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February 24, 2016

Aubrey E. and Doris F. Pilgrim Endowed Scholarship

The Aubrey E. and Doris F. Pilgrim Scholarship Endowment was established by Eve Pilgrim in 2001. The scholarship is awarded to graduates and undergraduate students majoring in the department of Plant and soil Science. This endowment is also used for, but not limited to, scholarships, student travel, teaching tools and other student or academic related expenses.

February 24, 2016

Plant and Soil Science Scholarship Fund

The Plant and Soil Science Scholarship Fund was established by various sources in 1979. The scholarship is for undergraduates and graduate students who are majoring in Plant and Soil Science.

February 24, 2016

Terry and Patricia Moore Endowed Scholarship

The Terry and Patricia Moore Scholarship Endowment was established by Terry and Patricia Moore in 2011. The scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students who are majoring in agronomy or soil science. Preference is given to students who graduated from Comanche County Texas high schools, with an order of preference of Gustine, Sidney, De Leon then Comanche high schools.