Texas Tech University

Poster Competition

23rd Annual
Graduate Student Research Poster Competition

When: Friday, March 8th 
From: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 
Where: Student Union Building
Red Raider Ballroom


Competition Overview:

The 2024 Graduate Poster Competition is open to current Texas Tech graduate students and postdocs. Participating competitors will demonstrate their engagement in high-quality research with an ability to present this research professionally and effectively to a non-specialized audience.

The 2024 competition will be held in person. Distance students who want to participate must submit a pre-recorded video that does not exceed 5 minutes on their research poster for the competition. A competitor's guide with instructions, examples, and guidelines for posters and abstracts is linked below.


  • Current Texas Tech graduate students (including students in distance programs) and postdocs.
  • Posters based on any basic or applied research conducted by the graduate student/postdoc as part of his/her graduate education.
  • Poster presentations may contain information that has been presented at other regional or national meetings.
  • Only 1 poster/abstract is permitted for each participant.


  • Abstracts Due: Friday, February 16th no later than 5:00 p.m.
  • Posters Due: Friday, February 16th no later than 5:00 p.m.
  • Pre-Recorded Videos (DueDistance Students Only) Digital: Friday, February 16th no later than 5:00 p.m.
  • Poster Competition Results Announced: On or before Wednesday, March 13th.

    Please note that deadlines are firm. This is the largest graduate competition of the year and production of the event program, rubrics, and printing of the posters are contingent upon abstracts, posters, and pre-recorded videos submitted by the above deadlines. 


The University Library will be offering workshops to help students prepare for the competition. To register, please select the links below. 

Poster Design & Presentation Workshop
Friday, February 9th | Online 



Please review the competitor's guide for more information about the competition.

Poster Competition In-Person Competitors Guide

Poster Competition Virtual Competitors Guide

If you have any additional questions after reviewing the competitor's guide, please contact Graduate Student Life at studentlife.gradschool@ttu.edu.