal Code Corporation) Provides a limited number of U.S. city and county codes organized by state. |
National Center for State Courts - NCSC Subcategory: Organization that conducts research and provides education for state courts. This site contains the full-text of NSCS studies and and research publications on topics such as Access & Fairness, ADR, Courthouse Facilities, Juries, Court Administration, and Technology. |
The Virtual Chase Subcategory: (Justia) Includes not only links, but research strategies for finding legal information on the web. |
Washlaw Master Index Subcategory: (Washburn University School of Law) Contains a list of law-related topics and links from legal vendors and uniform laws to mock trial resources and bankruptcy. |
WWW Virtual Library - Law Subcategory: Contains links to numerous legal topics, including admiralty, ADR, digital rights management, forensic toxicology, legal history, and offenders rehabilitation. |
ABA Health Law Section Subcategory:General Contains a list of health links and resources comprised mainly of health organizations, associations, and companies |
Action on Smoking & Health - ASH Subcategory:Tobacco & the Law Homepage of a nonprofit legal action antismoking organization. This site contains tobacco related news and smoking links. |
Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law Subcategory:Mental Health Law Provides information and resources on mental health legal topics including insurance, commitment, managed care, criminalization, supplemental security income, restraint and seclusion in hospitals and residential treatment centers, and voting. |
Bioethics Research Library at Georgetown University Subcategory:Bioethics (Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University) Search databases, catalogs, and special collections related to access to healthcare, genetics, human experimentation, death and dying, and abortion. | - Journal of American Bioethics Subcategory:Bioethics (Alden March Bioethics Institute & University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics) Current and past issues of the Journal of American Bioethics. A limited number of articles are available free of charge. |
Campaign for Mental Health Reform Subcategory:Mental Health Law A collaboration of national health organizations dedicated to making mental health a national priority. |
Center for Bioethics Subcategory:Bioethics (University of Pennsylvania) Contains numerous articles related to the Center's projects, such as vaccines, artificial nutrition and hydration, and neuroethics. |
Consortium on Law & Values in Health, Environment, & the Life Sciences Subcategory:Bioethics (University of Minnesota) Contains a video archive of clips of bioethics lectures and presentations. |
Galen Tobacco Control Archives Subcategory:Tobacco & the Law (University of California, San Francisco) Archives of papers, unpublished documents, and electronic resources relevant to tobacco control issues (primarily for California). |
Gallen II Tobacco Litigation Documents Subcategory:Tobacco & the Law An archive of litigation documents for suits brought by states against tobacco companies. |
Health Care Ethics Subcategory:Bioethics (W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics, University of British Columbia) Contains an extensive list of links to bioethic organizations, topics, and publications. |
Health Policy Watch Subcategory:General (Century Foundation) Health Policy Watch seeks to promote ideas and research aimed at bringing about reform in various areas of health policy, such as Medicare. The site provides access to various publications and information on books published by the Century Foundation and others. It also contains links to related research from other organizations and links to other sites. |
Legal Issues & HIV in the U.S. Subcategory:AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Provides a collection of articles and resources detailing the legal rights of people with HIV. |
National Health Law Program - NHeLP Subcategory:General Public interest law firm dedicated to improving health care for low-income individuals. This site contains a comprehensive topical index of publications and resources. |
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Subcategory:General (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services) Comprehensive collection of health related material including topic browsing, newsletters, and database links. |
Nuffield Council on Bioethics Subcategory:Bioethics Contains the full-text findings of the Nuffield Council on topics such as neonatal medicine, genetic screening, animal research, genetically modified crops, pharmacogenetics, and patenting DNA. |
Public Agenda - Reports & Resources Subcategory: Public Agenda is a nonpartisan public opinion research organization with reports and guides on health care. |
PubMed Subcategory:Medical Literature Research Search citations from biomedical and life sciences journals from the 1950s to present. The majority of the citations will not have links to the full-text article. |
Researching Health Law & Policy Subcategory:General (University of Minnesota Law School) Identifies resources to research health law & policy, including books, treatises, periodicals, and web sites. |
Social Security Online Subcategory:Social Security Law (Social Security Administration) Contains information on how to get new or replacement cards, retirement, medicare, disability, as well as an extensive question and answer section and a form search tool. |
Social Security Treatise Subcategory:Social Security Law (Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School) Reference material covering topics such as entitlement and benefit calculation. |
Texas Department of State Health Services - HIV/STD Program Subcategory:AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Contains testing and reporting information, statistics, as well as links to Texas and federal legal information under Policy and Legal Resources. |
Texas State Bar - Health Law Section Subcategory:General Contains a list of links to health information, organizations, policy, and media sources. |
Texas Tech University Library Databases Subcategory:Medical Literature Research Choose "Health and Medicine" or "Biology and Life Sciences" to find databases on those subject areas or browse through the entire list. |
Tobacco Litigation Subcategory:Tobacco & the Law U.S. Department of Justice site on tobacco litigation. |
Tobacco Products Liability Project Subcategory:Tobacco & the Law (Public Health Advocacy Institute) Contains the latest tobacco related legal news. |
TTUHSC Library Catalog Subcategory:Medical Literature Research Click the "Library Catalog" link on the right and search the TTU Health Sciences Center Library Catalog. "Change to Power Search" to sort the results by location. |
TTUHSC Online Journals Subcategory:Medical Literature Research A listing of TTUHSC journal holdings. Students, other than medical students, may not be able to access some of these databases. |
American Immigration Lawyers Association - AILA Subcategory: Homepage of the national association of immigration law practitioners. This site contains synopses of immigration decisions and legislation as well as a find an immigration lawyer search function. | Subcategory: Includes a directory with links to foreign embassies in Washington, D.C. and a virtual tour of Embassy Row. |
Executive Office for Immigration Review - Department of Justice Subcategory: Provides EIOR forms, links to immigration courts nationwide, statistics, and the Virtual Law Library which contains decisions, regulations, and attorney resources. |
Immigration Superhighway Subcategory: Contains the full-text of the INA, information on visas, asylees, extensions, and change of status, as well as a collection of immigration articles. |
U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services - USCIS Subcategory: Includes immigration forms, immigration laws, BIA decisions, handbooks, and information on visiting the U.S. and citizenship. |
ABA Section of Intellectual Property Subcategory:General Contains a list of U.S. and international sites of interest for IP lawyers. |
American Association of Law Libraries - Copyright Committee Subcategory:Copyrights Provides information on issues such as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, the Copyright Term Extension Act, the Fair Use Doctrine, as well as an list of copyright links. |
