Texas Tech University

Study Abroad Week

Starts on 09/03/2014

Study Abroad Week will take place in the Free Speech Area of campus from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. on 9/3, 9/4, 9/5, 9/8, and 9/9. The Free Speech Area is located between the SUB and the Library. On each of the five days Study Abroad counselors and returning study abroad students will provide information about a specific region of the world:

  • September 3 (W) : Australia
  • September 4 (R) : Africa and the Middle East
  • September 5 (F) : Europe
  • September 8 (M) : Latin America
  • September 9 (T) : Asia

We will offer refreshments to all who stop by our booth, and we have also planned a campus-wide scavenger hunt with prizes!


For more information: kenny.shatley@ttu.edu

Posted date: 08/29/2014
