Class Rank
Class Rank
Exams and Grades
Date Approved and/or Revised
April 9, 2014 (revised); September 28, 2016 (revised), February 21, 2018 (revised)
Class Rank. At the end of each fall and spring semester, students are numerically ranked within the class in which they expect to graduate. Class ranks will not be calculated following summer semesters. A student's rank appears on his or her transcript. In case of ties, more than one student may be shown to have the same ranking. Grade point averages are carried out to the third decimal for ranking purposes. Students who take a leave of absence and return at a later date will be ranked in the class in which they expect to graduate.
School of Law
Texas Tech University School of Law, 3311 18th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79409-0004 -
806.742.3791 -