Texas Tech University




Study Abroad Students

Students, who are in good standing (meets GPA requirement, progressing in Honors coursework) with the Honors College, are eligible to apply after completion of their first two semesters of academic work at TTU, with at least one semester with Honors by the start of their study abroad program. Students who plan to study abroad in their last semester must have completed all Honors requirements to be eligible to receive the Honors College Study Abroad scholarship.

The Honors College Scholarship Committee takes into consideration numerous factors when deciding student awards, including external funding and outside scholarships.

Students who plan to study abroad for a second time, and are not eligible to use additional external funding, will be considered for scholarships for Honors study abroad programs on a case by case basis.

Open only to undergraduate Honors College students.



The application for Maymester/Summer Study Abroad will open February 1, 2025. 



To be assured your application is considered for the correct term in which you wish to study abroad, please only submit an application during the date ranges stated below.

Maymester/Summer Study February 1st March 1st, by 5 p.m.
Fall Study April 1st May 1st, by 5 p.m.
Intersession/Spring Sermester August 1st October 1st, by 5 p.m.

If you are considering going abroad but have not yet been approved for your program, you must apply by the deadline specified. Awards will only be processed if you are approved for your study abroad.

Please contact honors.scholarships@ttu.edu for additional information.