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June 09, 2014

Don Clark Scholarship Endowment

The Don Clark Scholarship Endowment was established in 1981 by the friends of Don Clark who is the Director of the Livestock Department of the State Fair of Texas. Scholarships are available for entering freshman or major in the College of Agricultural Sciences who have demonstrated good scholarship.

June 09, 2014

The Clayton Fund Scholarship Endowment

The Clayton Fund Scholarship Endowment was established by The Clayton Fund of Houston, Texas in 1987. Scholarships are available to students majoring in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.

June 09, 2014

R. H. "Herb" Davis Memorial Scholarship

The R.H. "Herb" Davis Memorial Scholarship was established in 1984 by the family and friends of Herb Davis, former vo-ag teacher in Amarillo (Amarillo High School and Tascosa High School). Scholarships are awarded to students who are majors in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources who have substantial financial need. Preferably for an entering freshman with a vo-ag background from the Amarillo or surrounding Panhandle area.