J.t. & Margaret talkington
school of visual & Performing arts
faculty Research & Creative Activities
faculty Research & Creative Activities
The TCVPA Research, Creative Activities, Innovation & Outreach Team is glad to assist faculty and students with resources and support.
Development Staff
Our Goals – Research & Creative Activities
- To support and research and creative activities by connecting faculty and students with resources, tools, and information.
- To connect people across areas of interest for collaborations and idea sharing.
- To amplify the research, creative activity and engagement of our students and faculty through awards submissions, publications, and effective marketing strategies.
- To act as liaison between faculty and the Office of Research & Innovation Services (ORS), International Affairs, and other pertinent bodies on campus in support of pursuits.
- To facilitate connections between research and creative activities to outreach and engagement.
What We Do
J.T. & Margaret Talkington College of Visual & Performing Arts
School of Theatre & Dance Building | Box 45060 | 2812 18th Street STE 222 | Lubbock TX 79409 -
806.742.0700 -