Texas Tech University

Office of Academic Success Programs

Every law student’s academic path is unique—and we are here to help you navigate your law school journey successfully!

The Office of Academic Success Programs (OASP) at the Texas Tech Law is dedicated to helping all our law students and recent graduates achieve their full academic potential and successfully enter the legal profession.

Individual Consultations

Students at any stage of their law school career can schedule a one-on-one academic strategy session with a member of the OASP team. Students can receive assistance with:

  • Strategies to effectively & efficiently read and brief cases
  • Outlines, graphic organizers, & other study tools designed with your learning style in mind
  • Strategies for essay & multiple-choice exams
  • Efficient & targeted study aid use
  • Skill development for better memorization, comprehension, and legal analysis
  • Strategies to manage time & reduce stress
  • Confidence & preparation for presenting during ‘on-calls’ in class
  • And much more!

To schedule an appointment, please email us at oasp.law@ttu.edu.

Academic Enrichment Workshops

Academic Success Programs also provides academic coaching in group-oriented, interactive workshops at various points throughout the academic year.
For Fall 2024, the following workshops will be held in-person at noon:

This Fall, we will also be bringing back the popular Final(s) Countdown—a multi-date workshop series designed to help you dedicate time early to preparing for final exams. Pay attention to TechLaw Announce for more information about this and our other workshops!

1L Doctrinal Tutor Program

OASP coordinates the 1L Doctrinal Tutor Program, wherein 2Ls and 3Ls provide tutoring and office-hour support to first-year students in their required doctrinal courses. The doctrinal professors hire their individual tutor(s) and oversee the course material supplemented in tutoring. OASP manages tutor schedules, training, and evaluation feedback. 

Every first-year student is encouraged to attend weekly tutoring sessions, as well as receive individualized tutoring assistance at their tutors' weekly office hours. Check your schedule here.

Tutoring is for all first-year students—in fact, students who attend tutoring for all their courses each week often find that they enjoy much greater academic success.

Academic Support Resources

OASP also provides all students with a variety of resources that are easily accessible online anytime—especially for those pressing midnight questions. Visit our online resource library here.

Post-Graduation Bar Support

Finally, for our recent graduates studying for the Bar Exam, OASP provides similar time, stress, and study management coaching and resources to students. While most students will (and should) use a commercial bar preparation course, the Texas Tech Law OASP team provides individual coaching and support for our bar preppers that includes managing your study plans or conforming a universal bar preparation course to your individual study style. More information on our Bar Success for Students & Graduates page here.
