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June 09, 2014

Bruce and Kathy Maunder Scholarship in International Studies

The Bruce and Kathy Maunder Scholarship in International Studies was established by Bruce and Kathy Maunder in 2007. Scholarships are available for international studies for students in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.

June 09, 2014

Masked Rider Scholarship Endowment

The Masked Rider Scholarship Endowment was established in 2009 by Debbie and Gerald C. Nobles, Jr. This scholarship will benefit the Texas Tech Masked Rider for the year he/she rides. This scholarship is to be awarded to the masked Rider regardless of his/her major.

June 09, 2014

Terry and Patricia Moore Scholarship Endowment

The Terry and Patricia Moore Scholarship Endowment was established by Terry and Patricia Moore in 2011. Scholarships are available to students enrolled within the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources who are majoring in Agronomy / Soil Science or Food Science. Preference will be given to students who graduated from Comanche County (TX) High Schools, with an order of preference of Gustine, Sidney, DeLeon and Comanche High Schools.

June 09, 2014

Joe S. McIlhaney Scholarship Endowment

The Joe S. McIlhaney Scholarship Endowment was established in 2000 from the estate of Joe S. McIlhaney. Scholarships are open to all students of all classifications in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.