American Intellectual Property Law Association - AIPLA Subcategory:General National bar association for intellectual property practitioners. For those considering a path in IP, an overview of different practice areas is provided. |
American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers - ASCAP Subcategory:Copyrights Association that licenses and distributes royalties for public performances of works copyrighted by ASCAP's composer, songwriter, lyricist, and music publisher membership. |
Case Summaries & Law Updates - Intellectual Property Subcategory:General (Williamette Law Online) A weekly publication containing summaries of cases from federal and state jurisdictions covering trademark, copyright, trade secret, and patent law. |
Compleat World Copyright Website Subcategory:Copyrights A compilation of links to sites concerning copyright in the common law tradition of creator's rights that can be browsed by author, country, institute, journal, and topic. |
Copyright & Fair Use Subcategory:Copyrights (Stanford University Libraries) Includes a collection of primary materials, an overview of copyright and related topics, a list of relevant internet links, and information on current issues. |
Copyright Clearance Center Subcategory:Copyrights Allows businesses, schools, publishers, and authors to search for works they wish to use and obtain licenses and permissions. |
Copyright Crash Course Subcategory:Copyrights (University of Texas) A great overview of copyrights, including information on who owns what and fair use. |
Copyright Information & Education Subcategory:Copyrights (University of Minnesota Libraries) An overview of copyright, including a great diagram to use when deciding when permission should be obtained. |
Copyright Society of the U.S.A. Subcategory:Copyrights Contains a comprehensive list of copyright links and a thorough FAQ section. |
European Patent Office - EPO Subcategory:Patents Organization which provides uniform patent application procedures for 37 European countries. This site contains the step-by-step procedure for applying for European patents. |
Free Patents Online Subcategory: Offers free advanced patent searching online as well as PDF document delivery, document annotating and sharing, and alerts. |
International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations - IFRRO Subcategory:Copyrights Organization which seeks to manage reproduction on an international scale. |
International Trademark Association - INTA Subcategory:Trademarks An association of trademark owners and professionals. This site contains job postings and a policy development section with model guidelines. |
Liblicense Subcategory:Copyrights (Yale University Library) Provides a wealth of information on licensing agreements, including sample clauses with commentary, definitions, model licenses, and resource links. |
SumoBrain Subcategory: Free full-text searching of US & EP patents and applications, PCT documents, and Japanese abstracts. Bulk PDF downloading is also available. |
The IP Mall - Pierce Law Center Subcategory:Trademarks Contains the latest IP news and an extensive list of links and resources. |
Thomson CompuMark - Global Trademark Solutions Subcategory:Trademarks Provides an overview of trademarks and copyrights in a life cycle format. |
U.S. Copyright Office Subcategory:Copyrights Contains forms, a collection of copyright laws and policy, information on registering by type of work, and a searchable database of works already registered. |
United States Patent & Trademark Office - USPTO Subcategory: Contains forms, a glossary of terms, several "how to" guides, and a searchable database of items already covered by patents and trademarks. |
Wacky Patent of the Month Subcategory:Patents A new selection made by Michael J. Colitz, Jr., a patent attorney, each month. |
World Intellectual Property Organization - WIPO Subcategory: Website of the agency of the UN dedicated to developing an international system of intellectual property. |
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) International Justice Statistics Subcategory: Complete resource for international criminal justice statistics with explanations and references to U.N. statistical sources, international web sites, and National Archive of Criminal Justice Data. Includes crime surveys and studies from individual countries and regions and Global Report on Crime and Justice as well as World Factbook of Criminal Justice Systems. |
EISIL - Human Rights and International Criminal Law Subcategory: EISIL section that highlights important instruments and web resources for researching international and transnational crime |
National Criminal Justice Reference Service - Justice Information Center Subcategory: Database of abstracts of books, articles and reports published by the U.S. Department of Justice, other state and federal agencies, international organizations and private sector. Areas of focus include: corrections, courts, crime prevention, criminal justice statistics, drugs, international information, juvenile justice, law enforcement, and victims. |
National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Subcategory: U.S. Department of Justice’s research agency site with links to international criminal justice community. Includes full-text of articles in NIJ publications. |
UN Crime and Justice Information Network (UNCJIN): Statistic and Research Sources Subcategory: Links to collections of global crime statistics and includes the UN Surveys of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems.? |
ASIL Guide to Electronic Resources for International Law Subcategory: Discussion on how to do international legal research on the Internet, highlighting important primary and secondary sources. The section on International Criminal Law provides a textual pathfinder to major electronic sources for researching international and transitional crime as well as current issues common to both categories.? |
Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO) Subcategory: Full-text collection of working papers, journal articles, books, policy briefs, research projects and conference proceedings discussing theory, policy and research of international affairs. |
Customary International Humanitarian Law Database Subcategory: This database is the online version of the Study on customary international humanitarian law, conducted by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and published by Cambridge University Press in 2005. (from website). |
United Nations Dag Hammarskjold Library Subcategory: Good place to access U.N. information and documents.? |
Division of Workers' Compensation - Texas Department of Insurance Subcategory:Workers' Compensation Included on this site is an online workers' compensation complaint form, statistics on fatal and non-fatal work injuries, lists of approved doctors and covered employers, and information on insurance fraud. |
Employment Law Subcategory:General (Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School) An overview of employment law with links to federal and state statutes and judicial decisions. |
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health - NIOSH Subcategory: Provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), NIOSH offers workplace safety tips and information on a variety of health topics. |
National Labor Relations Board - NLRB Subcategory:General Homepage of the federal agency that administers the National Relations Act, the law governing union-employer relationships. |
Occupational Safety & Health Administration - OSHA Subcategory:Workers' Compensation Provides resources for employers to help prevent occupational injuries and to stay in compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act. In addition, this site also contains the text of relevant laws and regulations, enforcement information, statistics, and links to approved state plans. |
Texas Labor Code Subcategory:General Full-text of the Texas Labor Code accessible by chapter. |
Texas Workforce Commission - TWC Subcategory:General Provides recruiting, training, and market statistics for employers and job search, training, and unemployment resources for job seekers. |
U.S. Department of Labor - DOL Subcategory:General Contains a large amount of information on employment topics, including disability, equal employment opportunity, health plans, termination, training, hiring, wages, unemployment insurance, work hours, retirement, and workplace safety and health. |
