Texas Tech University

Recruitment Opportunities

Distinguished Graduate Student Assistantships

Distinguished Graduate Student Assistantships (DGSA) are offered by Texas Tech University to attract high-quality applicants into our doctoral programs. Awards will be $25,000/year plus tuition and fee waivers for up 4 years, contingent upon satisfactory academic progress. Departments/programs receiving awards must commit to providing a 1:1 match ($12,500 Graduate School; $12,500 department/program per year for up to 4 years). Please note that DGSA stipend amounts for the Whitacre College of Engineering and the Talkington College of Visual and Performing Arts will vary from the amount noted above in order to make competitive offers for those fields.

Departments/programs may have DGSA recipients serve as TAs, RAs, GPTIs, etc., but only at a level of 0.25FTE (e.g., teaching load must be half that of a regular TA/GPTI). Departments/programs may offer stipends above $25,000, but they are 100% responsible for the overage. The Graduate School portion of the DGSA is a 12-month RA appointment. Please note that preference will be given to nominees who have no more than 30 graduate hours.

Students may not apply; they must be nominated.  The nomination must clearly indicate how the nominee's qualifications rank among top applicants in the discipline (supported by appropriate metrics). Nominations for campus-wide competition and department allocations should be submitted here.

2025-2026 Academic Year Timetable

Nominations Open Nominations Deadline Awards Acceptance Deadline
October 15 March 1 April 15


Submit Nominations

DGSA nominations will be submitted via Saleforce.
Click here for instructions.


Recruitment Fellowships

These awards provide supplements to department stipends in order to make competitive offers to top applicants. Fellowships are $5,000/yr for four years for Ph.D. students and $5,000/yr for two years for master's students. Students DO NOT apply for these fellowships.

Process: The Graduate School allocates these fellowships to college deans for distribution to departments; programs.  Departments/programs, in turn, use these to augment stipends to make tentative offers; department/program nominates prospective students in Salesforce at the time of tentative offer.  Should a student not accept a tentative offer, the department may "keep" the award until the deadline and use it to recruit another student.

2024-2025 Academic Year Timetable

Nominations open Nominations Deadline Awards Acceptance Deadline
October 15 March 1 April 15


Submit Nominations

Recruitment fellowship nominations will be submitted via Salesforce.
Click here for instructions.


Graduate Access and Engagement Recruitment Fellowship

These fellowships aim to increase participation of domestic underserved populations in our graduate programs through multifactorial means. Nominators must upload a letter that demonstrates how their nominee increases participation of individuals from underserved populations. Nominees must be domestic and meet one or more of the following criteria: first-generation college student, socioeconomically disadvantaged, multilingual, increases geographical representation.

The package includes:

  • Waiver of application fee
  • $5,000/yr stipend supplement for up to 2 years for Master's and 4 years for Ph.D. students
  • A $500 research/travel allowance

Contact donna.rogers@ttu.edu for more information.

Process: Programs that would like to make tentative offers to potential students who meet this criteria should submit a nomination through Saleseforce at the link below as soon as possible. Should a student not accept a tentative offer, the department will have to re-nominate in order to recruit another student. There are a limited number of awards available and they are distributed on a first-come; first-served basis (typically no more than 1-2 awards per department).

2024-2025 Academic Year Timetable

Nominations open Nominations Deadline Awards Acceptance Deadline
October 15 March 1 April 15


Submit Nominations

Recruitment fellowship nominations will be submitted via Salesforce.
Click here for instructions.

For more information: gradfellowships@ttu.edu





Distinguished Graduate Student Assistantship Award 2024-2025

See Recipients


Recruitment Fellowship Award  2024-2025

See Recipients


Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Fellowships

Administration Building 328
T. 806.742.2787