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Capitol Idea: CASNR interns spend spring learning the ropes in Washington

December 16, 2013

Capitol Idea: CASNR interns spend spring learning the ropes in Washington

Three students from Texas Tech's College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources will be spending their spring semester working as interns in the nation's capital. Running from January through May, the college's congressional intern program affords selected students an opportunity to experience first-hand the government's day-to-day operations.


December 12, 2013

China's cotton supports dominate world market; Makes U.S. farm supports vital

China is more than just the 800-pound gorilla in the world cotton market. The Asian giant is both the world's biggest producer and importer. As such, China has tremendous market manipulating power that leaves other producers, including those in America, at its mercy. China provides unstinting support to its cotton farmers with the end result being that cotton prices in China are often found above world market prices, yet actions in China can create extreme fluctuations in world prices that affects everyone else.

Strategy to fight salmonella outlined; Texas Tech part of $700,000 USDA grant

December 05, 2013

Strategy to fight salmonella outlined; Texas Tech part of $700,000 USDA grant

Texas Tech's International Center for Food Safety Excellence is part of a broad effort to develop detection and surveillance networks to help protect from future outbreaks of salmonella bacteria. Earlier this year Tech, Angelo State University and California State University-Fresno received a grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture totaling more than $700,000.

Sparks Will Fly; AEC receives Lincoln Electric Co. Welding Education Grant

December 03, 2013

Sparks Will Fly; AEC receives Lincoln Electric Co. Welding Education Grant

Recognizing the increasing emphasis on agriscience-teacher welding abilities, Texas Tech University's Department of Agricultural Education and Communication saw the need and applied for a Lincoln Electric Company Welding Education Grant. The result: the department has been selected as one of six institutions from across the nation to receive the new funding.

December 02, 2013

Erin A. Wheeler-Cook Fellowship Endowment

The Erin A. Wheeler-Cook Fellowship Endowment was established by various donors in 2011. The scholarship funds graduate fellowships for students enrolled in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics.

December 02, 2013

Agricultural Economics/Marketing Graduate Fellowship

The Agricultural Economics/Marketing Graduate Fellowship was established by the First Ag Credit, Co Bank, and others in 2006. The purpose of the funds are to be used to fund a graduate fellowship for a graduate student in the Department of Agricultural and Applied Economic whose research work will be in agricultural economics and marketing.