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission - EEOC Subcategory:General Contains resources pertaining to federal equal employment opportunity laws, discriminatory practices, and filing a complaint. |
U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board - MSPB Subcategory:General MSPB is a quasi-judicial agency that hears personnel action appeals made by federal employees and conducts research studies of the merit systems implemented by the federal government. Both decisions and studies are available online. |
Workers' Compensation Law Subcategory:Workers' Compensation (Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School) Provides an overview of workers' compensation with links to federal and state statutes and judicial decisions. |
Center for Housing & Urban Development - CHUD Subcategory: (Texas A&M, College of Architecture) Homepage of the Center which seeks to improve the quality of life of individuals living in colonias along the Texas-Mexico border. Included in this site is a list of resources on colonias, community development and housing, health, and promota. |
Housing Topics - U.S. Census Bureau Subcategory: Includes data on home ownership, affordability, vacancy, and market absorption of apartments, as well as historical information. |
Landlord-Tenant Law Subcategory: (Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School) An overview of landlord-tenant law with links to federal and state statutes and judicial decisions. |
National Low Income Housing Coalition - NLIHC Subcategory: Contains information on low income housing services and issues, as well as links to congressional testimony, NLIHC research, and polls. |
Shelterforce Subcategory: Independent non-profit organization that examines housing crisis issues and how these issues affect people trying to build healthy neighborhoods. Select publications are available in full-text. |
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development - HUD Subcategory: Federal department entrusted with regulating the housing industry, helping build healthy communities, and expanding housing opportunities. |
Law & Popular Culture Collection Subcategory: (Tarlton Law Library, University of Texas School of Law) A comprehensive collection of over 700 film titles featuring lawyers, a list of print titles owned by UT divided by time period, legal narrative e-texts, and a compilation of lawyerly quotations. |
ABA Center for Pro Bono Subcategory:Federal The Center for Pro Bono provides technical and planning assistance to individuals and pro bono programs. The National Pro Bono Volunteer Opportunities Guide allows attorneys to search for available positions by state. |
ABA Division for Legal Services Subcategory:Federal Includes national directories of lawyer-referral and pro bono programs, legal services publications, "Consumer's Guide to Finding Legal Help on the Internet, and a little beyond," and "Practitioner's Guide: a online resource center for lawyers serving people." |
ABA Subcategory:Self-Help Contains legal information primarily for a non-lawyer audience on topics such as family, housing, jobs, finance, and criminal justice. This site also contains general information about courts as well as a find a lawyer feature. |
ABA Standing Committee on Legal Aid & Indigent Defendants Subcategory:Federal Provides information on civil and criminal defense services, indigent defense systems, and Loan Repayment Assistance Programs (LRAPs) for attorneys who wish to pursue careers in public service but whose debt prevents them from doing so. |
ABA Standing Committee on Legal Assistance for Military Personnel Subcategory:Federal Contains information on the Service members Civil Relief Act and the rights of service members, CLE materials, and other military personnel resources. |
Advocacy, Inc. Subcategory: Homepage of an organization which advocates for the rights of individuals with disabilities. This site contains information on education, health care, civil rights, housing, and accessibility topics as well as cases Advocacy, Inc. is involved with and numerous publications. |
American Gateways Subcategory:Texas American Gateways (formerly Political Asylum Project of Austin - PAPA) provides legal services and education to immigrants and refugees in Central Texas. This site contains links to immigration, embassy, victims of violence, Austin, and Texas resources. |
Brennan Center for Justice - Poverty Program Subcategory:Federal (NYU School of Law) Center focusing on access to justice and economic justice. This site contains information on issues such as campaign finance reform; courts and government; immigrant rights; liberty and national security; criminal justice reform; voting rights and elections; wages, jobs, and the economy. |
FindLaw for the Public Subcategory:Self-Help (FindLaw) Information for the public accessible from a legal subject area list. |
Handbook on Limited Scope Legal Assistance Subcategory:Federal (ABA Section of Litigation, Report of the Modest Means Task Force) Full-text of guide to providing legal services to clients who cannot afford to hire an attorney. Included in this handbook are forms and other helpful practice materials. |
Houston Volunteer Lawyers Program - HVLP Subcategory:Texas The HVLP site contains information for individuals seeking pro bono legal services in Harris County and for attorneys seeking to provide such services. |
Legal Hospice of Texas Subcategory:Texas Since 1989, Legal Hospice of Texas has been providing timely and compassionate legal services to low income individuals with terminal illnesses or HIV disease. |
Legal Services Corporations - LSC Subcategory:Federal LSC helps fund civil legal aid by providing grants to local programs. The LSC website contains enabling legislation, program information, and a map of funded programs with links to the individual organizations. |
Mexican American Legal Defense & Educational Fund - MALDEF Subcategory:Texas Homepage of the national non-profit organization that protects the civil rights of Latinos living in the U.S. The MALDEF sites contains a collection of publications as well as information regarding employment and economic development; immigration, citizenship, and voting rights; and fair share and equal access. | Subcategory:Self-Help Nolo provides legal information for consumers and small businesses regarding topics such as business and human resources; patents, copyright, and art; wills and estate planning; property and money; family law and immigration; and rights and disputes. | Subcategory:Federal A non-profit organization dedicated to helping the poor gain access to justice by helping pro bono attorneys get involved. |
Texas Advocacy Project Subcategory:Texas The Texas Advocacy Project, formerly Women's Advocacy Project, provides legal assistance to victims of domestic violence. Their Resource Center contains many useful documents and links to help individuals who are in harmful relationships. |
Texas Equal Access to Justice Foundation - TEAJF Subcategory:Texas Contains information on attaining legal help as well as resources for banks and attorneys needing to set up IOLTA accounts. |
Texas Law Help Subcategory: Offers free and low cost legal advice on a variety of civil law issues including divorce, landlord-tenant issues, wills, child custody and many other topics. Also includes a legal aid directory and legal forms. |
Texas Legal Services Center - TLSC Subcategory:Texas LSC's site contains a large collection of Texas, federal, and research links for individuals looking for legal services. |
Volunteer Legal Services of Central Texas - VLS Subcategory:Texas Contains information on attaining legal services at no cost. Most of the clinics and pro bono services offered by VLS occur in Travis County. The VLS website also contains a FAQs section covering a variety of legal topics, such as family law and landlord tenant law. |
Forms and Contracts Subcategory: FindLaw's collection of legal forms and business contracts. |
LexisNexis Legal Forms Subcategory: (LexisNexis Legal Communities) List of automated forms for purchase and some available free forms. |
U.S. Legal Forms Subcategory: (USLegal) A for-fee site that allows users to browse forms by state and topic. |
