It’s not every day that you get to see Professor Jesse Jou rip open a pinata with his bare hands. But this is just one spectacular moment from the 2020-2021 Season Announcement Video that takes a fresh approach to how the School of Theatre and Dance engages with the students and patrons.
With this year's "DanceTech" on the horizon, dancers and choreographers are into their final preparations for the event. Among those featured in the performance will be Texas Tech junior Emily Lowke. Although her official major is pre-nursing, she admits that dancing takes up all of her free time.
Matthew Mosher, a graduating senior in the School of Theatre and Dance, is is excited to branch out and encounter new theatrical experiences, but will miss the many opportunities at Texas Tech.
TTU alumnus Chris Kiley has found a home for himself in Austin, Texas as the Associate Director for “Texans for the Arts.” His job revolves around protecting and promoting public arts policy and tax policy that allows for a strong arts and culture scene across the state. He credits the work he is doing now to groundwork laid in place while still at Texas Tech.