Texas Tech University

Field Safety Plan

The Field Trip Leader(s) should construct a Field Safety Plan to outline potential hazards at field sites and provide guidance for field participants. Points to address include:

  • A clear definition of field site(s) to be visited, defined on maps included in the document and/or by providing GPS coordinates
  • Routes to, from and in between field sites
  • Timeline of proposed work
  • Local emergency contact information, including Police/Sherriff Departments and appropriate State and Federal Offices (National Forest Service, National Park Service offices, State Park Headquarters)
  • Assessment of potential field hazards
  • Establishment of Go / No Go Criteria and benchmarks 
  • Identification of required protective and emergency equipment
  • Standard operating procedures for all field activities being conducted
  • Emergency procedures for anticipated hazards
  • A list of all field participants and emergency contact information
  • Field site kit list

Field Safety Plan must be read and signed by all field participants.  The plan shall be sent to EHS for additional review and routing to the cognizant committee/department, as needed.

A copy of the approved Field Safety Plan must be given to the Designated Contactd (e.g., Department Chair) prior to the field group departing for the field site.


Field Safety Plan Template

Heat Illness First Aid

Cold Illness First Aid