A Century of Lawmaking for a New Nation Subcategory: (Library of Congress - American Memory Project) Contains documents and debates from the Continental Congress, Constitutional Convention, and Congresses from 1774-1873. Volumes 1 through 17 of Statutes at Large are also included. |
Anglo-American Legal Tradition Subcategory: (O'Quinn Law Library at the University of Houston Law Center and the National Archives of the United Kingdom) Digital images of English Court Records from c.1272-1650. |
Annotated Justinian Code Subcategory: (University of Wyoming) Justice Blume's translation of the 6th century codification of Roman law under Emperor Justinian. |
Constitutions of the World Online Subcategory: Access to constitutional documents from around the world. Coverage includes constitutions written between the years 1776 to 1849. |
Documents in Law, History, & Diplomacy Subcategory: (Avalon Project at the Yale Law School) Digital documents dating from pre-18th century through the 21st century relevant to topics such as law, history, economics, politics, diplomacy, and government. |
Early English Laws Subcategory: Collaboration between the Institute of Historical Research at the University of London and the Centre for Computing in the Humanities at Kings College London that aims to translate and provide commentary on pre-Magna Carta (1215) English laws. |
Internet Archive's Text Archive Subcategory: Location for Pre-statehood statutes, and older legal materials.? |
Laws in Ireland for the Suppression of Popery Subcategory: (Prepared by Patricia Schaffer, Columbia University Law School) Text of penal laws passed by the Protestant Parliament in Ireland from 1691-1760 to regulate the status of Roman Catholics. |
Legal History Research Guide Subcategory: (University of Texas Tarlton Law Library) An overview of legal history resources and research tools in the library and online, covering multiple legal traditions. |
Roman Law Resources Subcategory: (Ernest Metzger, University of Glasgow) A site dedicated to Roman law with an extensive listing of sources, literature, and bibliographies. |
State Constitutions Project Subcategory: Searchable access to the texts of state constitutions of the United States and amendments with coverage from the original state constitutions through the year 2000. Provided by the University of Maryland and the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). |
Association of Legal Writing Directors - ALWD Subcategory:Associations Contains survey results that report legal writing program and faculty characteristics and information on the ALWD Citation Manual. |
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 10th edition Subcategory:Reference Sources, Guides, & Publications Searchable database of quotations. Quotations can also be accessed by author and through a keyword index as well. |
Bluebook Abbreviations of Law Review Titles Subcategory:Reference Sources, Guides, & Publications (University of Washington School of Law) Contains the Bluebook (18th edition) abbreviations for print and some online-only law reviews. |
Citing Sources Subcategory:Reference Sources, Guides, & Publications (Duke University Libraries) Contains APA, Chicago, CSE, MLA and Turabian citation guides, as well as information about plagiarism. |
Elements of Style - William Strunk, Jr. Subcategory:Reference Sources, Guides, & Publications The complete text of Strunk's famous grammar reference book. |
Introduction to Basic Legal Citation Subcategory:Reference Sources, Guides, & Publications (Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School, Peter Martin) Includes a brief history of legal citation and the different citation manuals plus examples of different citation forms. |
Jurist Legal Dictionary Subcategory:Reference Sources, Guides, & Publications (Jurist) Covers basic legal terminology with a focus on procedure. In addition, this site links to several other general and subject specific legal dictionaries. |
Law Dictionary Subcategory:Reference Sources, Guides, & Publications (FindLaw) Legal dictionary for legal professionals |
Legal Writing Institute - LWI Subcategory:Associations Contains sample grading rubrics and syllabi plus plagiarism and citation resources. |
Scribes - The American Society of Legal Writers Subcategory:Associations Legal writing society advocating for a writing style that is "clear, succinct, and forceful." |
Federal Legislative History Research Guide-Library of Congress Subcategory: This research guide is a basic outline of resources such as bills, committee hearings, committee reports, congressional debate and other documents (e.g. committee prints or presidential messages) which can provide insight into the legislative intent of a particular law. |
Legislative Histories of Selected U.S. Laws Subcategory: (Law Librarians' Society of Washington, D.C.) A list of selective legislative histories by popular name and public law number with links to the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University Law School. |
ABA Family Law Section - Military Committee Subcategory: Provides information on pre-deployment and reemployment as well as a collection of handouts which give general overviews of specific areas of military family law. |
ABA Standing Committee on Legal Assistance for Military Personnel Subcategory: Contains information on the Service members Civil Relief Act and the rights of service members, CLE materials, and other military personnel resources. |
Board of Veterans Appeals - BVA Subcategory: (U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs) Contains information on how to appeal from a benefits determination made by a local VA office. Forms and past BVA decisions are also available. |
Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Pursue Database Subcategory: (Stanford Law School, Robert Crown Law Library) A database of legislation, regulations, proceeding materials, and policy documents on sexual orientation policy in the military beginning with World War I. |
Military Law - Overview & Sources Subcategory: (Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School) An overview of military law with links to federal and state statutes and judicial decisions. |
Military Law Links Subcategory: JAG, court, and organization links for the different military branches. |
Military Law Web Sites Subcategory: (FindLaw) Databases, agency links, statutes, cases, and news covering military law. |
Nuremberg Trials Project - A Digital Document Collection Subcategory: (Harvard Law School Library) Trial transcripts, briefs, document books, evidence files and other papers from the library's extensive collection of documents relating to the trial of military and political leaders of Nazi Germany. |
Office of the General Counsel - OGC Subcategory: (Department of Defense) The General Counsel advises different organizations and individuals within the Department of Defense and sets policies and positions. This site contains speeches made by the General Counsel as well as biographies of those individuals in leadership positions. |
U.S. Air Force Judge Advocate General Subcategory: Contains biographies of the Judge Advocate General and the Deputy Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Air Force, as well as a legal assistance locator for active duty individuals in need of service. |
U.S. Army Judge Advocate General Subcategory: Contains legal services information plus FOIA, personnel, and TJAG Legal Center and School resources. |
U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims - USCAVC Subcategory: Court with exclusive jurisdiction over Board of Veterans' Appeals final decisions. |
U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General"s Corps Subcategory: Contains information on the Navy JAG, including the JAG TV feature that provides updates and resources on relevant information. |
Texas Traffic Laws Subcategory: (FindLaw) Links to traffic laws and driving rules in Texas -- including the online vehicle code, statutes on common traffic violations, and state-specific driving manuals (where available) |
Texas Transportation Code Subcategory: Texas Transportation Code hosted by the Texas Legislature. |
Traffic Tickets Resource Center Subcategory: (Nolo) Articles on what to do if you get pulled over, if you are considering fighting a ticket, and if you have been in a traffic accident. |
