Academic Standards, Dismissal, Readmission, and Re-Entry

Academic Standards, Dismissal, Readmission, and Re-Entry
Academic Policies
Date Approved and/or Revised
April 9, 2014 (revised), February 25, 2015 (revised), August 31, 2017 (revised)
Academic Standards, Dismissal, Readmission and Re-entry.
I. Academic Standards for Good Standing and Academic Probation.
- Students Matriculating in or Before August 2014.
- Academic Requirements for Good Standing. Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.000 and a semester average of at least 2.000 for each fall and spring semester to remain in good standing.
- Academic Probation and Dismissal for Academic Deficiency. If a student's cumulative grade point average or semester average or both fall below the required level (2.000), he or she will be placed on academic probation. To be removed from probation, a student must attain cumulative and semester grade point averages of 2.000 or better in the next long semester. Students on academic probation will be required to take at least 14 credits and no more than 16 credits during the semester of probation, unless they lack 13 or fewer to graduate. Students on probation who do not attain the required cumulative and semester grade point averages will be dismissed for academic deficiency.
- Restrictions on Extracurricular Activities and Outside Employment for Students on Academic Probation. Students on probation are prohibited from participating in Board of Barristers activities and other advocacy competitions. They are prohibited also from serving on the staff of any publication for which students provide services and are ineligible to serve as an officer in any student organizations. Further, they may not be employed outside of the School of Law for compensation, except by permission of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or the Associate Dean for Student Life, and may not serve as mentors to first-year students.
- Academic Requirement to Participate in Semester-Abroad Programs.
- To be eligible to participate in such a program, students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.000 or higher for ABA-approved summer-law programs or 2.500 or higher for our semester-abroad exchange programs. In addition, students may not be on academic probation. Enrollment in such programs is limited, so the Associate Dean for International Programs may impose additional academic requirements when necessary.
- Students whose cumulative grade point averages are below 1.700 at the end of the fall semester are not allowed to register for classes in the first summer session, including any summer programs offered by the Texas Tech University School of Law, until their grades for the spring semester have been reported. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs may grant exceptions only in rare circumstances. Students on academic probation are not considered to be in good standing and thus will not be given permission to be visiting students at other law schools.
- Academic Disqualification. Any student who is on academic probation and does not meet the requirements for good standing at the end of the next long semester will be notified by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs that he or she is academically disqualified and not eligible to continue in school.
- Summer Term and Academic Probation. A student placed on academic probation following the spring term may attend class in summer term, but removal from probation shall be determined by academic performance in the following fall semester, as though the student had not attended summer term. If probation is satisfied after considering only the grades for the spring and fall semesters, any grades and credits earned in the summer term will then be added to the cumulative GPA. If inclusion of summer grades then lowers the cumulative grade average below the prescribed minimum, the student has not satisfied probation and will be dismissed.
- Academic Counseling. A student shall be notified when placed on academic probation and shall be referred to the Assistant Dean for Academic Success Programs.
- Students Matriculating From July 2015 Through July 2017.
- Academic Requirements for Good Standing.
- A student who has a grade-point average (GPA) at or below 1.600 at the end of the first fall semester will be dismissed for academic deficiency. A student who has a cumulative GPA below 2.000 at the end of the first spring semester will be dismissed for academic deficiency.
- The required cumulative GPA for good standing at the end of a student's first long semester as a second-year student is GPA 2.125. Thereafter, the cumulative GPA for good standing is 2.250. The cumulative GPA required to graduate is 2.250.
- Academic Probation and Dismissal for Academic Deficiency.
- A first-year student who has a grade-point average below 2.000 but above 1.600 at the end of the first fall semester will be placed on academic probation. To be removed from probation, the student must attain cumulative and semester grade point averages of 2.000 or better in the first spring semester. A first-year student who, at the end of his or her second-long semester, has a semester grade-point average below 2.000 but a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.000 will be placed on academic probation. To be removed from probation, the student must attain a semester grade-point average of at least 2.000 and a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.125 by the end of the first long semester of his or her second year. Students who fail to achieve the required semester and cumulative grade-point averages will be dismissed for academic deficiency.
