Texas Tech University

Staff & Contact Information

Please contact us about TTU Graduate School Fellowships and for assistance with preparing or submitting a fellowship application to an external entity.

Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Fellowships

Dr. Tim Dallas

Dr. Tim Dallas

Associate Dean
Email: tim.dallas@ttu.edu
Tel: (806) 834-6856


Donna Rogers

Fellowships & Scholarships | Alumni & Donor Relations

Email: donna.rogers@ttu.edu
Tel: (806) 834-4079

Matthew Hurtado

Fellowship & Scholarship Coordinator
Email: matthurt@ttu.edu
Tel: (806) 834-0770


Office of Graduate & Postdoctoral Fellowships

Administration Building 328
P.O. Box 41030
Lubbock, TX 79409-1030
Phone 806.742.2787

More Information

To find out more information about Graduate School scholarships and fellowships, email gradfellowships@ttu.edu