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VIRAL VIDEO: South Plains Cotton Production Has Significant Impact

November 28, 2012

VIRAL VIDEO: South Plains Cotton Production Has Significant Impact

A new study by Texas Tech University and Texas A&M AgriLife Extension found that crop production has a substantial overall impact on employment and the economy in the Texas High Plains region. The most recent data shows that crop production on the South Plains supported more than 103,000 jobs and generated more than $12.2 billion in economic activity in 2010.

Ag Economics Research Team Unveils New Analysis Tool for Cattle Producers

November 27, 2012

Ag Economics Research Team Unveils New Analysis Tool for Cattle Producers

Over the past three years, an impressive problem-solving computer program, called the Stocker Cattle Analysis Tool, has been slowly evolving in the academic recesses of several agricultural economists' offices across the nation. Now, it's ready to roll out the gate at no cost to cattle producers.