Putting on the Dog: the dog as subject in fine art photography
Reception: July 25, 2014, 5:00-6:30 p.m.
At 5:30 p.m. we will screen Nova: Dogs Decoded in the ICC Auditorium
This is the fifth year that the International Cultural Center has observed the dog
days of summer with an exhibition of dog photographs that show dogs in all their international
diversity. Each photograph will be accompanied by an exhibit label that informs the
viewer about the dogs breed and country of origin
Photographs by Kelly Addington, Len Ainsworth, Lane Anderson, Therese Barrett, Fran
Bohannon, Erin Brown, Don Carpenter, Seila Cervantes, James Clinich, James Cloninger,
Stephanie Cloninger, Mike Diaz, JJ Driver, Lynne Fallwell, Willa Finley, Sandy Fortenberry,
Margaret Freeman, Steve Goff, Cliff Jenkins, Dale Latimer, Nicolas Lessault, Kimberley
Lopez, Wayne Loucas, Kurt Loveless, Julian Mancha, Philip Marshall, Ann McDonald,
Stephanie Nichols, Taylor Osborn, Dale Paul, Liz Inskip-Paulk, David Pike, April Pilley,
Thelma Pilley, Benjamin Powell, Brian Ridge, Mac Rowley, Peter Schlichting, Alexa
Smith, Steve Smith, Christena Stephens, Kathy Teague, Heather Taylor, 2MCDesign, and
Melissa Wells.
On display June 24 through August 28, 2014. Open M-F, 8:00-5:00
This exhibition made possible, in part, by a grant from The CH Foundation
Written and edited by: Jane Bell
Email: jane.bell@ttu.edu
Posted date: 06/17/2014
© Lane Anderson
International Affairs
601 Indiana Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79409-5004 -
806.742.3667 -