Skills Development Credit
Skills Development Credit
Academic Credit
Date Approved and/or Revised
March 13, 2013; October 11, 2017 (revised)
Skills Development Credit. Credit is granted for moot court, mock trial, negotiation, or client counseling team participation (LAW 7004) as approved by the faculty coach and the Director of Advocacy Programs. Students cannot receive more than 6 credits of Skills Development. A Skills Development credit approval form must be completed and submitted to the Registrar before the last day to add a course in the semester in which the student wishes to receive credit. Students must register for credit either in the semester in which the credit is earned or no later than the next regular semester.
School of Law
Texas Tech University School of Law, 3311 18th Street, Lubbock, Texas 79409-0004 -
806.742.3791 -