- A student who has a cumulative GPA below 2.125 at the end of the first long semester of his or her second year will be placed on academic probation. A student who has a cumulative GPA below 2.250 at the end of his or her second year or during either long semester in his or her third year will be placed on academic probation. Students on academic probation will be required to take at least 14 credits and no more than 16 credits during the semester of probation, unless they lack 13 or fewer to graduate. Students on probation who do not attain the required cumulative grade point average will be dismissed for academic deficiency.
- Required Curriculum for Students with Low Cumulative Grade Point Averages (GPA). [RESERVED]
- Restrictions on Extracurricular Activities and Outside Employment for Students on Academic Probation. Students on academic probation at the beginning of a semester are prohibited from participating in Board of Barristers activities and other advocacy competitions, serving on the staff of any law school journals, law reviews, or other publications, participating in externships, enrolling in clinical programs, or serving as an officer of a student organization. Further, they may not be employed outside of the School of Law for compensation, except by permission of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or the Associate Dean for Student Life, and may not serve as mentors to first-year students.
- Academic Requirement to Participate in Semester-Abroad or Summer Abroad Programs.
- Students must be good standing to be eligible to participate in such a program. Enrollment in such programs is limited, so the Associate Dean for International Programs may impose additional academic requirements when necessary.
- Students desiring to enroll in any summer international programs offered by Texas Tech University School of Law, must be in good standing. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs may grant exceptions only in rare circumstances.
- Students on academic probation are not considered to be in good standing and thus will not be given permission to be visiting students at other law schools.
- Academic Disqualification. Any student who is on academic probation and does not meet the requirements for good standing at the end of the next long semester will be notified by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs that he or she is academically disqualified and not eligible to continue in school.
- Summer Term and Academic Probation. A student placed on academic probation following the spring term may attend class in the summer term, but removal from probation shall be determined by academic performance in the following fall semester, as though the student had not attended summer term. If probation is satisfied after considering only the grades for the spring and fall semesters, any grades and credits earned in the summer term will then be added to the cumulative GPA. If inclusion of summer grades then lowers the cumulative grade average below the prescribed minimum, the student has not satisfied probation and will be dismissed.
- Academic Counseling. A student shall be notified when placed on academic probation and shall be referred to the Assistant Dean for Academic Success Programs.
- Academic Requirements for Good Standing.
- Students Matriculating in or After August 2017.
- Academic Requirement for Good Standing.
- A first-year student who has a grade-point average (GPA) at or below 1.850 at the end of the fall semester will be dismissed for academic deficiency. A first-year student who has a cumulative GPA below 2.250 at the end of the spring semester will be dismissed for academic deficiency.
- The cumulative GPA for required good standing and to graduate is 2.250.
- Academic Probation and Dismissal for Academic Deficiency.
- A first-year student who has a grade-point average below 2.250 but above 1.850 at the end of the first fall semester will be placed on academic probation. To be removed from probation, the student must attain cumulative and semester grade point averages of 2.250 or better in the first spring semester. A first-year student who, at the end of his or her second long semester, has a semester grade-point average below 2.250 but a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.250 will be placed on academic probation. To be removed from probation, the student must attain a semester grade-point average of at least 2.250 and a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.250 by the end of the first long semester of his or her second year. Students who fail to achieve the required semester and cumulative grade-point averages will be dismissed for academic deficiency.
- A student who has a cumulative GPA below 2.250 during his or her second- or third-year of law school will be placed on academic probation. Students on academic probation will be required to take at least 14 credits and no more than 16 credits during the semester of probation, unless they lack 13 or fewer to graduate. Students on probation who do not attain the required cumulative grade point average will be dismissed for academic deficiency.
- Required Curriculum for Students with Low Cumulative Grade Point Averages (GPA). [RESERVED]
- Restrictions on Extracurricular Activities and Outside Employment for Students on Academic Probation. Students on academic probation at the beginning of a semester are prohibited from participating in Board of Barristers activities and other advocacy competitions, serving on the staff of any law school journals, law reviews, or other publications, participating in externships, enrolling in clinical programs, or serving as an officer of a student organization. Further, they may not be employed outside of the School of Law for compensation, except by permission of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or the Associate Dean for Student Life, and may not serve as mentors to first-year students.
- Academic Requirement to Participate in Semester-Abroad Programs.
- Students must be good standing to be eligible to participate in such a program. Enrollment in such programs is limited, so the Associate Dean for International Programs may impose additional academic requirements when necessary.
