Texas Tech University
Students Outside
Education is not the filling of a pot but the lighting of a fire.



Honor and Integrity

The Honors College at Texas Tech University will be the focal point for delivery of a liberal arts curriculum and provides key elements of a small college experience for students who have access to the benefits of attending a large, research-intensive university.

The Honors College connects theory and praxis, research and action, intellectualism and implementation.

The Honors College connects theory and praxis, research and action, intellectualism and implementation.

  • Assembly of face shield visors

    Incoming first year and transfer students accepted to the Honors College by the December 1st priority admission deadline will be considered for Honors College Scholarships.

  • Four Houses

    The four houses of the Honors College recognize the support, vision, and persistence of four administrators who helped to found the Honors College on the Texas Tech campus.

  • girl holding lizard

    The Honors College encourages all Honors students to participate in Study Abroad as part of their undergraduate education.