National Security Agency / Central Security Service Subcategory: The National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS) website includes information on cryptology, Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), Information Assurance (IA) products and services, and Computer Network Operations (CNO). |
National Security Archive Subcategory: (George Washington University) A collection of declassified documents acquired through the Freedom of Information Act and records on topics such as national security, intelligence, and economic policies. |
National Security Council Subcategory: ( The National Security Council (NSC) is the President's principal forum for considering national security and foreign policy matters with his senior national security advisors and cabinet officials. |
Rand Corporation - National Security Subcategory: RAND conducts a broad array of national security research for the U.S. Department of Defense and allied ministries of defense. RAND's three U.S. federally funded research and development centers (FFRDCs) explore topics from acquisition and technology to personnel and readiness. (from website) |
Washington Post - National Security Subcategory: National newspaper's section for national security articles and opinions. |
American Indian Law Review Subcategory: (University of Oklahoma School of Law) The American Indian Law Review serves as a nationwide scholarly forum for analysis of developments in legal issues pertaining to Native Americans and indigenous peoples worldwide. |
Bureau of Indian Affairs - BIA Subcategory: (U.S. Department of Interior) BIA is responsible for holding land in a trust for American Indians, developing that land, and providing education to Indian students. Most of the BIA Web site is down pending resolution of the Cobell litigation. |
Index of Native American Resources on the Internet Subcategory: A list of cultural, language, history, archeology, legal, and health resources for Native Americans. |
Indian Affairs - Laws & Treaties Subcategory: (Oklahoma State University Library, Charles J. Kappler) A compilation of laws, treaties, and executive orders relating to Native Americans from 1778-1970. |
Indigenous Governance Database Subcategory: (University of Arizona) The Indigenous Governance Database is an online resource center for Native nation leaders, key decision-makers, employees, citizens, and others in search of educational and informational resources about nation building, sovereignty, governance, leadership, and sustainable economic and community development in Indigenous country (from website). |
National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) Subcategory: The NCAI "serves at the major national tribal organization and is positioned to monitor federal policy and coordinated efforts to inform federal decisions that affect tribal government issues" (from website). |
National Indian Law Library Subcategory: (Native American Rights Fund - NARF) Includes the full-text of NARF publications as well as Indian and tribal law resources and research guides by topic. |
Native American Constitution and Law Digitization Project Subcategory: (University of Oklahoma College of Law and National Indian Law Library) Homepage Native American Constitution and Law Digitization Project and links to tribal, cultural, historical, and legal resources. |
Native American Rights Fund - NARF Subcategory: Non-profit organization that provides legal and technical assistance to Indian tribes. |
Native American Sites Subcategory: Collection of online resources regarding individual tribes, organizations, education, languages, mascots, media, festivals and culture, military participation, and native businesses. |
NativeWeb Resource Database Subcategory: Web site dedicated to facilitating communication among indigenous people from around the world. The Resource Database contains a listing of related sites divided by subcategory. |
Office of Native American Programs (ONAP) / Code Talk Subcategory: (Office of Public and Indian Housing, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) Provides a compilation of resources available to Native Americans from federal government agencies. |
Office of the Special Trustee (OST) for American Indians Subcategory: (U.S. Department of Interior) Office responsible for managing trust resources and distributing payments to Native Americans. |
Tribal Court Clearinghouse Subcategory: (Tribal Law & Policy Institute) A comprehensive site with information covering state, federal, and tribal law for American Indian and Alaska Native nations, people, and justice systems. |
Brennan Center for Justice - Poverty Program Subcategory: (NYU School of Law) Center focusing on access to justice and economic justice. This site contains information on issues such as campaign finance reform; courts and government; immigrant rights; liberty and national security; criminal justice reform; voting rights and elections; wages, jobs, and the economy. |
Center for Law & Social Policy - CLASP Subcategory: Non-profit organization that advocates on behalf of low-income individuals. CLASP's research and policy analysis focuses on child care and support, legal assistance, job training and employment, prisoner re-entry, and youths. |
Institute for Research on Poverty - IRP Subcategory: (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Research institute whose primary focus is on the cause and effect of poverty in the United States. IRP's publications and reports cover topics such as welfare reform, child support, health & poverty, and group memberships & poverty. |
National Center for Law & Economic Justice - NCLEJ Subcategory: Non-profit organization seeking equal access to disability, health care, and other government benefits. NCLEJ's site contains information on benefit privatization, civil rights, food stamps, access to justice, and civic participation. |
National Legal Aid & Defender Association - NLADA Subcategory: NLADA is an advocate for legal aid programs and attorneys.It contains a wealth of resources. |
Poverty Guidelines, Research, & Measurement Subcategory: (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) Contains the most recent poverty guidelines as well as a list of poverty resources and research centers. | Subcategory: A non-profit organization dedicated to helping the poor gain access to justice by helping pro bono attorneys get involved. |
Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law Subcategory: Organization advocating for improvement in the lives, economic security, and neighborhoods of low-wage workers through communication and policy development. |
Southern Poverty Law Center - SPLC Subcategory: SPLC is an organization that monitors hate groups operating within the U.S., that uses the court system to combat hate groups and discriminatory practices, and that provides diversity teaching materials. |
Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership - TMHP Subcategory: TMHP is a collection of contractors that are responsible for the administration Medicare claims in Texas. | Political Humor Subcategory: Political jokes, cartoons, and humor. |
Campaign Finance Institute Subcategory: CFI has successfully established its reputation as the nation's preeminent think tank for campaign finance policy. |
CNN Politics Subcategory: is among the world's leaders in online news and information delivery. Staffed 24 hours, seven days a week by a dedicated staff in CNN's world headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, and in bureaus worldwide, relies heavily on CNN's global team of almost 4,000 news professionals. features the latest multimedia technologies, from live video streaming to audio packages to searchable archives of news features and background information. The site is updated continuously throughout the day. |
Commission on Presidential Debates Subcategory: The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) was established in 1987 to ensure that debates, as a permanent part of every general election, provide the best possible information to viewers and listeners. Its primary purpose is to sponsor and produce debates for the United States presidential and vice presidential candidates and to undertake research and educational activities relating to the debates. The organization, which is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, 501(c)(3) corporation, sponsored all the presidential debates in 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004 and 2008. |
