The Texas Tech University meat, wool and livestock judging teams opened the 2015 spring season with strong results last weekend at the National Western Stock Show. All three teams from the Department of Animal and Food Sciences in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources got off to good starts. The meat and wool judging teams won their respective events, while the livestock team finished fourth.
When moving, the natural desire is to make the new home seem like the old as much as possible. Couple that with making it a class project, and you have a unique effort ongoing in the Department of Plant and Soil Science. The expansion and renovation of the Bayer Plant Science Building has required the Department of Landscape Architecture to move its computer lab across the street to the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Annex.
Six students from Texas Tech's College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources will be spending their spring semester working as interns in the state's and nation's capital. Running from January through May, the college's congressional intern program affords selected students an opportunity to experience first-hand the government's day-to-day operations.