- Students desiring to enroll in any summer abroad programs offered by the Texas Tech University School of Law, must be in good standing. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs may grant exceptions only in rare circumstances. Students on academic probation are not considered to be in good standing and thus will not be given permission to be visiting students at other law schools.
- Academic Disqualification. Any student who is on academic probation and does not meet the requirements for good standing at the end of the next long semester will be notified by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs that he or she is academically disqualified and not eligible to continue in school.
- Summer Term and Academic Probation. A student placed on academic probation following the spring term may attend class in summer term, but removal from probation shall be determined by academic performance in the following fall semester, as though the student had not attended summer term. If probation is satisfied after considering only the grades for the spring and fall semesters, any grades and credits earned in the summer term will then be added to the cumulative GPA. If inclusion of summer grades then lowers the cumulative grade average below the prescribed minimum, the student has not satisfied probation and will be dismissed.
- Academic Counseling. A student shall be notified when placed on academic probation and shall be referred to the Assistant Dean for Academic Success Programs.
II. Academic Deficiency in the Graduating Term
- Students Matriculating in or Before August 2014.
- Graduation Requirements. To graduate, a student must have a cumulative grade-point average for all credits taken of at least 2.000. If the student is not already on academic probation, a student whose semester grade-point average is less than 2.000 in the student's graduating term will be permitted to graduate if the student's cumulative grade-point average is at least 2.000.
- Students Ineligible for Graduation. A student will not be permitted to graduate if the student:
- Is on probation when entering the graduating term and fails to be removed from probation at the end of that term, or
- Fails to earn a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.000 at the end of the graduating term.
- Readmission of J.D. Students to Meet Graduation Requirements. Absent extraordinary circumstances, a J.D. student will not be readmitted to enroll
in additional courses to be removed from academic probation or to achieve the 2.000
cumulative grade-point average needed to graduate.
- A student who has been excluded at the end of the graduating term and seeks readmission must follow the procedures and conditions described below for "Readmission and Re-entry to the Law School." The Academic Standards Committee=s decision on readmission under this section is final.
- A student's petition for readmission may be granted only if all three of the following
criteria are satisfied:
- the student's failure to maintain good academic standing was due to extraordinary circumstances ("extraordinary circumstances" do not include events for which the student had a reasonable opportunity to recover or obtain administrative relief before completing a significant portion of the work on which course grades were based);
- those extraordinary circumstances either no longer exist or will no longer substantially interfere with the student's academic performance; and
- the student's admission and academic record, together with any other relevant information, demonstrate a convincing likelihood that the student can successfully perform at a level to be removed from academic probation and earn a cumulative GPA of at least 2.000.
- A student who has a cumulative grade-point average below 1.950 may not, under any circumstances, be permitted to apply for readmission under this section.
- No student will be readmitted for more than one additional semester, during which the student may not enroll in more than 16 law credit hours.
- Students Matriculating From July 2015 Through July 2017.
- Graduation Requirements. To graduate, a student must have a cumulative grade-point average for all credits taken of at least 2.250. If the student is not already on academic probation, a student whose semester grade-point average is less than 2.250 in the student's graduating term will be permitted to graduate if the student's cumulative grade-point average is at least 2.250.
- Students Ineligible for Graduation. A student will not be permitted to graduate if the student:
- Is on probation when entering the graduating term and fails to be removed from probation at the end of that term, or
- Fails to earn a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.250 at the end of the graduating term.
- Readmission of J.D. Students to Meet Graduation Requirements. Absent extraordinary circumstances, a J.D. student will not be readmitted to enroll
in additional courses to be removed from academic probation or to achieve the 2.250
cumulative grade-point average needed to graduate, except as provided below.
- A student who has been excluded at the end of the graduating term and seeks readmission must follow the procedures and conditions described below for "Readmission and Re-entry to the Law School." The Academic Standards Committee=s decision on readmission under this section is final.
- A student's petition for readmission may be granted only if all three of the following
criteria are satisfied:
- the student's failure to maintain good academic standing was due to extraordinary circumstances ("extraordinary circumstances" do not include events for which the student had a reasonable opportunity to recover or obtain administrative relief before completing a significant portion of the work on which course grades were based);
- those extraordinary circumstances either no longer exist or will no longer substantially interfere with the student's academic performance; and
- the student's admission and academic record, together with any other relevant information, demonstrate a convincing likelihood that the student can successfully perform at a level to be removed from academic probation and earn a cumulative GPA of at least 2.250.
- A student who has a cumulative grade-point average below 2.150 may not, under any circumstances, be permitted to apply for readmission under this section.
- No student will be readmitted for more than one additional semester, during which the student may not enroll in more than 16 law credit hours.
- No student who has been readmitted to bring up the student's cumulate GPA to the 2.250 required for graduation is permitted to take the bar exam during such readmission semester. The law school will not certify such a student to take the bar exam until after such time as the student's cumulative GPA attains or exceeds a 2.250 and the student graduates from the law school.
- Readmission of LL.M. Students to Meet Graduation Requirements. At the discretion of the Associate Dean for International Programs, an LL.M. student with a cumulative grade-point average of between 1.700 and 1.999 at the end of the graduating term may be permitted to enroll for a "long" semester or a complete summer term (Summer I and Summer II), during which the student may take up to 16 semester credit hours to achieve a 2.000 cumulative grade point average. If, at the end of the "long" semester or summer term, the student still has not earned a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.000, the student will receive a document recognizing program participation, but not a degree. Please consult the Associate Dean for International Programs and the LL.M. Student Handbook for additional information.
- Students Matriculating in or After August 2017.
- Graduation Requirements. To graduate, a student must have a cumulative grade-point average for all credits taken of at least 2.250. If the student is not already on academic probation, a student whose semester grade-point average is less than 2.250 in the student's graduating term will be permitted to graduate if the student's cumulative grade-point average is at least 2.250.
- Students Ineligible for Graduation. A student will not be permitted to graduate if the student:
- Is on probation when entering the graduating term and fails to be removed from probation at the end of that term, or
- Fails to earn a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.250 at the end of the graduating term.
- Readmission of J.D. Students to Meet Graduation Requirements. Absent extraordinary circumstances, a J.D. student will not be readmitted to enroll
in additional courses to be removed from academic probation or to achieve the 2.250
cumulative grade-point average needed to graduate, except as provided below.
- A student who has been excluded at the end of the graduating term and seeks readmission must follow the procedures and conditions described below for "Readmission and Re-entry to the Law School." The Academic Standards Committee=s decision on readmission under this section is final.
- A student's petition for readmission may be granted only if all three of the following
criteria are satisfied:
- the student's failure to maintain good academic standing was due to extraordinary circumstances ("extraordinary circumstances" do not include events for which the student had a reasonable opportunity to recover or obtain administrative relief before completing a significant portion of the work on which course grades were based);
- those extraordinary circumstances either no longer exist or will no longer substantially interfere with the student's academic performance; and
- the student's admission and academic record, together with any other relevant information, demonstrate a convincing likelihood that the student can successfully perform at a level to be removed from academic probation and earn a cumulative GPA of at least 2.250.
- A student who has a cumulative grade-point average below 2.150 may not, under any circumstances, be permitted to apply for readmission under this section.
- No student will be readmitted for more than one additional semester, during which the student may not enroll in more than 16 law credit hours.
- No student who has been readmitted to bring up the student's cumulate GPA to the 2.250 required for graduation is permitted to take the bar exam during such readmission semester. The law school will not certify such a student to take the bar exam until after such time as the student's cumulative GPA attains or exceeds a 2.250 and the student graduates from the law school.
III. Readmission and Re-entry to Law School.
- Students Matriculating in or Before August 2014.
- Petitions for Readmission and Reentry. A student who is academically disqualified may, depending on credit hours attempted and overall GPA, petition the Academic Standards Committee for readmission to the law school to continue with his/her studies or for re-entry to the law school as a 1L student. A student may be granted re-entry only once.
- Process for Readmission and Reentry. A student wishing to seek readmission to continue legal studies must begin the process by meeting with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, who shall inform the student that readmission is not automatic but is discretionary with the Committee. A petition for readmission should include: (a) reasons why the student was not successful in meeting the requirements for good standing and (b) measures the student has taken to correct any problems that contributed to that status. The Committee should consider the student's conduct while on probation including the extent to which the petitioning student has worked with the Assistant Dean for Academic Success Programs. A student who is readmitted must consult with the Assistant Dean for Academic Success Programs and develop a plan for addressing the student's academic problems.
- Criteria for Readmission and Reentry. A student's petition for readmission may be granted only if all three of the following
criteria are satisfied:
- The student's failure to maintain good academic standing was due to extraordinary circumstances ("extraordinary circumstances" will seldom include events for which there was reasonable opportunity for the student either to recover or obtain administrative relief prior to completing a significant portion of the work on which course grades were based); and
- Those extraordinary circumstances either no longer exist or will no longer substantially interfere with academic performance; and
- The student's admission and academic record, together with any other relevant information, demonstrate a convincing likelihood that the student can achieve and maintain academic good standing in all future semesters. No student may be readmitted by the Committee if the student's cumulative grade point average is below 1.700.
- Academic Standards Committee Considerations.
- In evaluating the petition for readmission or reentry, the Committee may consider, as part of its decision-making, the responsibility of the law school to ensure that its graduates meet minimum, basic standards for fitness to practice law.
- If a student has a cumulative grade point average of 1.700 or higher but lower than 1.900 at the end of the first year of law school, the student may petition for readmission or for re-entry to law school to retake all courses. If a student has a cumulative grade point average below a 1.700 at the end of the first year of law school, the student may petition for re-entry to law school to retake all courses (readmission is not permitted). A petition to re- enter may be granted only if the Committee concludes that the three readmission criteria are satisfied. Absent compelling circumstances, a student who has attempted more than 32 credits cannot petition for reentry. When considering a petition for readmission, the Committee, at its discretion, may transform the petition into one for re-entry.
- If a student is readmitted or permitted to re-enter, the Dean's office shall place
a statement of the considerations that led to the decision in the student's file.
Readmission or re-entry may be conditional or subject to stipulations imposed by the
Committee. Students who re-enter law school may be subject to conditions such as the
- Prohibited from participating in Board of Barristers activities and other advocacy competitions; and
- Prohibited from serving on the staff of any publication for which students provide services and as an officer in any student organizations.
- The Committee's decision on any petition is final.
- Students Matriculating From July 2015 Through July 2017.
- Petitions for Readmission and Reentry. Except as provided herein, a student who is academically disqualified may, depending on credit hours attempted and overall GPA, petition the Academic Standards Committee in writing for readmission to the law school to continue with his or her studies or for re-entry to the law school as a 1L student. A student may be granted re-entry only once. A student dismissed for academic deficiency during or at the end of his or her first year may apply to reenter as a 1L student only after sitting out two long semesters following the academic year of his or her dismissal. A student dismissed for academic deficiency during or at the end of his or her first year may not apply for readmission. Only second- and third-year law students may petition for readmission.
- Process for Readmission and Reentry. A student wishing to seek readmission to continue legal studies must begin the process by meeting with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, who shall inform the student that readmission is not automatic but is discretionary with the Committee. A petition for readmission should include: (a) reasons why the student was not successful in meeting the requirements for good standing and (b) measures the student has taken to correct any problems that contributed to that status. The Committee should consider the student's conduct while on probation including the extent to which the petitioning student has worked with the Assistant Dean for Academic Success Programs. A student who is readmitted must consult with the Assistant Dean for Academic Success Programs and develop a plan for addressing the student's academic problems.
- Criteria for Readmission and Reentry. A student's petition for readmission may be granted only if all three of the following
criteria are satisfied:
- The student's failure to maintain good academic standing was due to extraordinary circumstances ("extraordinary circumstances" will seldom include events for which there was reasonable opportunity for the student either to recover or obtain administrative relief prior to completing a significant portion of the work on which course grades were based); and
- Those extraordinary circumstances either no longer exist or will no longer substantially interfere with academic performance; and
- The student's admission and academic record, together with any other relevant information, demonstrate a convincing likelihood that the student can achieve and maintain academic good standing in all future semesters. No student may be readmitted by the Committee if the student's cumulative grade point average is below 1.950.
- Academic Standards Committee Considerations.
- In evaluating the petition for readmission or reentry, the Committee may consider, as part of its decision-making, the responsibility of the law school to ensure that its graduates meet minimum, basic standards for fitness to practice law.