Communist Party USA Subcategory: Founded in 1919, the Communist Party USA has championed the struggles for democracy, labor rights, women's equality, racial justice and peace for ninety years. The Communist Party has an unparalleled history in the progressive movement of the United States, from the struggle against Jim Crow segregation, the organizing of the industrial unions, from the cannieries of California to the sweatshops of New York City. |
Compilation of Presidential Documents Subcategory: (U.S. Government Publishing Office) - The Compilation of Presidential Documents collection consists of the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents and the Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents which are the official publications of materials released by the White House Press Secretary. |
C-SPAN Subcategory: C-SPAN (Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network) is a private non-profit company, created in 1979 by the cable television industry as a public service. Their mission is to provide public access to the political process. C-SPAN receives no government funding; operations are funded by fees paid by cable and satellite affiliates who carry C-SPAN programming? |
Democratic National Committee Website Subcategory: Provides information on the Democratic National Committee and election information. |
Election Law @ Moritz Subcategory: (Ohio State University Moritz College of Law) News, information, and analysis on federal, state, and local election laws. |
Election Law Blog Subcategory: Blog maintained by Professor Rick Hansen, Loyola Law School, which contains news and links on topics such as election law, campaign finance, voting, and redistricting. |
Federal Election Commission - FEC Subcategory: Contains a disclosure database, electronic filings which can be downloaded, and other financial reports filed by campaigns, parties, and PACs. Additionally, every 2 years the FEC publishes Federal Elections, a compilation of the official, certified federal election results obtained from each state's election office and other official sources. This site provides links of the primary, runoff and general election results for the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, and, when applicable, U.S. President. This page also provides access to a variety of legal resources, including the statutes, regulations, and advisory opinions, policy statements and non-enforcement litigation, as well as PACRONYMS, a list of acronyms and common names of political action committees (PACs). |
Gallup Politics Subcategory: Gallup News reports empirical evidence about the world's 7 billion citizens based on Gallup's continuous polling in 160 countries. |
Green Party of the United States Subcategory: Provides information on the views of the Green Party. This site is maintained by the Union Labor. |
Historical Election Results Subcategory: Provides information on Electoral College Box Scores from 1789-1996.? |
Huffington Post Politics Subcategory: Huffington Post Politics includes information and blog posts on U.S. politics and upcoming elections. |
Legal Information Institute - Elections Subcategory: (Cornell Law School) Provides an overview of election laws and how the Electoral College plays a role in elections. |
Libertarian Party Subcategory: The Libertarian Party is America's third largest political party, founded in 1971. Paid for by the Libertarian National Committee.? |
Library of Congress - Election Law Subcategory: The Library of Congress offers links to primary sources of law pertaining to Election Law. |
Library of Congress American Memory: Presidential Elections and the Electoral College Subcategory: This site provides links to a wide variety of materials on presidential elections and the electoral college, historically.? |
Library of Congress American Memory: Presidential Inaugurations Subcategory: Presidential Inaugurations is a collection of approximately 400 items or 2,000 digital files relating to inaugurations from George Washington's in 1789 to Barack Obama's in 2009. This presentation includes diaries and letters of presidents and of those who witnessed inaugurations, handwritten drafts of inaugural addresses, broadsides, inaugural tickets and programs, prints, photographs, and sheet music. |
Library of Congress American Memory: The Impeachment Trial of Andrew Johnson Subcategory: This site provides background information and links to historical documents regarding the impeachment trial of Andrew Johnson in 1868.? |
National Voting Rights Institute - NVRI Subcategory: Non-partisan organization dedicated to ensuring meaningful political participation. The Legal Library contains cases and documents related to campaign spending limits, barriers to political participation, public funding for campaigns, and challenging the wealth primary.? |
New York Times Politics Subcategory: Contains breaking political news, opinion pages, an electoral map, and many interactive features. |
Pew Research Center Publications Subcategory: The Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. The center conducts public opinion polling, demographic studies, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. It does not take positions on policy issues. |
Presidential Debates 1960-2012 Subcategory: The American Presidency Project provides information on presidential debates from 1960-2012. |
Presidential Libraries and Museums Subcategory: Sponsored by the National Archives, Presidential Libraries promotes understanding of the presidency and the American experience.? |
Presidential Signing Statements Subcategory: The Library of Congress' guide is intended to serve as an introduction to research on official pronouncements issued by the President of the United States at or near the time a bill is signed into law, called signing statements. |
Project Vote Smart Subcategory: Citizens volunteer and research the backgrounds and records of thousands of political candidates and elected officials to discover their voting records, campaign contributions, public statements, biographical data, and evaluations of them generated by special interest groups.? |
Republican National Party website Subcategory: The official site of the Republican National Party. |
Rock the Vote Subcategory: Rock the Vote's mission is to engage and build political power for young people in our country. Founded twenty-one years ago at the intersection of popular culture and politics, Rock the Vote has registered more than five million young people to vote and has become a trusted source of information for young people about registering to vote and casting a ballot. We use music, popular culture, new technologies and grassroots organizing to motivate and mobilize young people in our country to participate in every election, with the goal of seizing the power of the youth vote to create political and social change. |
Smithsonian: The American Presidency Subcategory: Contains an online exhibit providing detailed information on the role of the president.? |
Socialist Party USA Platform Subcategory: The socialist party of the United States was formed in 1958 at the dissolution of the Independent Socialist League. The Socialist Party stands for the abolition of every form of domination and exploitation, whether based on social class, gender, race/ethnicity, age, education, sexual orientation, or other characteristics. We are committed to the transformation of capitalism through the creation of a democratic socialist society based on compassion, empathy, and respect as well as the development of new social structures. |
Texas Election Code Subcategory: Full text of the Texas Election Code viewable by chapter. |
Texas Secretary of State - Elections Division Subcategory: Contains information on where to vote, absentee ballots, election law opinions, and election returns. |
The American Presidency Project Subcategory: (University of California, Santa Barbara) This site was established in 1999 and is the only online resource that has consolidated, coded, and organized into a single searchable database thousands of documents related to the study of the Presidency.? |
The American Presidency Project: Political Party Platforms: 1840-2012 Subcategory: Provides historical information on political party platforms of parties receiving electoral votes from 1840-2012.? |
