Texas Tech University

Bar Prep for Loved Ones

Image of Students Studying

Dear Family & Friends of Soon-To-Be Law School Graduates, 

We know that you may have many questions about what to expect during your student's bar prep period this summer. Below are a few things we thought you might find helpful in supporting your student during their bar prep.

Bar Prep is Tougher Than You Might Know

Your student will start studying for the bar exam the very first Monday following the Hooding Ceremony in May. That is because from May through July, bar prep is a full-time job for your student, often requiring at least eight to ten hours a day of intense study. As a result, this often means that . . .

Your Student Will Probably Need You to Be a Positive Distraction from Bar Prep

Bar prep requires your student to focus on re-learning material from one or two years ago, which can be exhausting, especially given that most of this material is initially delivered by hours-long, on-demand videos. When your student comes up for air from bar prep, they will probably just want to be distracted. And this is a great way that you can support them! When they reach out, talk about things other than bar prep. What has been going on with Aunt Sue? How cute is the family dog or cat being? What silly thing did their dad get up to this weekend?

Your Student May Need More Personal Time & Space Than You Are Used To

Bar prep is one of the most stressful experiences of law school. Because it is the culmination of all their hard work, and their future job may be riding on their passing the exam, your student will probably be very overwhelmed, which may mean that they will become a bit more introverted during this time. Know that you can give them space, when they need it, but that you can also be there when they need you again. Just know that it is not personal if they need a bit more time to themselves during bar prep.

Your Student Will Probably Not Be Able to Attend Too Many Events or Vacations

Summer is definitely the time when most people take vacations and hold large family events. Nothing wrong with that. But your bar prep student will probably not be available to attend too many of these events during that time. Sometimes it is because they are too stressed and don't feel they'd be good company, and others it is because they may feel guilty that they are not studying, when everyone else they know is. Either way, it is often better to save significant vacations and events for after the bar exam takes place (July 30 & 31, 2024). We know you want them to enjoy the vacation, too, so this allows both of you to do so!
Additionally, most bar prep companies do build in a small break over the July Fourth Holiday that many students take as their main study break during bar prep. Enjoy hot dogs and burgers with your student. Then, they'll be hitting the last stretch of the marathon through the end of July.

You Student Will Love the Small Acts of Kindness You Can Provide

People love to be thought of. Your student studying for the bar exam is no different. Sending them an occasional care package with motivational study décor or self-pampering fuzzy socks, encouraging text messages, or food and treats (or gift cards for food or treats), or helping with daily tasks such as cleaning, cooking, or childcare can go a long way for your student. Cheer them on and encourage them, while also accepting their feelings of stress, exhaustion, or frustration. Their feelings about bar prep are valid—as almost all of us who have sat through bar prep can attest. But you can dampen some of those more negative feelings with your small acts of kindness that say, “I love you.”

Your Student Will Still Be Stressed After the Exam is Over—Until Results Are Released

Typically, it takes about 3-4 months after your student sits for the bar exam for their results to be posted . . . publicly. It is a gruesome wait for your student with plaguing questions: “What if I didn't pass?” “What if everyone sees I didn't pass?” “Why aren't the results out yet?” Give your student the opportunity to vent to you when they need, without judgment and without necessarily offering advice. Allow them to feel their feelings and release them. And then, when the pass lists come out—celebrate those feelings of joy with them, too!

Throughout It All, Your Student Will Have You—And Texas Tech Law—Supporting Them!

Spend some time before graduation and bar prep talking about their plans with them. Find out what they plan for their schedule to look like, who they're taking their bar prep course with, and where they'll be studying—as well, as how they'll plan to relieve stress. Just remember that you are there supporting your student in whatever capacity you and they think will be most beneficial to them. 
And, of course, Texas Tech Law will also be there to support your student. The Office of Academic Success Programs and the Office for Student Life work very closely throughout the summer to support your student with food, recreation, exam prep, and advice—and whatever other needs may crop up along the way.

Your student will get through this. We know that they are so grateful for your love and support during their bar prep.
Erica & Danielle
