Texas Tech University






Thesis Program

As part of their overall degree requirements, HSH majors are required to write an Honors thesis in their final two long semesters prior to graduation. The Honors thesis gives HSH majors the opportunity to conduct original research and writing in the field of their choice with guidance from a Texas Tech University faculty member. Students take two independent study courses over two semesters (fall/spring or spring/fall) to complete a major argumentative research paper or written creative work. Students who complete an Honors thesis graduate from the Honors College with the distinction of Highest Honors.

Study Abroad/Study Away

As the Honors College believes that personal experience and exploration are gateways to deeper learning about our world, HSH majors are strongly encouraged to take advantage of study abroad and/or study away programs, especially those offered by the Honors College. The college routinely offers summer programs on-site at the TTU Center in Seville, Spain; two-week backpacking adventures on Spain's famed Camino de Santiago; language and cultural exploration in Italy; and two-week canoeing adventures on Utah's famed Green River. HSH majors typically apply for and receive study abroad/study away scholarships to help with expenses.

Career Paths

Honors students don't just get good jobs, they also create jobs, and the HSH degree was designed with this in mind. To meet the growing need for a nimble, flexible, and ever evolving workforce, the HSH degree provides knowledge and skills that qualify students for a wide range of professional careers. HSH is excellent preparation for admission to graduate and professional programs, especially in the fields of law and medicine. Additionally, the degree can lead to careers in the fields of global health, environmental sciences and the humanities, economics, and politics.