Texas Tech University

Air permits

Sources of air emissions within the state of Texas are controlled by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). Air emission sources that emit at greater than De Minimis levels must obtain a permit prior to operation through the TCEQ. These permits can be Permit by Rule, Standard Permit, or New Source Review depending on the operation and quantity of emissions. Any location that emits more than 10 tons pe year of a hazardous air pollutant or 25 tons per year of any combination of hazardous air pollutants must obtain a Title V Federal Operating Permit through the TCEQ. The university currently maintains a Title V permit for the Lubbock campus and this combines all source emissions permit under one permit.

Environmental Health & Safety maintains and reviews these permits on a regular basis and submits annual reports to the TCEQ for review.


Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Air Permitting