Texas Tech University

K-12 Geo unit prepares sugar skulls for Heritage Halloween.

LISD middle school students were released early on Monday for teacher professional development and goals night. Instead of taking the afternoon off, these volunteers joined members of the ICC and NRHC staff in making sugar skulls for Heritage Halloween. The assembly line of students was able to produce 1,100 sugar skulls in a little over 2 ½ hours.

This year’s Heritage Halloween event will be held from 4:00-7:00 P.M. with trick or treating, hay rides, and cultural information and crafts related to Dia de los Muertos. The Dia processional will leave the ICC at 4:30 led by Mariachi Amistad and Catrina [Ginny Mahan] and will end at the NRHC pavilion. The event is FREE and open to the public.


Written by: Kelly Coleman
Email: kelly.coleman@ttu.edu

Edited by: Jane Bell
Email: jane.bell@ttu.edu

Posted date: 09/26/2014