Our Commitment to Community Engagement and Support
At Texas Tech Law, we believe in community engagement and support. We are committed to providing a welcoming and supportive environment where every single student in our community can thrive as a professional and as a person. We are also committed, as a law school, to educating lawyers who are dedicated to justice, equality, freedom, and the rule of law.
We are building on a strong foundation at Texas Tech, but we can and will do more each year. Our Community Engagement Committee—with faculty, staff, and student members—works to provide and promote programming that fosters a campus environment where all members of the Texas Tech law community are accepted, welcomed, valued, empowered, and successful.
Our students are crucial partners in our efforts to improve our community at Tech Law School. The student Community Engagement Board provides additional opportunities for dialogue and support for our students focused on creating a collaborative and friendly environment across our community's wide range of backgrounds and perspectives. Throughout the year, our student organizations host many events that encourage a robust exchange of ideas and cultivate a learning and social environment where every student can succeed. We continue to listen to our students and work with them to foster the community that we all want and deserve.
Our alumni also provide very important voices. They come from a wide variety of backgrounds and have chosen many different fields and industries, but they share the Texas Tech Law value of making the world a better place. We welcome their input and ideas. In particular, the Alumni Special Committee on Community Engagement helps us identify issues and resources which allow us to better promote a more welcoming and supportive campus environment.
We pledge to make every year at Texas Tech better than the last.
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School of Law
Texas Tech University School of Law, 3311 18th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79409-0004 -
806.742.3791 -