The Campaign Disclosure Project Subcategory: A project of the UCLA School of Law, the Center for Governmental Studies, and the California Vote Foundation, supported by The Pew Charitable Trusts. The Campaign Disclosure Law Database contains statutes and regulations in 105 categories from 50 states, the District of Columbia and the Federal Election Commission. Users can choose to view some or all categories in a single state, or to compare individual categories across two or more states. The database is current as of December 31, 2006. The entire database is available for download upon request. |
The Living Room Candidate Subcategory: The Living Room Candidate: Presidential Campaign Commercials 1952-2012 is an online exhibition presenting more than 300 television commercials from every election year since 1952, when the first campaign TV ads aired. The website will be updated through the 2012 election between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. The site includes a searchable database and features commentary, historical background, election results, and navigation organized by year, type of ad, and issue. There is a playlist feature that allows visitors to select, annotate, and share their own groups of ads, and to view playlists by guest contributors. Each selected commercial is accompanied by a list of related ads. There is a transcript for each ad and a feature that allows visitors to search the entire database by title and by words in the transcripts. |
U.S. Census Voting and Registration Subcategory: Information on reported voting and registration by various demographic and socioeconomic characteristics is collected for the nation in November of Congressional and Presidential election years in the Current Population Survey (CPS). The CPS is a monthly survey of about 50,000 households conducted by the Bureau of the Census for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The CPS is the primary source of information on the labor force characteristics of the U.S. population. The voting supplement does not provide estimates of partisanship, such as what candidate a voter supported or what political party a voter aligned themselves with. |
U.S. Election Assistance Commission - EAC Subcategory: Includes voter registration and turnout statistics, voting guidelines and standards, and information on the Help America Vote Act of 2002. |
U.S. Electoral College Subcategory: (National Archives & Records Administration) Contains a FAQ section about the electoral college, deadlines for state officials, an electoral college calculator, timeline for the 2012 election, and voting resources. |
Yahoo News Destination 2012 Subcategory: Up-to-date news information on the 2012 Presidential Election. |
Electronic Privacy Information Center Subcategory: Contains numerous privacy issues by topic with news articles and other materials for each. |
AcqWeb's Directory of Publishers & Vendors Subcategory: Contains a listing of publishers and vendors with email addresses organized alphabetically as well as by geographic location and subject matter. Caveat - this site is not currently being updated. | Subcategory: Search engine that locates books (including textbooks) for sale online with prices and direct links to the vendor. |
Guide to Fair Business Practices for Legal Publishers Subcategory: (AALL) Contains the full-text of the AALL's publication, Guide to Fair Business Practices for Legal Publishers. |
Law Serials Pricing & Mergers: A Portfolio Approach Subcategory: (Mark McCabe, Contributions to Economic Analysis & Policy) Full-text of article describing the impact of mergers during the 1990s on legal publishing. |
Publishers' Catalogues Subcategory: Search for publishers by location, topic, material type, and keyword. |
ABA Legal Technology Resource Center Subcategory: This site features free searches of over 350 online law reviews and law journals and academic papers. |
American Law Sources On-line - ALSO! Subcategory:Other Indexes & Finding Aids to Legal Resources on the Internet Provides a collection of legal links for the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Links to constitutions, statutes, and court information are available for most all national and state governments. |
Ask a Librarian: An Online Reference Service Subcategory:General Library of Congress) Email and chat reference covering a wide variety of subject areas. | Subcategory:Searching the Internet Ask provides a search engine that ranks results based on pages considered to be "experts" and not solely on sheer volume of visits. The handy Binocular Site Preview allows you to preview the page without having to travel away from your search results. |
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 10th edition Subcategory:Quotations ( Searchable database of quotations. Quotations can also be accessed by author and through a keyword index as well. |
Bing Translator Subcategory:Translation Services Translate Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese and Spanish (to and from English), and Russian to English. Formerly Yahoo! Babelfish. |
Bureau of Justice Statistics - BJS Subcategory:Statistics (Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice) Statistics on crime, victims, offenders, drugs, deaths in custody, trends, international comparisons, law enforcement, prosecution, sentencing, and corrections. |
Chronicle of Higher Education Subcategory:News - General Publication with news and information for university faculty and staff. A job database is available for members. |
CNN Crime Section Subcategory:News - Legal A great source for information on high-profile US crime and trials. |
CNN Subcategory:News - General Continuously updated news stories and live streaming video. Users can also download news podcasts. |
C-SPAN Video Library Subcategory: Digital archive featuring every C-SPAN program aired since 1987. Over 160,000 hours of searchable programming. |
Dallas Morning News Subcategory:News - General The major newspaper of the Dallas metroplex. |
FedStats - Federal Interagency Council on Statistical Policy Subcategory:Statistics A database of statistics recorded by federal agencies. Data can be located by topic, location, or by promulgating agency. |
FindLaw Subcategory:Other Indexes & Finding Aids to Legal Resources on the Internet One of the most popular and useful legal research Web sites. Rich in content and features. |
Free Translation Subcategory:Translation Services Includes free text and Website translators. Translations (English to: Spanish, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese and Norwegian and translations from all the above languages (except Norwegian and Chinese) to English. |
Guide to Law Online Subcategory:General (Law Library of Congress) An annotated guide of Web sites organized by jurisdiction - international, foreign, U.S. federal, and U.S. states. The Guide index lists all countries and states alphabetically. For each jurisdiction, the Law Library of Congress has links to the constitution; executive, judicial, and legislative sources; and other legal guides and general sources. |
Journal Abbreviation Sources Subcategory:Acronyms, Abbreviations, & Glossaries Links to sites with listings of journal abbreviations. Organized by subject matter. |
Law Dictionary Subcategory:Dictionaries Covers basic legal terminology with a focus on procedure. In addition, this site links to several other general and subject specific legal dictionaries. |
Legal Dictionary Subcategory:Dictionaries (FindLaw) Legal dictionary for legal professionals. |
Legal Headlines Subcategory:News - Legal (FindLaw) Contains the top legal headlines. |
Legal News & Commentary Subcategory:News - Legal (FindLaw) Contains commentary on the top legal headlines. |
LexisNexis Legal Newsroom Subcategory:Searching the Internet The LexisNexis Legal Newsroom delivers breaking news headlines, opinions, fast-turn analysis and more. |
List of Government Acronyms Subcategory:Acronyms, Abbreviations, & Glossaries (University of California San Diego) Contains the abbreviations of government agencies, offices, and programs. |
Lubbock Avalanche Journal Subcategory:News - General Online version of the Lubbock area newspaper. |
Merriam-Webster Dictionary Subcategory:Dictionaries Merriam-Webster's online search contains a dictionary, thesaurus, Spanish-English translations, and a medical feature. |