- If a student has a cumulative grade point average of 1.950 or higher but lower than 2.250 at the end of the second or third year of law school, the student may petition for readmission or for re-entry to law school to retake all courses. If a student has a cumulative grade point average below a 2.000 at the end of the first year of law school, the student may petition for re-entry to law school to retake all courses (readmission is not permitted). A petition to reenter may be granted only if the Committee concludes that the three readmission criteria are satisfied. Absent compelling circumstances, a student who has attempted more than 32 credits cannot petition for reentry. When considering a petition for readmission, the Committee, at its discretion, may transform the petition into one for re-entry.
- If a student is readmitted or permitted to re-enter, the Dean's office shall place
a statement of the considerations that led to the decision in the student's file.
Readmission or re-entry may be conditional or subject to stipulations imposed by the
Committee. Students who re-enter law school may be subject to conditions such as the
- Prohibited from participating in Board of Barristers activities and other advocacy competitions; and
- Prohibited from serving on the staff of any publication for which students provide services and as an officer in any student organizations.
- The Committee's decision on any petition is final.
- Students Matriculating in or After August 2017.
- Petitions for Readmission and Reentry. Except as provided herein, a student who is academically disqualified may, depending on credit hours attempted and overall GPA, petition the Academic Standards Committee in writing for readmission to the law school to continue with his or her studies or for re-entry to the law school as a first-year student. A student may be granted re-entry only once. A student dismissed for academic deficiency during or at the end of his or her first year may apply to reenter as a first-year student only after sitting out two long semesters following the academic year of his or her dismissal. A student dismissed for academic deficiency during or at the end of his or her first year may not apply for readmission. Only second- and third-year law students may petition for readmission.
- Process for Readmission and Reentry. A student wishing to seek readmission to continue legal studies must begin the process by meeting with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, who shall inform the student that readmission is not automatic but is discretionary with the Committee. A petition for readmission should include: (a) reasons why the student was not successful in meeting the requirements for good standing and (b) measures the student has taken to correct any problems that contributed to that status. The Committee should consider the student's conduct while on probation including the extent to which the petitioning student has worked with the Assistant Dean for Academic Success Programs. A student who is readmitted must consult with the Assistant Dean for Academic Success Programs and develop a plan for addressing the student's academic problems.
- Criteria for Readmission and Reentry. A student's petition for readmission may be
granted only if all three of the following criteria are satisfied:
- a. The student=s failure to maintain good academic standing was due to extraordinary circumstances ("extraordinary circumstances" will seldom include events for which there was reasonable opportunity for the student either to recover or obtain administrative relief prior to completing a significant portion of the work on which course grades were based); and
- b. Those extraordinary circumstances either no longer exist or will no longer substantially interfere with academic performance; and
- c. The student's admission and academic record, together with any other relevant information, demonstrate a convincing likelihood that the student can achieve and maintain academic good standing in all future semesters. No second- or third-year student may be readmitted by the Committee if the student=s cumulative grade-point average is below 2.200.
- Academic Standards Committee Considerations.
- In evaluating the petition for readmission or reentry, the Committee may consider, as part of its decision-making, the responsibility of the law school to ensure that its graduates meet minimum, basic standards for fitness to practice law.
- If a student has a cumulative grade point average of 1.950 or higher but lower than 2.250 at the end at the end of the second or third year of law school, the student may petition for readmission or for re-entry to law school to retake all courses. If a student has a cumulative grade point average of 2.200 or higher but lower than 2.250 at the end at the end of the second or third year of law school, the student may petition for readmission or for re-entry to law school to retake all courses. If a student has a cumulative grade point average below 2.250 at the end of the first year of law school, the student may petition for re-entry to law school to retake all courses (readmission is not permitted). A petition to reenter may be granted only if the Committee concludes that the three readmission criteria are satisfied. Absent compelling circumstances, a student who has attempted more than 32 credits cannot petition for reentry. When considering a petition for readmission, the Committee, at its discretion, may transform the petition into one for re-entry.
- If a student is readmitted or permitted to re-enter, the Dean=s office shall place
a statement of the considerations that led to the decision in the student's file.
Readmission or re-entry may be conditional or subject to stipulations imposed by the
Committee. Students who re-enter law school may be subject to conditions such as the
- Prohibited from participating in Board of Barristers activities and other advocacy competitions; and
- Prohibited from serving on the staff of any publication for which students provide services and as an officer in any student organizations.
- The Committee's decision on any petition is final.
School of Law
Texas Tech University School of Law, 3311 18th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79409-0004 -
806.742.3791 -