Arid Land Studies
The Master of Science in Arid Land Studies (MSALS) is a unique interdisciplinary graduate program designed to prepare students for international, arid lands-oriented careers in natural resources, environmental issues, and economic and social factors.
The interdisciplinary nature of this program is ideal for students who wish to expand their knowledge in different areas of study rather than specialize in a single discipline. The program must be related to sustainable use and management of drylands. MSALS students may choose the thesis option (24 hours of graduate coursework plus 6 hours of thesis and 6 hours of research credit) or the 36-hour non-thesis plan.
Students in the MSALS program choose three subject areas from the sciences and/or humanities that best suit their career goals. Common subject areas include (1) agricultural sciences and natural resources; (2) geosciences; and (3) water resources and environmental toxicology. No more than 12 credit hours may be taken within any single college except the College of Arts and Sciences
Applicants to the program must satisfy the requirements set by the university and the Graduate School. Applications and supporting documentation may be must be submitted to the Graduate School. (How to Apply) Competitive scholarships may be available.
Dr. Jorge Salazar-Bravo
Associate Professor, Biological Sciences & Director of the International Center for
Arid and Semi-Arid Land Studies
Graduate School
Administration Building 328, Texas Tech University, 2625 Memorial Circle, Lubbock, TX 79409-1030 -