TCVPA Research
faculty external research resources
faculty external research resources
The TCVPA Research, Creative Activities & Innovation Team is glad to assist faculty with resources and support. Our goal is to support TCVPA faculty through the entirety of the grant writing process and submission.
Available Opportunities
Consider scheduling an initial grants inquiry meeting with the Director of Grants & Innovation to get the conversation started, brainstorm, and discuss grant opportunities. This can be a time to consider what is known and what is unknown, and support with information sharing, and gain support for forward momentum in planning.
Faculty Grant Workshops led by Geneva Aragon-Allen
October 22, 2024
12:30 - 2:00pm
SOA Conference Room 102
October 24, 2024
12:20 - 2:00pm
January - RCAA Grant Workshop - Date & Time TBD
April – “Let's Talk Grants” - Date & Time TBD
Tool Kits Available to Faculty:
- Sample Project Outline: In this document faculty will aim for a working title and drafted description to highlight known goals.
- Budget Template: A general idea of the funding needs – does not need to be itemized initially.
- Planning Projected Duration: Consider your idea of what it is you would like to do, who it serves, possible length of the project (e.g. 12 months, 24 months), sustainability, and growth.
- Logic Model Templates
International Research Resources
please view this website. If you woud like assistance connecting on any of these resources, know that we are here to assist.
- Click International Affairs – Faculty Resources to get started.
Engaged Research Resources
Steps to Take to Initiate an External Grant Proposal
We are here to support you, and we intend to take a team approach towards a successful and timely grant submission. To assist with your success please:
- Share your interest in external grant needs with Associate Dean Ivy Walz and the Director of Grants & Innovation, Geneva Aragon-Allen along with your Director or Chair.
- We will serve as a liaison between you and the Office of Research Services
- When ready, share a request for proposal (RFP) with the Director of Grants & Innovation, Director/Chair, and Associate Dean Ivy Walz.
- The Director of Finance and Administration, Lyn Jackson, will also serve to consult and advise on the budget.
Important Deadlines
Please note that by collaborating on project proposals and budgets with the Director of Grants & Innovation early, she can provide adequate time and dedication to your project.
It is understandable that in some instances opportunities may become known later, but in all cases, the Dean's office and ORS must complete a full and comprehensive review prior to submission to the sponsor, therefore proposals are required to meet the following internal deadlines:
- The Budget must be submitted to the Dean no less than 10 Days before the sponsor deadline. This will be done in collaboration with the Director of Grants & Innovation and the Associate Dean. The budget must include any cost share, teaching buyouts, teaching assistants, and subcontractors.
- The budget must be submitted to ORS no less than 5 Days before the sponsor deadline. It will then be reviewed and finalized by ORS.
- A completed proposal must be submitted to the Dean no less than 5 Days before the
sponsor deadline. This will be done in collaboration with the Director of Grants &
Innovation and the Associate Dean. A completed Proposal will include:
- All documents required for submission such as cover letter, abstract (or project summary), project narrative, budget, budget justification, biographical sketches of key personnel, current and pending support, facilities and equipment, letters of support, etc.)
- In addition, a complete submission will include applicable supporting documents (e.g.,
cost share documentation, subcontract documentation, compliance certifications, etc.)
Many funding agencies issue requests for proposals that limit the number of applications they will accept from an institution. Texas Tech University has established a process to identify limited submission opportunities and internally select applicants to submit full proposals in response to a particular program based on the sponsor's restrictions.
Before speaking with ORDC on limited submissions or ORS regarding the grant in general, the faculty must first contact Geneva Aragon-Allen to make her aware of the interest and potential intent. Please place a Link to Limited Submission Steps Here:
Procedure & Timeline for Limited Submissions
- Email the Director of Grants & Innovation to express interest and potential intent to submit.
- Set up a meeting after step 1 – aim for a 3-day turnaround period.
- The Deans Office will be made aware of all faculty interested in a limited submission to ensure all interested parties are known. If more than one interested party is interested in a limited submission, the Dean will weigh in on prioritization and timing for the projects.
Development Staff
J.T. & Margaret Talkington College of Visual & Performing Arts
School of Theatre & Dance Building | Box 45060 | 2812 18th Street STE 222 | Lubbock TX 79409 -
806.742.0700 -