Texas Tech University

Food Preparation with a Humanitarian Cause

Masked Bakers, a student organization at Texas Tech

Undetected by many students, Lubbock's homeless population represents a considerable part of our community, and many can be found on streets near the TTU campus. Of the numerous issues they face, quite a few are rooted in health, as their knowledge about healthy dietary choices is strikingly limited, as is their access to healthy food. Many of the homeless suffer from conditions related to poor diet such as diabetes and high blood pressure. These problems are on the list of issues addressed by The Masked Bakers, a student organization at Texas Tech that focuses on providing homeless and other low-income people with access to health-oriented choices they may not have otherwise. Through baking delicious, simple, and low-cost desserts, we try to make members of this population aware of how they can look after their health while enjoying delicious sweet treats.