Responsible Academic Conduct Training
An essential part of the graduate experience is to raise the awareness to professional
standards of research ethics, integrity, and safety, and of challenges that student
may face throughout their careers. To supplement the effort provided by our exceptional
Texas Tech faculty, the Graduate School in collaboration with the Office of Research
and Innovation has developed a responsible scholarship training that addresses academic
practices such as data management, intellectual property, management of conflict of
interest, ethical use of humans and animals in research, social responsibility of
research, effective collaboration, and research misconduct.
This training is required for all new and continuing degree-seeking graduate students.
Separate training modules are available for different broad disciplines (student self-selects
the module).
New students must complete training within their first year
Returning students must complete training by November 16
Access the Training
Graduate School
Administration Building 328, Texas Tech University, 2625 Memorial Circle, Lubbock, TX 79409-1030 -