Military Acronyms & Glossaries Subcategory:Acronyms, Abbreviations, & Glossaries (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis) A directory of sites that provide databases or listings of military acronyms for all branches. |
Most-Cited Legal Periodicals - U.S. & Select Non-U.S. Subcategory:Legal Periodicals - Indexes & Finding Aids (Washington & Lee Law School) Provides rankings of law journals by citations, cost, and impact. |
MSNBC Subcategory:News - General Online source of news. MSNBC also offers podcasts and MSN alerts. | Subcategory:News - General Easy-to-use site that allows you to find U.S. newspapers by state and world papers by country. |
Public Library of Law Subcategory: (Fastcase) A collection of various free legal sites covering a wide array of legal resources including both federal and state cases and codes as well as regulations, court rules, and constitutions. | Subcategory:General Touted as "the single best source for facts," this site features a huge collection of reference and fact finding tools. |
Research Guide Series Subcategory:Searching the Internet Compiled by law librarians, these research guides help you research legal topics in the Texas Tech Law Library. The guides discuss official and/or reliable Internet sources when relevant and feature active links to those sources. The guides also include references to some databases restricted to on-site use or password required access. |
Sources of United States of America legal Information in Language Other than English Subcategory:Translation Services ( This article discusses the availability of U.S. legal information in other languages and identifies Web resources, services and print publications from state and federal agencies, courts, libraries and academic institutions. | US statistics and state comparisons Subcategory:Statistics Welcome to StateMaster, a unique statistical database which allows you to research and compare a multitude of different data on US states. We have compiled information from various primary sources such as the US Census Bureau, the FBI, and the National Center for Educational Statistics. More than just a mere collection of various data, StateMaster goes beyond the numbers to provide you with visualization technology like pie charts, maps, graphs and scatterplots. We also have thousands of map and flag images, state profiles, and correlations. |
Statistical Resources on the Web Subcategory:Statistics (University of Michigan, University Library Documents Center) The Clark Library combines our map collection, government information center, and spatial and numeric data services. |
U.S. Census Bureau Subcategory:Statistics The U.S. Census site contains a population clock, population estimates, housing and economic statistics, and news about the next census. |
U.S. Senate Glossary Subcategory:Acronyms, Abbreviations, & Glossaries Provides a brief definitions of terms related to Congress and the legislative process. |
Virtual Reference Shelf Subcategory:General (Library of Congress) A compilation of online resources covering a wide variety of legal and non-legal topics. |
Wordsmyth: The Educational Dictionary-Thesaurus Subcategory:Dictionaries A dictionary that allows users to search for exact words, for words spelled like their search word, and for narrower/broader words. |
Yippy Subcategory:Searching the Internet Meta search engine that queries multiple search engines and then compiles a list based on rankings. Does not track searches for private browsing. | Subcategory:Dictionaries Dictionary search that provides definitions, thesaurus entries, spelling, pronunciation, and etymology results. |
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority - FINRA Subcategory: Non-governmental regulator of the security industry. FINRA's site contains information on broker registration and compliance. |
Guide to Insider Trading Subcategory: (SEC) Contains basic information on what constitutes insider trading plus information on filing a complaint. |
North American Securities Administrators Association - NASAA Subcategory: NASAA's site contains a directory of securities laws in the United States and Canada plus investor information and registration requirements for investment advisers and broker dealers. |
Securities Class Action Clearinghouse Subcategory: (Stanford University Law School) Contains detailed information relating to the prosecution, defense, and settlement of federal class action securities fraud litigation, as well as an index of filings and copies of litigation-related documents filed in these cases. |
Securities Lawyer's Deskbook Subcategory: (University of Cincinnati College of Law) This updated online reference book is a compilation of federal securities laws and regulations. |
U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission - SEC Subcategory: The SEC website contains forms, relevant acts with links to corresponding rules and regulations, a variety of investment calculators, and commission opinions. |
Virtual Museum & Archive of SEC & Securities History Subcategory: (Securities & Exchange Commission Historical Society) Contains pictures, oral histories, and papers as well as galleries that include all the materials on a specific SEC historical topic. |
European Centre for Space Law Subcategory: (European Centre for Space Law) This page provides a link to the UN Space Legal Framework and various space institutions. There are links to basic international space information, and case law dealing with space.? |
Space Law: Basic Legal Documents Subcategory: Provides online access to all documents in the Space Law: Basic Legal Documents collection. |
ABA Section of Taxation Subcategory: The Taxation Section provides a great Resource Guide with tax preparation tips and links. |
Federation of Tax Administrators - FTA Subcategory: Includes federal legislative and IRS links and links to private sector tax groups. |
Internal Revenue Service - IRS Subcategory: (U.S. Department of Treasury) Tax information for individuals, businesses, non-profits, and government entities. Online filing applications can be also be accessed. |
Legal Bitstream Subcategory: Legal Bitstream is a tax law research website that provides searchable databases of United States federal income tax and estate tax law. (from website) |
State Tax Agencies & Tax Forms Subcategory: (Federation of Tax Administrators) Find tax information by state or locate tax forms directly by state. |
Texas Tax Code Subcategory: Full-text of the Texas Tax Code accessible by chapter. |
Texas Taxes Subcategory: (Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts) Provides information on sales and use, cigarette, hotel, and all other taxes imposed by the state. This site also discusses local taxes and contains forms and filing information. |
ABA Commission on Women in the Profession Subcategory: Contains statistics on women attorneys in terms of professional achievement, salary, and ABA membership. |
Feminist Jurisprudence Subcategory: (Legal Information Institute, Cornell University Law School) Provides an overview of various feminist theories plus federal constitutional and judicial decision materials and other internet sources. |
Hastings Women's Law Journal Subcategory: (University of California Hastings College of Law) Contains the table of contents for the Hastings Women's Law Journal beginning with Volume 1 (Spring 1989) through Volume 18 (Winter 2007). This site also contains a list of links on topics such as feminism and animal rights. |
National Organization for Women - NOW Subcategory: NOW is a non-profit feminist advocacy group with 500,000+ members. |
National Women's Law Center - NWLC Subcategory: National organization advocating for women's rights. NWLC's primary areas of concern include childcare, poverty and income support, education, fair and flexible workplaces, health care, reproductive choices, the courts, retirement security, and tax and budget priorities. |
Researching Women's Human Rights Issues Subcategory: (University of Minnesota Law School) Guide containing internet sites, print background sources, reports, and periodical indexes useful when conducting research on issues effecting the human rights of women. |
Women & the Law Subcategory: (World Legal Information Institute Links) Contains a collection of legal links regarding women including law journals, commentary, legislation, and other materials. |
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