Texas Tech University

Theatre & Dance News

October 26, 2023

Theatre as an Agent for Change

Those of us who have dedicated our lives to the stage not only implicitly understand this, but, whether it’s on the forefront of our actions or just intuitive, our community producing theatre and dance hope that performance always is a catalyst for change.

October 26, 2023

Westward Ho! A Journey to Texas Tech and Beyond

Ed Simone (PhD 1996) had no intentions of going back to school when his wife Leigh decided to get a PhD in Spanish. Having earned his master’s degree in the late 70s, he taught a while before touring the country creating theatre wherever he went.

October 26, 2023

In Motion

The dance program is gearing up for our student production of "Fall Dance Festival" this November. This student-choreographed, student-performed production is always a hot ticket item, selling out traditionally every year.

October 25, 2023

"The Threepenny Opera" Takes the Stage

Texas Tech’s School of Theatre & Dance is excited to share with audiences, "The Threepenny Opera," a play with music based on John Gay’s "The Beggar’s Opera," by Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill.