Texas Tech University

Overview of Masters Requirements


1 Plan courses for degree Graduate Advisor Graduate Advisor Prior to registration
2 Set up thesis advisory committee and title, if applicable Graduate Advisor Graduate Advisor Prior to filing "Program for the Master's Degree and Admission to Candidacy" form
3 Submit degree plan Graduate Advisor or Chair, Advisory Committee Graduate School Enrollment Services After first semester of master's coursework, no later than the posted deadline
4 File changes in degree program, if necessary Graduate Advisor or Chair, Advisory Committee Graduate School Enrollment Services As needed
5 Enroll in semester of graduation (at least 3 hours of thesis, if defending thesis) Graduate Advisor or Chair, Advisory Committee Registrar Semester of graduation
6 Apply to Graduate:  Go to raiderlink.ttu.edu --> "TTU MyTech" --> "Current Term" --> "Apply to Graduate" Student Graduate School Enrollment Services Semester of graduation no later than posted deadline (One must be filed for each intended graduation semester)
7 Schedule final comprehensive examination and/or submit defense notification form Student Graduate School Thesis Coordinator Semester of graduation (usually about 6 weeks before graduation or no later than posted deadline)
8 After the defense, the chair sends the Report on the Comprehensive Exam form to the Graduate School Masters Coordinator Graduate Advisor or Chair, Advisory Committee Graduate School Enrollment Services Semester of graduation (usually about 6 weeks before graduation or no later than posted deadline)
9 Obtain committee signatures on the Oral Defense Approval Form and Thesis Document Approval form and submit to Graduate School. Graduate Advisor or Chair Graduate School Thesis Coordinator Prior to deadline during semester of graduation
10 Pay the Thesis-Dissertation fee, if applicable Student (thesis option) Student Business Services Prior to deadline during semester of graduation
11 After incorporating committee changes, submit .pdf file of thesis to the ETD site for official review Student (thesis option) Graduate School Thesis Coordinator Semester of graduation (usually 5 weeks before graduation date or no later than posted deadline)
12 Final grade for thesis hours (A or B) Grade will be "CR" until final semester Chair, Advisory Committee Registrar – Final grade roll End of semester
13 Submit official .pdf of thesis to ETD web site (MM students submit PDF programs to ETD site and students no longer submit a CD of their performance; they submit an electronic version via OneDrive.) Student (thesis option) Graduate School Thesis Coordinator Prior to deadline.

Masters Program Forms