Texas Tech University

Responsible Academic Conduct Training FAQ

  1. Who needs to complete the Responsible Scholarship training? All new and returning degree-seeking graduate students must complete the training by November 16.
  2. What happens if I do not take the training by the deadline? Graduate students who do not complete the training by the deadline will have registration holds (TR) placed on their enrollment records.
  3. Am I exempt from the mandatory training? The only graduate students who are exempt from training are those who are not degree-seeking students.
  4. I'm an online/distance student; do I have to take the training? Yes, all graduate students, whether they are on campus or online/distance students, must complete the training.
  5. In addition to being a graduate student, I am also a staff member; do I still have to complete the training? Yes, even though you are a staff member, you are still required to take the training.
  6. I took CITI training at a previous institution; do I have to take the training? Yes, the Graduate School has created customized modules for students at our institution. You must retake the training.
  7. I already completed Human Subjects training to meet course requirements. Do I have to complete the training? You have only completed the Human Subjects training course, not the course that the Graduate School has mandated. Thus, you must take one of the courses listed under the Responsible Scholarship heading.
  8. I already completed one of the Responsible Scholarship courses at TTU to fulfill the Graduate School's training requirement, federal training requirements, or class assignments. Do I have to take the training? If you have taken an appropriate Responsible Scholarship course (see number 10) and have completed all required modules, you do not need to repeat the course or take a second course. However, students who completed a Responsible Conduct of Research Course while at TTU prior to Fall 2019 need to complete an additional training module to be compliant with the Graduate School training requirements. Log into your CITI account, access your completed training, and find the "Plagiarism (ID19625)" module. Complete this additional training module and you will be compliant with the Graduate School training requirements.
  9. The registration asks for my "Role in Research"; how should I respond? Choose the answer you feel is most appropriate. This demographic data is collected by CITI but is not utilized by Texas Tech University. Just make sure that you use accurate identifier information and your TTU email address so that administrators can verify your training progress/completion.
  10. Which course should I select and which modules do I need to complete? The Graduate School has left course selection up to students and their advisors. All the courses address the key topics of Responsible Scholarship, and examples, videos, and vignettes are generally applicable to distinct disciplines. The only course that the Graduate School will not accept from students is the course for "Administrators" because students are not administrators. Moreover, “Plagiarism Training for Non-PhD Business Administration Students ONLY” will only fulfill the requirement for students in those programs. Please look at the instructions; page 10 lists the appropriate courses. You must complete one of the appropriate courses AND you must complete all the required modules for your training to be complete.
  11. How long does it take to complete the training? Most people complete the training in 2-3 hours.
  12. How do I verify that I have completed the training? Administrators will verify your completion of the training using your identifier information and TTU email address. You do not need to provide a completion certificate or any additional documentation.

Further questions may be addressed to responsible.academic.conduct.gradschool@ttu.edu