Texas Tech University

5th Annual “Putting on the Dog: International Dog Days” Photo Exhibit Call for Entries

Of the 150+ breeds recognized by the American Kennel Club, only twelve originated in the United States. The rest have international ancestors: Belgian Tervurens, English Setters, Irish Setters, Russian Wolfhounds, German Shepherds, etc. The list is long, distinguished, and undeniably international. Of course, the mutt (which AKC classifies as “All-American”) is probably the quintessential American “breed” since, like many of us, mutts claim a lineage that includes genetic input from a wide variety of ancestors.

The images will be selected by Ambassador Tibor Nagy, Vice Provost for International Affairs, and ICC Sr. Director Jane Bell. As this exhibit will hang in our galleries from mid-June through August, we are looking for images that are more “fine art” than “aim and click”! The requirements are as follows:

  • Deadline: June 5, 2014. We will email you our decision by June 10.
  • Five images maximum, high resolution, color or black & white.
  • Submit images on CD and make sure that your name, email, and mailing address are clearly written on the CD OR email reduced size files to jane.bell@ttu.edu
  • No entry fee!
  • Subject matter: the image must prominently feature a dog—preferably purebred, given the exhibit’s theme, but images of mixed breeds also accepted (we will ask you to supply the breed--or combination of breeds--so we can indicate country of origin on the exhibit labels).
  • If we select your image(s), you will need to supply us with an exhibit-quality 11x14 print (or prints) matted in white with at least 2” of mat showing on each of the four sides. We will frame the work here, so the outer mat dimensions must be 16" x 20" to fit our frames.

Written and edited by: Jane Bell
Email: jane.bell@ttu.edu

Posted date: 05/15/2014


© Lane Anderson